Portal Site for Russellian in Japan

ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

Our Knowledge of the External World, by Bertrand Russell _ contents

* Source: Our Knowledge of the External World, by Bertrand Russell (Chicago & London; Open Court, 1914. vii,245 p. 23 cm.)
* Reissued by George Allen & Unwin Ltd. in 1922,
* Revised and reset in 1926 by George Allen & Unwin Ltd.)

* 邦訳:石本新(訳)『外部世界はいかにして知られうるか』(中央公論社,1971年9月刊,554pp.)

_ Preface
_ I. Current Tendencies
_ II. Loglc as the Essence of Philosophy
_ III.On Our Knowledge of the Extemal World
_ IV. The World of Physics and the World of Sense
_ V. The Theory of Continuity
_ VI. The Problem of Infnity Considered Historically
_ VII.The Positive Theory of Infinity<
_ VIII.On the Notion of Cause, with Applications to the Free-Will Problem
_ Index