ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル(著),野田又夫(訳)『私の哲学の発展』第13章「言葉」- 冒頭

* 出典:バートランド・ラッセル著(),野田又夫(訳)『私の哲学の発展』(みすず書房,1960年8月 364+ii pp./1997年9月,みすずライブラリーの1冊として刊行)



Chapter 13: Language, n.1


Philosophers and bookish people generally tend to live a life dominated by words, and even to forget that it is the essential function of words to have a connection of one sort or another with facts, which are in general non-linguistic. Some modern philosophers have gone so far as to say that words should never be confronted with facts but should live in a pure, autonomous world where they are compared only with other words. When you say, 'the cat is a carnivorous animal', you do not mean that actual cats eat actual meat, but only that in zoology books the cat is classified among carnivora. These authors tell us that the attempt to confront language with fact is 'metaphysics and is on this ground to be condemned. This is one of those views which are so absurd that only very learned men could possibly adopt them. What makes it peculiarly absurd is its blindness to the position of language in the world of fact. Language consists of sensible phenomena just as much as eating or walking, and if we can know nothing about facts we cannot know what other people say or even what we are saying ourselves. Language, like other acquired ways of behaving, consists of useful habits and has none of the mystery with which it is often surrounded. There is nothing new in the superstitious view of language, which has come down to us from pre-historic ages:
'Words from the earliest times of which we have historical records, have been objects of superstitious awe. The man who knew his enemy's name could, by means of it, acquire magic powers over him. We still use such phrases as "in the name of the Law". It is easy to assent to the statement "in the beginning was the Word". This view underlies the philosophies of Plato and Carnap and of most of the intermediate metaphysicians (An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, page 23).