ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル(著)『教育論』序論 - 冒頭

* 出典:バートランド・ラッセル(著),堀秀彦(訳)『教育論』(角川文庫,1954年7月。336pp.)
* 原著:Bertrand Russell: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926




教育論 (岩波文庫) [ バートランド・ラッセル ]
価格:1,067円(税込、送料無料) (2024/10/5時点)

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 こういう広い世界のことについては、本書の中では、私はできるだけ触れないことにしたいと思っている。(松下注:教育と社会制度(体制)との関連については、ラッセルは、『教育と社会体制』(Ecucation and the Social Order, 1932)のなかで論じている。)・・・。  



There must be in the world many parents who, like the present author have young children whom they are anxious to educate as well as possible, but reluctant to expose to the evils of most existing educational institutions. The difficulties of such parents are not soluble by any effort on the part of isolated individuals. It is, of course, possible to bring up children at home by means of governesses and tutors, but this plan deprives them of the companionship which their nature craves and without which some essential elements of education must be lacking. Moreover, it is extremely bad for a boy or girl to be made to feel 'odd' and different from other boys and girls; this feeling, when traced to parents as its cause is almost certain to rouse resentment against them, leading to a love of all that they most dislike. The conscientious parent may be driven by these considerations to send his boys and girls to schools in which he sees grave defects merely because no existing schools seem to him satisfactory - or, if any are satisfactory, they are not in his neighbourhood. Thus the cause of educational reform is forced upon conscientious parents, not only for the good of the community, but also for the good of their own children. If the parents are well-to-do, it is not necessary to the solution of their private problem that all schools should be good, but only that there should be some good school geographically available. But for wage-earning parents nothing suffices except reform in the elementary schools. As one parent will object to the reforms which another parent desires, nothing will serve except an energetic educational propaganda, which is not likely to prove effective until long after the reformer's children are grown up. Thus from love for our own children we are driven, step by step, into the wider sphere of politics and philosophy.