* 出典:R.カスリルズ、B.フェインベルグ(編著),日高一輝(訳)『拝啓バートランド・ラッセル様 - 市民との往復書簡集』ラッセル平和財団のスポンサーにハイレ・セラシェ皇帝の名が入っていますが、私はそれがちょっと気にかかります。・・・。
![]() ラッセルの言葉366 |
敬 具
' ... Haile Selassie's name added to that of your sponsors [of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation] gives me thought. ...'
Dear Mr Beasley,
'... As you know, I consider the most urgent issue facing us to be the avoidance of nuclear war and ...
Haire Selassie is a feudal ruler and an autocrat, but he has performed a very valuable service in settling the Algerian-Moroccan Border dispute and in assisting neutralism in Africa through his efforts on behalf of African Unity which has its headuarters in Addis Ababa.
... I hope you will see, therefore, that the support of all who wish to help to work for peace is welcome by us, ...
Bertrand Russell
(From: Dear Bertrand Russell; a selection of his correspondence with the general public, 1950 - 1968. Allen & Unwin, 1969.)