

* 原著:Has Man a Future? 1961
* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』索引


 軍備撤廃(全般的完全軍縮)は甚だ重要だが、それだけでは安定した世界平和は確保されない(確保するには不十分である)。核兵器その他の製造技術(や知識)を保有している限り、交戦国が製造を再開しうるからである。しかし 軍縮(軍備縮小)は甚だ重要かつ不可欠な基本的ステップであることにはかわりはない。
( General disarmament, though immensely important and desirable, would not, if achieved, be enough in itself to secure a stable peace. So long as scientific technique continues to be understood, any major war that might break out would lead to the manufacture of nuclear weapons by both sides and of whatever even more deadly weapons had been foreseen during the previous years of peace. But although disarmament, for this reason, is not alone sufficient, it is a very essential step without which no other can lead to much of value.)

 第一のグループは、瀬戸際政策 (Brinkmanship)を唱導する人たちで、敵国に神経戦で勝つために戦争勃発の一歩前ギリギリの所まで敵国を追い込めば敵は先に屈するのは確実だと信じている人たちである(ヒトラーもこの政策を採用)。
 第二のグループは、戦争屋(war mongers)で、彼らはイデオロギーや民族主義を狂信し、明白な反証にも目をつぶり、耳を貸さず、自己の勝利を夢想する人たちである。・・・。
 第三のグループは、自己犠牲的な(自虐的な)狂信者義者たちであり、たとえ戦争の結果が戦前よりもずっと悪くなるとしても、大義のために(in a good cause)戦って死ぬことは英雄的で高貴な行為であると、彼らは賛美する。
( Some, who advocate Brinkmanship, persuade themselves that in a war of nerves the other side is sure to yield first. This is what Hitler thought after Munich, and his miscalculation led to his downfall. In the same situation at the present day it would have led also to the downfall of his enemies.
There is another group of even more dangerous war mongers. These are the people so filled with national or ideological pride that, in the face of all evidence, they still believe that their side would 'win'. I think that this unfounded belief is widely prevalent in both Russia and America, and is encouraged by the Governments both countries as an asset in negotiation.
There is a third group, the group of sacrificial fanatics. This group holds that it is noble to fight and die in a good cause even if the result of your sacrifice is going to be a much worse world than that which would exist if you were less prepared for martyrdom.
Unfortunately, ever since Hiroshima, these three groups have acted together and have succeeded, hitherto, in preventing anything that might diminish the risk of nuclear war. ...

( Khrushchev's proposal for complete and general disarmament should be taken far more seriously than it has been taken in the West. The West, as often before with Russian proposals, has maintained that the Soviet Govern ment will not agree to adequate inspection, Khrushchev said, at first, that he would tolerate any degree of inspection after disarmament, but not before. He must have known that the West could not agree to this. If the West were to disarm and were to discover too late that the East had not disarmed, the discoveries revealed by inspection would no longer serve any useful purpose. But Khrushchev has also said that if universal and complete disarmament is decided upon, he will tolerate any degree of inspection as soon as agreement is reached. The West has been careful not to discover what precisely Khrushchev would accept in the way of inspection. It has been content to reject his proposal as something not intended seriously. This was a grievous error which would not have been committed if the West had genuinely desired disarmament. Instead of investigating Khrushchev's proposal, the Western Powers put forward proposals of their own and thereby kept alive indefinitely the futile contest of argument and counter-argument. There is one other matter which is likely to be of very great importance within a decade. It is that of manned satellites in orbits round the earth....
... One thing only is needed to turn this Hell into Heaven: it is that East and West alike should cease to hate and fear each other and should become aware of the common happiness that they can enjoy if they are willing to work together. It is in our hearts that the evil lies, and it is from our hearts that it must be plucked out.)