* 出典:バートランド・ラッセル(著),飯島宗亨(訳)『常識と核戦争-原水爆戦争はいかにして防ぐか』(理想社,1959年5月. 138pp.)* 原著:Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare, 1959
Preface by Bertrand Russell
The aim of this book is to show possible means of achieving peace in ways which should be equally acceptable to Communist Nations, to NATO Nations and to uncommitted Nations. It is my hope that there is no word in the following pages suggesting a bias towards either side. What my opinions are concerning the merits of Eastern and Western political and economic systems, I have often stated, but opinions on these issues are not relevant in discussion of the dangers of nuclear warfare. What is needed is not an appeal to this or that -ism, but only to common sense. I do not see any reason why the kind of arguments which are put forward by those who think as I do should appeal more to one side than to the other or to Left-Wing opinion more than to that of men of conservative outlook. The appeal is to human beings, as such, and is made equally to all who hope for human survival.