

* 原著:Fact and Fiction, 1961, Part II, chap.2: What is Democracy?
* 出典:『ラッセル思想辞典』索引



 腐敗した非良心的な警察と、そういう警察の犯罪を摘発する熱意のない裁判官が存在すると、普通の一般市民は、(この警察と裁判所とがグルになった)強力な組織 - そういった組織体は、法律を執行することになっているということだけで、不法行為を行う特別な(例外的な)能力を有している- の思うがままにされている自分達の姿を発見する可能性がある。この危険性は多くの国々でほとんど認識されていない,と私は考えている。

( There is one matter in which many democracies have been unsuccessful, and that is the control of the police. Given a police force which is corrupt and unscrupulous, and judges who are not anxious to discover its crimes, it is possible for ordinary citizens to find themselves at the mercy of a powerful organization which, just because it is supposed to enforce the law, has exceptional facilities for acting illegally. I think this is a danger which is much too little realized in many countries.
Happily it is realized in England, and most English people regard the policeman as a friend. But in many countries he is viewed with terror, as a man who may, at any moment, bring grave trouble upon any person whom he happens to dislike or whom the police, as a whole, consider politically objectionable.
When the Communists were acquiring control of what are now satellite States, they always aimed, first of all, at control of the police. If they acquired that, they could accuse their enemies of plots or other crimes and terrify everybody into subesrvience.