

* 原著:Fact and Fiction, 1961, Part II, chap.1: What is Freedom?
* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』索引


 経済的自由の問題は、は現代における最も緊迫した論争の種であり、完全な自由放任主義は(形式上)最も自由な制度であるが、徐々に、それを支持する意見は減ってきている。極端な無政府主義者は殺人や窃盗に対する自由を擁護するが、刑事犯を無拘束で放置すれば、一般市民の生活は甚だ不自由になると、大部分の人が認識している。英国の初期の産業主義はは、児童の無制限労働を認めていたが、ついには、社会の良心に衝撃を与えた。 ・・・。
 真に自由を愛好する人々が、資本家の自由を減らし、勤労者を餓死させないことを歓迎すべきものと考えるのは、 資本家は強盗同様少人数で、労働者は圧倒的に多いゆえ、当然、後者の自由を保証すべきだからである。 とはいえ、英国で経済的自由が達成されたと言うつもりはない。
( Economic freedom is a matter which raises some of the most acute controversies of our time.
It used to be thought obvious that complete laissez-faire is the system under which there is most freedom, but gradually opinions has changed in this respect. Extreme anarchists advocate freedom for murderers and thieves, but most of us realize that we should have far less freedom if criminals were in no way restrained. Early industrialism in England, which allowed unrestricted child labour, in the end shocked the conscience of the community. As regards the adult wage-earner also, it was realized that, so long as trade unions were illegal, his liberty consisted only in being free to choose between employer's terms and starvation. This form of liberty, oddly enough, was not greatly valued by those who enjoyed it.
Economic liberty rightly conceived does not consist in allowing anybody to do anything he likes in the economic sphere, but consists rather in freeing a man from economic compulsion so long as his behaviour does not flagrantly disregard the public interest. This means, in effect, that if a man is law-abiding and willing to work he must not be allowed to starve. Laissez-faire cannot secure this result. It has been hoped that Socialism would achieve it, but Socialism in the Russian form does far more to destroy it than was done by capitalism even in its most ruthless days.
A Russian worker whom the authorities dislike can be deprived of his ration book. If this is thought an insufficient punishment, he can be removed to a concentration camp. I do not think that there has ever in past history been so little freedom anywhere as these was in Stalin's Russia.
In England, on the contrary, only those forms of Socialism have been adopted which tend to increase the economic freedom ought to welcome this result in spite of the lessened freedom of capitalists. For the capitalists, like the burglars, are a minority, and are restrained for the sake of the freedom of the majoritry. But I will not pretend that the problem or economic freedom has as yet been fully solved either in Britain or elsewhere.)