

* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』所収
Source: New Hopes for a Changing World, 1951, chap.13

(挿絵:From Russell's The Good Citizen's Alphabet,1954

Some opponents of Communism are attempting to produce an ideology for the Atlantic Powers, and for this purpose they have invented what they call 'Western Values?. These are supposed to consist of toleration, respect for individulal liberty, and brotherly love. I am afraid this view is grossly unhistorical.
If we compare Europe with other continents, it is marked out as the persecuting continent. Persecution only ceased after long and bitter experience of its futility; it continued as long as either Protestants or Catholics had any hope of exterminating the oposite party.The European record in this respect is far blacker than that of the Mohammedans, the Indians or the Chinese. No, if the West can claim superiority in anything, it is not in moral values but in science and scienfific technique.