* 原著:What is Democracy?, 1953* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』所収
これが、「予防戦争」の提唱として、後で、'平和主義者でありながら、戦争で脅すとは何事ぞ' と、私を攻撃する材料となった。憶測だが、同案が受諾されていれば、その後の現実の核軍拡は進行しなかっただろうし、この勧告は決して恥辱ではなく、私の思想の「矛盾」でもない。ただ、ソ連の拒否反応に余り気配りせずに、自分として '何気ない勧告' という発言には反省すべき所があったと自覚している。
I thought better of it then, and of the American motives in making it, than I have since learned to think, but I still wish that the Russians had accepted it. However, the Russians did not. They exploded their first bomb in August, 1949, and it was evident that they would do all in their power to make themselves the equals of the United States in destructive - or, politely, defensive -power. The arms race became inevitable unless drastic measures were taken to avoid it. That is why, in late 1948. I suggested that the remedy might be the threat of immediate war by the United States on Russia for the purpose of forcing nuclear disarmament upon her.