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Bertrand Russell Memorial Volume, ed. by George W. Roberts: Preface

* Source: Bertrand Russell Memorial Volume, ed. by George W. Roberts (London; Allen & Unwin, 1979. 488 p. 22 cm. Muirhead library of philosophy)

Preface by George W. Roberts

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366
This volume attempts to assess some of the achievements of Bertrand Russell in philosophy, logic and mathematics, ethics and politics. The contributions range from those more closely concerned with his work and writings to those concerned with Russell's background, his relations to his contemporaries and successors, and his subjects in a way that sheds light on Russell's efforts and accomplishments, his attempts and failures and on the matters with which he was concerned. To say that these studies are independent-minded and critical of Russell, or that they range freely over the topics with which Russell's work and influence has engaged their authors, is to say nothing of them that could not have been said of Russell's own work. Here at any rate are some efforts to describe and come to terms with the transformations of the intellectual and practical scene effected, or affected, by one of the best philosophers and best human beings of our time.
I have imposed no thoroughgoing uniformity in terminology or notation on the contributors. Each has been left free to deal with his subject as he thought best. Some of the work commissioned for this volume has appeared elsewhere in the meantime with my permission. Acknowledgment of permission to reprint materials not written on commission for this volume is due to the appropriate editors and publishers for Gilbert Ryle's 'Bertrand Russell: 1872-1970', from Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. LXXI ( 1970-I; 77-84), for William C. Kneale's 'Russell's Paradox and Some Others', from British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. XXII ( 1971; 321-338) and for Renford Bambrough's 'Foundations', from Analysis, vol. XXX (1970; 190-197). Copyright in G. N. A. Vesey's 'Self-acquaintance and the Meaning of 'I' is reserved to him. Finally, special thanks are due to Joel I. Friedman for his assistance with this volume.