バートランド・ラッセル「意見の柔軟性 」
* 出典:R.カスリルズ、B.フェインベルグ(編),日高一輝(訳)『拝啓バートランド・ラッセル様_市民との往復書簡集』IV. 哲学関係書簡・・・。同封した論文は発表(出版)予定のものです。・・・その論文の中に誤りがなく,先生の哲学の新しい評価を促すことになればと期待しています。・・・。
拝復 ミセス・イームズ様敬 具 バートランド・ラッセル
'... The enclosed paper [is to] be published. ... I hope it contains no errors, and that it promotes a new evaluation of your philosophy, ...'
Dear Mrs Eames, (October 30, 1965)
Thank you for your letter ... and for your article about me, both of which reached me today. I am grateful for your article and, as far as I can judge, the things you say about my work are just. I have always felt, myself, that there is a certain absurdity in criticizing a philosopher for changing his mind as a result of new scientific work. I think this comes of the many centuries of association of philosophy with theology, In theology, it is expected that a man should be willing to be burnt at the stake rather than change his mind. But as philosophy becomes more associated with science than with theology, a philosopher's opinions should have a certain flexibility. ...
Yours sincerely
Bertrand Russell
(From: Dear Bertrand Russell, 1969.)