

* 原著:Marriage and Morals, 1929, chapt. 5: ceptical Essays, 1928, chap.5: Christian Ethics
* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典

 ルーテル(注:Martin Luther マルチン・ルッター, 1483-1546)は「結婚は火刑より優れている」という言葉に感動した。情熱に動かされて、愛する尼僧と致命的な大罪を犯しかねないのを恐れて独身の誓いを破り、結婚した。

(Luther was much impressed by the text “It is better to marry than to burn”, and was also in love with a nun. He inferred that, in spite of vows of celibacy, he and the nun had a right to marry, since otherwise, given the strength of his passions, he would have been led into mortal sin. Protestantism accordingly abandoned the praise of celibacy, which had been characteristic of the Catholic Church, and wherever it was vigorous it also abandoned the doctrine that marriage is a sacrament, and tolerated divorce in certain circumstances. But Protestants were more shocked than Catholics by fornication, and altogether more rigid in their moral condemnations. )