
ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


* 原著:Dear Bertrand Russell, 1969
* 出典:『ラッセル思想辞典』所収

[ . . . We are a Czechoslovak magazine and are trying to make it easier for ordinary people in the whole world who want to live in peace and happiness, to understand one another, to become friends. ...
2. What do you think is the chief reason why people throughout the world do not understand one another as well as they should? ]
* 注:[非英語圏のチェコスロヴァキア人の英文のため、「We」=「a Czechoslovak magazine」というのは、私達(人間)は「チェコスロヴァキアの雑誌」と言っており変です。「We, a Czechoslovak magazine, are trying to ...」とでもすべきところです。「as well as」も変な使い方をしています。

・・・。(理由の)一つは言葉の違い、もう一つは教育で国家主義を強調することです。 教育の影響を受ける前のきわめて幼い子供は、他国の同年代の人達と仲良くするのにほとんど困難はありません。彼らは。互いに相手の言葉を容易に学び、異なっていることがショックを与えるよりもむしろ面白いと気づくでしょう。幼い時に他国の人々と接触することが、国家(間)の壁を打ち破る最良の方法だと、私は考えます。
[Dear Mr Prochazka, September 16, 1964
... One is difference of language, and the other is the emphasis on nationalism in education. The very young, before they have been subjected to the influence of education have much less difficulty in getting on with people of their own age from another country. They learn each other's languages easily and find the differences amusing rather than shocking. I think that contact with people of other countries in youth is the best way of breaking down national barriers.]