

* 原著:Marriage and Morals, 1929, chap. 13: The Family at the Present Day
* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典


 家族は,人間以前の(人類誕生以前からある)制度であり,その生物学的な論拠は,妊娠や授乳期の間の父親の助けが子どもたちの生き残りに役立つ,というものである。(注:牧野氏は pre-human を「原人(時代)」と訳出している)。 ・・・原始時代の父親は,子供と自分の間に生物学的な結びつきがあることを知らない。子供は,自分の愛する女性が生んだものである。この事実を彼(父親)も知っている。なぜなら子供が生まれるところを見たからである。そして,まさに,この事実こそが,彼(父親)と子供の間に本能的なきずなを生み出すのである。・・・
 けれども,知能の発達とともに,人は遅かれ早かれ,善悪の知識の木の実をいくらか食べなければならない(注:"eat of":文語的な言い方で「少し食べる」)。彼は,子供は自分の種から生まれることを知るようになり,それゆえ,妻の貞操を確実なものにしなければならない(注:安藤訳では「確かめる」と訳されているが、単なる check ではなく,ここでは「確実なものにする」の意味)。妻と子供は彼の財産(所有物)となる。また,経済的発展のある段階においては,非常に価値のある財産となりうる。彼は宗教を持ち出して(bring ... to bear),妻と子供が自分(彼)に対して義務感を持つように仕向ける。・・・
・・・もしかしたら - 実際,私は決してありえないことではないと思っているが- 父親は遠からず完全に除去されるかもしれない(注:国家が父親代わりになるなど)。ただし,金持ちは(金持ちが社会主義によって廃止されることはないと仮定して)その限りではない。その場合には,女性は子供を,個々の父親とではなく,国家と共有することになるであろう。女性は,欲しいだけの数の子供を生むだろうし,父親には(子供に対して)なんの責任もなくなるであろう。
(The family is a pre-human institution, whose biological justification is that the help of the father during pregnancy and lactation tends to the survival of the young. ... The primitive father does not know that the child has any biological connection with himself; the child is the offspring of the female whom he loves. This fact he knows, since he has seen the child born, and it is this fact that produces the instinctive tie between him and the child. ...
With the development of intelligence, however, man is bound sooner or later to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He becomes aware that the child springs from his seed, and he must therefore make sure of his wife's virtue. The wife and the child become his property, and at a certain level of economic development they may be very valuable property. He brings religion to bear, to cause his wife and children to have a sense of duty towards him. ...
It was the economic conditions of early pastoral and agricultural communities that brought the family to its fullest fruition. ... In order to make sure that they (= children) should work for their father, it was necessary that the institution of the family should be sanctified by the whole weight of religion and morals. ... The causes which brought about the decay of the family were partly economic and partly cultural. ... n early civilization, the father was God; in Christianity, God is the Father, with the result that the authority of the merely human parent is weakened. ...
The decay of the family in quite recent times is undoubtedly to be attributed in the main to the industrial revolution ...
In the modern world, the great majority of fathers are too hard-worked to see much of their own children. ... In the serious business of caring for the child, fathers can seldom participate. ...
... and indeed I think it far from improbable- that the father will be completely eliminated before long, except among the rich (supposing the rich to be not abolished by Socialism). In that case, women will share their children with the State, not with an individual father. They will have such number of children as they desire, and the fathers will have no responsibility.)