* 出典:浅川淳(編著)『訳注現代作家選 -モーム、ハックスリー、リンド、ガーディナー、ミルン、ラッセル』(南雲堂,1956年6月刊。214pp./現代作家シリーズn.61/(語学テキスト )
Effort and Resignation |
努力と諦め | |||
Tbe golden mean*1 is an uninteresting doctrine*2, and I can remember when I was young rejecting it with scorn*3 and indignation*4, since in those days it was heroic extremes*5 that I admired. Truth, however, is not always interesting, and many things are believed because they are interesting although, in fact, there is little other evidence in their favour*6. The golden mean is a case in point*7: it may be an uninteresting doctrine, but in a very great many matters it is a true one. (From: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930. ) *1 The golden(or happy) mean 「中庸の徳」/*2 doctrine 「教義」「教訓」/*3 scorn 「嘲り」/*4 indignation 「憤慨」/*5 extreme 「極端」/*6 in their favour 「それに都合のよいような」/*7 in point 「適切な」; a case in point 「適例」 |