ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


バートランド・ラッセル「販売抵抗について」(1932年6月22日付)(松下彰良 訳)

* 原著:On salaes resistance, by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975

* 改訳及びHTML修正をしました。(2011.1.4)

 近年,販売抵抗(sales resistance)を乗り越えるために,即ち,控えめな人たちに働きかけ,彼(彼女)等の財布のひもをゆるませ,自ら欲しいと全然思わない物品を購入させようと,厖大なお金と時間と知能が費やされてきた。そしてこういった事柄(たくさん物を売って営業成績をあげること)が立派なことであるかのように考えられるのが,我々の時代(現代)の1つの特徴である。
 たとえば,家族と楽しい夏期休暇を過ごすために貯金をずっとしてきた多忙な職業の人が,ちょっとした隙をつかれて,なんとかしてグランドピアノを売り込もうとする高度に訓練された強盗のようなセールスマンにつきまとわれる,といった光景を思い浮かべてみよう。「わが家にはグランド・ピアノを置くようなスペースはありません」と言っても,このならず者(のようなセールスマン)は,「壁を少しこわせばピアノの一部が寝室(best bedroom:主寝室?)にわずか突き出るだけでうまくリビング・ルームに納まります。」と答える。この家の主人が「私も妻もピアノを弾かないし,一番上の娘も音階の練習を始めたばかりだ(だから普通のピアノで十分)」と言うと,そのならず者は,「初心者だからこそわが社のピアノを買う必要があります(=最初が肝心?)。普通のピアノの音色は平凡ですが,わが社のピアノは,深みのある,最上の美しいメロディーを奏でることができます。」と答える。主人はいらいらして,「用事があるので,もう出かけないといけない。」と言うと,そのならず者は,「それでは明日また出直してきます。」と脅すと,その主人は,とうとう抵抗をあきらめ,グランドピアノを購入することになる。その結果,子供たちは海辺での休暇を断念し,奥さんのグチで,家族全員夏休み中まずい料理(=奥さんのグチが料理のソースがわりとなるため,また高価な買い物をしたため食費を節約)を食べさせられることになる。。
 こんなみじめな思いと引き換えに,そのセールスマン(=ならず者)は形ばかりのコミッション(販売手数料)をもらい,そしてピアノを売った会社の経営者は,売値のあるパーセンテージを利益としてもらう。さらに,両者(経営者とセールスマン)はその活動により市場に活気をもたらす(=景気をよくする)ので,国に貢献したとさえ思われるのである。このような主客転倒した現象はすべて,経済に関係した物事を,消費者の立場からでなく,企業の立場から考えることによるものである。昔は,人間に食べられるために,パンは焼かれると皆思っていたが,現在ではパンが焼かれるために(=焼くこと自体が一次的な目的),われわれはパンを食べる(=二次的な結果)と考えられている。現在われわれがお金を使う場合,われわれは,ものを購入して自ら楽しむよりも,その生産者を豊かにするために金を使うと期待されている。このような世の中では,実業上の技能・技術が最も尊ばれ,そしてこの才能とは,買いたい物よりもむしろ買いたくない物を人に売りつける技量として最も発揮されるため,商品を買う側(消費者)に多大な苦痛を及ぼす人間が,最も尊敬されることになる。(右イラスト出典: Russell's The Good Citizen's Alphabet, 1953.)


Throughout recent years, a vast amount of money and time and brains has been employed in overcoming sales resistance, i.e. in inducing unoffending persons to waste their money in purchasing objects which they had no desire to possess. It is characteristic of our age that this sort of thing is considered meritorious : lectures are given on salesmanship, and those who possess the art are highly rewarded. Yet, if a moment's consideration is given to the matter, it is clear that the activity in question is a noxious one which does more harm than good. Some hard-working professional man, for example, who has been saving up with a view to giving his family a pleasant summer holiday, is beset in a weak moment by a highly trained bandit who wants to sell him a grand piano. He points out that he has no room large enough to house it, but the bandit shows that, by knocking down a bit of wall, the tail of the piano can be made to project from the living room into the best bedroom. Paterfamilias says that he and his wife do not play the piano and his oldest daughter has only just begun to learn scales. 'The very reason why you should buy my piano' says the bandit. 'On ordinary pianos scales may be tiresome, but on mine they have all the depth of the most exquisite melody.' The harassed householder mentions that he has an engagement and cannot stay any longer. The bandit threatens to come again next day; so, in despair, the victim gives way and his children have to forgo their seaside holiday, while his wife's complaints are a sauce to every meal throughout the summer.
In return for all this misery, the salesman has a mere commission and the man whose piano is being sold obtains whatever percentage of the price represents his profit. Yet, both are thought to have deserved well of their country since their enterprise is supposed to be good for business.
All this topsy-turvydom is due to the fact that everything economic is looked upon from the standpoint of the producer rather than of the consumer. In former times, it was thought that bread is baked in order to be eaten; nowadays we think that it is eaten in order to be baked. When we spend money, we are expected to do so not with a view to our enjoyment of what we purchase but to enrich those who have manufactured it. Since the greatest of virtues is business skill and since skill is shown in making people buy what they don't want rather than what they do, the man who is most respected is the one who has caused most pain to purchasers. All this is connected with a quite elementary mistake, namely, failure to realise that what a man spends in one direction he has to save in another so that bullying is not likely to increase his total expenditure. But partly also it is connected with the notion that a man's working hours are the only important part of his life and that what he does with the rest of his time is unimportant unless it affects other men's working hours. A few clergymen, it is true, speak of the American home and the joys of family life, but that is regarded merely as their professional talk, against which a very considerable sales resistance has grown up. And so everything is done for the sake of something else. We make money not in order to enjoy what it provides but in order that in spending it we may enable others to make money which they will spend in enabling yet others to make money which. . . . But the end of this is bedlam.