

 「・・・。まず罪を犯さなくては罪を悔むことはできないということを,今まで思い浮べたことがありませんか? さらに,これは福音書ではっきり教えているところです。神を喜ばす心構えに人を導きたいと望むなら,人はまず罪を犯さなければなりません。疑いもなく,例の出版業者が頒布している本(注:猥褻本)を買った人たちの多くは,あとで罪を悔いるでしょう。そうして,我々の神聖なる宗教の教えを信ずるなら,彼らの方が,あなたが立派な模範であるところの,非の打ちどころのないまっすぐな人間よりも,造物主がお気に召す者になるのです。」
Has it ever occurred to you that one cannot be contrite without first sinning? Yet this is the plain teaching of the Gospels. And if you wish to lead men into the frame of mind which is pleasing to God they must first sin. Doubtless many of those who buy the literature that my friend's publisher distributes will afterwards repent, and if we are to believe the teachings of our holy religion, they will then be more pleasing to their Maker than the impeccably righteous, among whom hitherto you have been a notable example.'

Source:Satan in the Suburbs, and Other Stories, 1953.
More Info.:https://russell-j.com/cool/45T-0101.HTM
