
実費でお譲りできるバートランド・ラッセル関係資料(1): 原著-2020.01.01 現在


01. German Social Democracy(Longmans,1965)--- 3,000円  (hardcover)    
03. A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz, 1900.---3,000円(paperback)、
04. The Principles of Mathematics, 1903.--- 3,500円 (paperback)
07. The Problems of Philosophy, 1912.--- 1,000円 (paperback)    
10. Principles of Social Reconstruction, 1916.--- 1,000円 (paperback)
11. Political Ideals, 1917.--- 1,000円 (paperback)   
12. Mysticism and Logic, Dec. 1917 --- 1,200円 (paperback)
12-2. A Free Man's Worsihp, --- 1,200円 (paperback)
13. Roads to Freedom, 1918.--- paperback 1000円、hardcover 2000円
16. The Analysis of Mind, 1921--- 2,500円(hardcover)   
22. The ABC of Relativity, 1925.--- 1,200円 (paperback)   
23. On Education, 1926.--- 2,000円      
24. An Outline of Philosophy, 1927.--- 2,000円 (paperback)  
26. Sceptical Essays, 1928.--- 1,800円 (paperback)
27. Marriage and Morals, 1929.--- 1,200円 (paperback)    
28. The Conquest of Happiness, 1930. --- 1,500円
29. The Scientific Outlook, 1931. --- 2,500円 (hardcover:石井仙水氏旧蔵者印あり)
31. Freedom and Organization, 1934.
 v.1=Legitimacy versus Industrialism (Pt.1 & Pt.2 of Freedom versus Organization)--- 1,000円
36. Power; a new social analysis, 1938. ---1,500円 (paperback)
37. An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, 1940. ----- 2,500円 (paperback)     
39. Humaman Knowledge; its scope and limits, 1948. ---Paperback 2000円、Hardcover 4,000円      
41. Unpopular Essays, 1950. --- 1,500円 (paperback)  
42. New Hopes for a Changing World, 1951.--- 2,000円 (hardcover), 1,000(傷みあり)  
43. The Impact of Science on Society, 1952. ---1,500円 (paperback)
45. Satan in the Suburbs, 1953. ---2,000円 (paperback)
46. Nightmares of Eminent Persons, 1954. ----- 2,000円 (paperback)
47. Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954. --- 2,800円(Hardcover)
49. Portraits from Memory, and Other Essays, 1956.--- 3,000円 (hardcover)   
x5. B. Russell's Best, 1958.--- 1,000円 (paperback)
53. Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare, 1959.--- 1,500円 (paperback)
54. My Philosophical Development, 1960 --- 1,500 (paperback)
58. Has Man a Future?, 1961. ---  1,500円(hardcover)
59. The Basic Writings of B. Russell, 1961. --- 2,500円 (paperback) 
60. Unarmed Victory, 1963.--- 2,500円(hardcover)
62. The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell. --- 2,500円 (paperback)
64. Dear Bertrand Russell, 1968.---  3,000円 (hardcover)