* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』Source: The Problem of China, 1922, chap.1.
もし全世界の人々が採用する気になれば、世界が幸福になれ、欧米人と違う人間の生き方を中国人は発見したし、何世紀もの間実践して来た。中国人の生き方は、欧米人流の進歩と能率の名の下に行う搾取、闘争、落ち着きのない変化、不満と破壊の生活ではない。この破壊に向かう能率主義を完成すると、人類の全滅に終るしかない。もし西欧が小馬鹿にしている「東洋の知恵」をいくらかでも学ぶ気にならなければ、西欧文明の行き着く先は、人類絶滅の徹底的遂行でしかない。(挿絵:From Russell's The Good Citizen's Alphabet,1954)
Our Western civilization is built upon assumptions, which, to a psychologist, are rationalizings of excessive energy. Our industrialism, our militarism, our love of progress, our missionary zeal, our imperialism, our passion for dominating and organizing, all spring from a superflux of the itch for activity. The creed of efficiency for its own sake, without regard for the ends to which it is directed, has become somewhat discredited in Europe since the war, which would have never taken place if the Western nations had been slightly more indolent. But in America this creed is still almost universally accepted; so it is in Japan, and so it is by the Bolsheviks, who have been aiming fundamentally at the Americanization of Russia. Russia, like China, may be described as an artist nation; but unlike China it has been governed, since the time of Peter the Great, by men who wished to introduce all the good and evil of the West. In former days, I might have had no doubt that such men were in the right. Some (though not many) of the Chinese returned students resemble them in the belief that Western push and hustle are the most desirable things on earth. I cannot now take this view.