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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


* (語学テキスト)佐山栄太郎(編)『訳注ラッセル選』から採録
* 出典:佐山栄太郎(編)『訳注ラッセル選』(南雲堂,1960年7月刊)pp.108-1093.

The importance of) Toleration 「寛容」(の重要性について)
If there is to be*1 toleration in the world, one of the things taught in schools*2 must be the habit of weighing evidence*3, and the practice of not giving full assent to*4 propositions*5 which there is no reason to believe true. For example, the art of reading the newspapers should be taught. The school-master should select some incident which happened a good many years ago, and roused political passions*6 in its day. He should then read to the school-children what was said by the newspapers on one side, what was said by those*7 on the other, and some impartial*8 account of what really happened. He should show how, from the biased account*9 of either side, a practised*10 reader could infer*11 what really happened, and he should make them understand that everything in newspapers is more or less untrue. The cynical*12 scepticism which would result from this teaching would make the children in later life*13 immune*14 from those appeals to idealism*15 by which decent people are induced*16 to further*17 the schemes*18 of scoundrels*19.
*1 If there is to be 「もし...があるべきだとすれぱ」「...があるためには」
*2 schoo1s とは高・中学校のこと。普通には大学は含まない。
*3 weighing evidence 「証拠を考量する」
*4 give full assent to 「...に完全に賛成する」 この表現をよく覚えておく。
*5 proposition「陳述」「主張」
*6 rouse political passions 「政治的激情,激論を引き起す」
*7 by those の those は newspapers.
*8 impartial 「公平な」「偏しない」
*9 biased account 「偏向した記述」
*10 practised 「熟練した」
*11 infer「推論する」「結論する」
*12 cynical[sinikl]「冷笑的な」「皮肉な」これはものになかなか美点を認めない,とかく難くせをつけるような性質を言う。
*13 in later life 「後になって,大きくなってから」
*14 immune[imju::n]「免疫の」これは from を伴うことが多い。
*15 idealism 「理想主義」「観念論」
*16 be induced to 「勧められて...する」
*17 further = promote, help forward.
*18 scheme[ski:m]「計画」「計略」
*19 scoundrel 「悪党」「ふらち者」

which ... believe true の which は believe の目的で,true は補語。true の前に to be を入れてもよい。some impartial account ...は前の read の目的語。最後の sentence には which に導かれる節が二つあり,何れも形容詞節であるが,後の方の which の先行詞は appeals である。
