* 原著:On Education, 1926, chapt. 19: Conclusion
* 出典:牧野力(編)『
自発的学習で、己の不足を補う。この努力に機会を与えなければならない。知識無くして、希望の世界 は建設されない。知織は自然や破壊的情熱のカから人間を解放してくれるからだ。このように
教育された世代は 様々な
迷信に捕われた恐怖(心)の下にあった我々の世代よりも、一層大胆な希望を抱けるだろう。新しい自由世界を実現するのは、彼らの世代であり 彼らの世代を育てるのは、我々の世代である。この道程ははっきりしている。もし我々が真に子供たちを愛するならば、我々に可能なこの偉大な贈りものを彼らに与えようではないか。

(When we have created young people freed from fear and inhibitions and rebellious or thwarted instincts, we shall be able to open to them the world of knowledge, freely and completely, without dark hidden corners ; and if instruction is wisely given, it will be a joy rather than a task to those who receive it. It is not important to increase the amount of what is learnt above that now usually taught to the children of the professional classes. What is important is the spirit of adventure and liberty, the sense of setting out upon a voyage of discovery. If formal education is given in this spirit, all the more intelligent pupils will supplement it by their own efforts, for which every opportunity should be provided. Knowledge is the liberator from the empire of natural forces and destructive passions ; without knowledge, the world of our hopes cannot be built. A generation educated in fearless freedom will have wider and bolder hopes than possible to us, who still have to struggle with superstitious fears that lie in wait for us below the level of consciousness. Not we, but the free men and women whom we shall create, must see the new world, first in their hopes, and then at last in the full splendour of reality.
The way is clear. Do we love our children enough to take it ? Or shall we let them suffer as we have suffered ? Shall we let them be twisted and stunted and terrified in youth, to be killed afterwards in futile wars which their intelligence was too cowed to prevent ? A thousand ancient fears obstruct the road to happiness and freedom. But love can conquer fear, and if we love our children nothing can make us withhold the great gift which it is in our power to bestow.)