Bertrand Russell : Portal Site for Russellian in Japan


* 出典:土方辰三(編著)『訳注20世紀作家選-モーム、オーウェル、グリーン、ラッセル』(南雲堂,1958年刊。215pp./現代作家シリーズn.62 別巻)

Boredom and Excitement, by Bertrand Russell


Boredom as a factor in human behaviour has received, in my opinion, far less attention than it deserves. It has been, I believe, one of the great motive powers throughout the historical epoch*1, and is so at the present day more than ever. Boredom would seem to be a distinctively*2 human emotion. Animals in captivity, it is true, become listless*3, pace up and down but in a state of nature I do not believe that they experience anything analogous to boredom. Most of the time*4 they are on the look-out for*5 enemies, or food, or both; sometimes they are mating*6, sometimes they are trying to keep warm*7. But even when they are unhappy, I do not think that they are bored. Possibly the anthropoid apes*8 may resemble us in this respect as in so many others, but having never lived with them I have not had the opportunity to make the experiment. One of the essentials of boredom consist in the contrast between present circumstances and some other more agreeable circumstances which force themselves irresistibly upon*9 the imagination. It is also one of the essentials of boredom that one's faculties must not be fully occupied*10. Running away from enemies who are trying to take one's life is, I imagine, unpleasant, but certainly not boring. A man would not feel bored while he was being executed*11, unless he had almost superhuman courage.
(From: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930. )


*1 throughout the historical times 「有史以来」/*2 distinctively 「特に」/*3 1istless 「ものうげ」/*4 most of the time 「大部分の時間」/*5 on tbe look-out for 「見張る」/*6 mating 「交尾Theする」/*7 keep warmr 「からだを暖かに保つ」/*8 anthropoid apes 「類人猿」/*9 force themselves irresistibly upon ... 「無理に押しつけられる」/*10 not be fully occupied 「充分働いていない」/*11 executed 「処刑される」

