ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル(著),牧野力(訳)『武器なき勝利』第3章「中印紛争」- B.紛争

* 出典:バートランド・ラッセル(著),牧野力(訳)『武器なき勝利』(理想社,1964年, 196 pp.)

3.中印紛争 B.紛争 冒頭

Chapter 3 Sino-Indian Dispute


境紛争について,あなたは全く正しいと私は考えますが,話し合いを始めるために,停戦を受け入れるように,私はあなたに嘆願します。停戦以外の代替案は,全面的な戦闘になれば交渉が不可能となりますので,インドと世界とにとって,悲惨なものとなります。私は生涯のインドの友として,機の熟している間に --さもないと,世界戦争になるかも知れません-- 周恩来(首相)の提案に同意することを懇願します。
 私が生涯のインドの友であったことは,全く事実だった。私のひいひいおじいさんはインド総督をしていた(また,彼の孫息子の息子はインドの太守だった)。私が幼い時,彼の話はロマンチックで興味深いものだった。(その時から)ずっと後になって,(私は)インド連盟総裁となり,そしてインドの自由のために働いた。他方,また,私が少年だった時,美しい支那服(中国服)を着た弁髪の中国人一行がペンブローク・ロッジに住む私の祖父を訪ねてきて,私の好奇心と興味・関心をかき立てた。そうして,また,それからずっと年月がたってから,私は中国哲学,特に荘子(Chuang-tse/Chuang-tzu/牧野氏は「老子」と誤訳)に甚だ興味を持ち,8ケ月間中国に滞在旅行した後,私は多くの共感を抱く中国人の友人たちを得て,中国国民に甚だ賞讃の念を抱いた。中国に共産主義革命が勃発した時 --蒋介石には支持に値するものは何もなかったが -- 私は寂しく感じた。私が本で読んだ洗脳や,古い伝統や学問の徹底的な破壊は,私が中国に見いだした喜ばしいものや称賛したいものを全て破壊するだろうと思った。先月以後現在も,私はこのことが確かだとはまったく実感していない。とにかく,むなしい望みと思われたが --私は,当時,いかなる犠牲を払っても,平和を愛するがゆえの多くの抗議をするインド人に希望を託していた-- ネール氏(ネール首相)に電報をうち(うった後),周恩来首相と一種の接触を試みたほうがよいと思い,同日の(1962年)11月8日にまた,周恩来首相に次のように打電したのである。
 敬 具


When fighting began in the disputed regions, I thought at first, as did almost everybody in the West, that China was wholly in the wrong and had undoubtedly been the aggressor. I telegraphed to Prime Minister Nehru, with whom I had for long been on friendly terms, on Novembher 8th, saying:
'While I think you are entirely in the right over the boundary dispute with China I plead with you to accept cease fire to permit talks to begin. Alternative may be disastrous for India and world as a full-scale conflict may make negotiations impossible. I appeal as a lifetime friend of India to agree to Chou En-1ai's offer while time permits otherwise world war may result.'
It was indeed true that I had been a life-long friend of India. My great-great-grandfather had been Governor General of India (and his great-grandson, Viceroy) and when I was a little boy tales of him had seemed to me romantic and interesting. Very many years later, I was the President of the India League and worked for her freedom. On the other hand, again when I was a small boy, a party of Chinese in beautiful robes and pig tails had come to see my grandfather at Pembroke Lodge and stirred my curiosity and interest; and again, many years later, I became much interested in Chinese philosophy, especially in Chuang-tse, and after living and travelling in China for eight months I felt that I had many sympathetic Chinese friends and I greatly admired the Chinese. When the Communist Revolution took place in China, I felt desolated, though I saw nothing good to uphold in Chiang Kai-shek. I thought that the brain-washing of which I read and the intensive destruction of old traditions and learning would destroy what I had found delightful and admirable in China. Now, after the last month, I do not feel at all sure of this. At any rate, though it seemed to me a forlorn hope - I then pinned my hope upon the Indians in whose many protestations of love of peace at any price I had largely believed - I felt that, having telegraphed to Mr Nehru, I had better try to get into some sort of touch with Prime Minister Chou En-lai, and I telegraphed to him, also, on November 8th:
'May I appeal to you to prevent inflamed national passions from translating border disagreement into tragic major conflict. Could you begin cease fire and seek Indian agreement to follow suit so that talks may begin before major war engulfs the world.
Bertrand Russell.'