

* 出典:バートランド・ラッセル(著),山田英世,市井三郎(共訳)『人類の将来』(理想社,1958年6月。286pp.)
* 原著:Unpopular Essays, 1950)

Chap.12: Obituary, 1937.

* This obituary (full text) will (or will not) be published in The Times for June 1, 1962, on the occasion of my lamented but belated death. It was printed prophetically in The Listener in 1936.

His life, for all its waywardness, had a certain anachronistic consistency, reminiscent of that of the aristocratic rebels of the early nineteenth century. His principles were curious, but, such as they were, they governed his actions. In private life he showed none of the acerbity which marred his writings, but was a genial conversationalist and not devoid of human sympathy. He had many friends, but had survived almost all of them. Nevertheless, to those who remained he appeared, in extreme old age, full of enjoyment, no doubt owing, in large measure, to his invariable health, for politically, during his last years, he was as isolated as Milton after the Restoration. He was the last survivor of a dead epoch.