
ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


* 出典:バートランド・ラッセル(著),市井三郎(訳)『社会改造の原理』(河出書房新社版『世界の大思想』v.26,1969年8月刊。pp.1-155.)
* 原著:Principles fo Social Reconstrucition, 1916)


Preface to Principles of Social Reconstruction, 1916

(右の写真は、ラッセルが本講演を行ったロンドンの Caxton Hall)

The following lectures were written in 1915, and delivered in the beginning of 1916. I had hoped to re-write them considerably, and make them somewhat less inadequate to their theme; but other work which seemed more pressing intervened, and the prospect of opportunity for leisurely revision remains remote.
My aim is to suggest a philosophy of politics based upon the belief that impulse has more effect than conscious purpose in moulding men's lives. Most impulses may be divided into two groups, the possessive and the creative, according as they aim at acquiring or retaining something that cannot be shared, or at bringing into the world some valuable thing, such as knowledge or art or goodwill, in which there is no private property. I consider the best life that which is most built on creative impulses, and the worst that which is most inspired by love of possession. Political institutions have a very great influence upon the dispositions of men and women, and should be such as to promote creativeness at the expense of possessiveness. The State, war, and property are the chief political embodiments of the possessive impulses; education, marriage, and religion ought to embody the creative impulses, though at present they do so very inadequately. Liberation of creativeness ought to be the principle of reform both in politics and in economics. It is this conviction which has Ied to the writing of these lectures.