
ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

早稲田大学ラッセル関係資料コーナー_所蔵目録 n.1


3.関 係 文 献

  3.2-1. 外国語文献(単行書)
  3.2-2. 外国語文献(雑誌等掲載)

 01.The Philosophy of Mr. B*rtr*nd R*ss*ll, ed. by P. E. B. Jourdain.  1st ed.  
   Allen & Unwin, 1918. 

 02.Die Soziologie Bertrand Russells; Kritische Gedanken  ber ihre Methode, 
      von C. A. Emge.   1st ed.  Frommannsche Buchhandlung, 1924.

  ☆01.Why Mr. Bertrand Russell is not a Christian; an essay in controversy.  
        London, Student Christian Movement, 1928.  160 p. *Index(p.158-160)
        *First ed. *Pbk.
  03.The Bertrand Russell Case, ed. by John Dewey and H. M. Kallen.
      Da Capo Press, 1972.
    *1941年にViking Pressによって出版されたもののリプリント版。

  04-1.Bertrand Russell and Trinity, by G. H. Hardy.  Cambridge U. P., 1970.
        * Repr. of the 1942 ed.  
        * p.v-viii = C. D. Broad のまえがき(1970年2月25日付)含む。

   -2. // .  Arno Press, 1977.

 05.The Philosohy of Bertrand Russell.  3rd ed.  Ed. by P. A. Schilpp.
      Tudor, 1951.

 06.Bertrand Russell,O.M., by H. W. Leggett.  1st ed.  Lincolns-Prager, 1949.

 07.Bertrand Russell; a short guide to his philosophy, by A. Dorward.  1st ed.
      Pub. for British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, 1951.

 08.Bertrand Russell's Construction of the External World, by C. A. Fritz. 
      Greenwood Press, c1952,1975.  *First Greenwood repr. in 1974.

 09-1.Bertrand Russell; the passionate sceptic, by A. Wood.  1st ed.   Allen & 
        Unwin, 1957.  
    -2.  // . Allen & Unwin, 1963.  (Unwin books)  
  10-1.Bertrand Russell; a life, by Herbert Gottschalk, tr. by E. Fitzgerald, 
        1967. (Unwin books)
        * 1962年に出された独語原著の英訳。

  11.Into the 10th Decade; tribute to Bertrand Russell.  n.p.,n.d.
      [38 p.]
      *Excerpts from B. Russell's works, 1903 ~ .

 12.Bertrand Russell's Philosophy of Morals, by L. W. Aiken.  1st ed.  
      Humanities Press, 1963.

 13.Bertrand Russell on Education, by Joe Park.  Allen & Unwin, c1963,1964.   
   *First pub. in Great Britain in 1964.

   -2.  // .  Ohio State U. P., 1963.  (Studies in educational theory of the 
      John Dewey Society, n.1)  

 14.Bertrand Russell; Philosopher of the Century, ed. by R. Schoenman. 1st ed.
      Allen & Unwin, 1967.

 15.The Theory of Knowledge of B. Russell, by J. Chisholm.  1st ed.   Catholic 
      Book Agency, 1967.
     *Ph.D. Dissertation.

 16-1.Bertrand Russell and the British Tradition in Philosophy, by D. F. Pears.
        1st ed.  Collins, c1967,1968. *Repr. with corrections, 1968.  *pbk.
   -2. 2nd ed.  Collins/Fontana, May 1972.  *pbk.

 17.Bertrand Russell; Philosopher and Humanist, by J. Lewis.  1st ed.   N.Y., 
      International Publishers, 1968.

 18.Lecon sur la Premiere Philosophie de Russell, par J. Vuillemin.   1st ed.  
      Colin, 1968.

 19.Bertrand Russell's Philosophy of Language, by R. J. Clack.  Martinus 
      Nijhoff, c1972,1972.  
      *Photomechanical reprint.   First pub. in 1969.

 20.Necessary Russell, by William Ready.  1st ed.  Copp Clark, 1969.

 21.Russell Remembered, by R. Crawshay-Williams.  1st ed.  Oxford U. P., 1970.

 22.A Meeting in Honour of Bertrand Russell,1872-1970.  1st ed.  Printed by 
      Colin Clapp.  *Central Hall Westminster, Monday, 8 June 1970.

 23.Essays on Bertrand Russell, ed. by E. D. Klemke.  Univ. of Illinois
    Press, c1970,1971.  *Pbk.  *Originally pub. in a clothbound ed. in 1970.

 24.Bertrand Russell, by John Watling.  1st ed.  Oliver and Boyd, 1970.

 25.Russell and Moore, by A. J. Ayer.  Macmillan, c1971,1973.  *pbk.

 26.Problems of Knowledge and Freedom; the Russell lectures, by N. Chomsky. 
      Vintage Books(=a division of Random House), c1971,1972.  *pbk.

 27.Morals without Mystery, by Lee Eisler.  1st ed.?  Philosophical Library, 1971?

 28-1.Russell, by A. J. Ayer.  1st ed.  Fontana/Collins, 1972.   *pbk.
  -2.  //  .   Woburn Press, c1972,1974.
        *Woburn Press版の初刊年は1974年。

  29.Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970 Centennial Celebrations; catalogue of the 
      exhibition of documents from the Bertand Russell Archives in the Mills
      Memorial Library, Oct. 12-14, 1972.  McMaster Univ. Libr. Press, 1972. 
      39 p.   

 30.Essays on Socialist Humanism, in honour of the centenary of B. Russell,1872-
   1970, ed. by Ken Coates.  1st ed.  Spokesman Books,1972.   

 31.The Development of B. Russell's Philosophy, by R. Jager.  1st ed.  Allen &
   Uniwn, 1972.  

 32.B. Russell; a collection of critical essays, ed. by D. F. Pears.   1st ed.
   Doubleday, 1972.  (Anchor Books)  *pbk.

 33.B. Russell, by D. R. Bell.  1st ed.  Judson Press, 1972.    *pbk

 34.Bertrand Russell.
      In: Revue Internationale de Philosophie, no.102:1972.(=ラッセル特集号)

 35.B. Russells Himmeisfard, by Carl-G ran Ekerwald.    F rfattarf rlaget, 
      c1974, 1974.     *pbk

 36.B. Russell's Philosophy, ed. by G. Nakhnikian.  1st ed.  Duckworth,1974.

 37-1.The Life of B. Russell, by R. W. Clark.  1st ed.  Jonathan Cape, 1975.
   -2.  // .  Knopf, c1975,1976.
        * First American ed. in 1976.
   -3.  // .  Penguin Books, c1975,1978.
        * Pub. in Penguin Books, with miner revisions and corrections, 1978.

 38.My Father Bertrand Russell, by Katharine Tait.  1st ed.   Harcourt Brace 
      Jovanovich, 1975.

 39.Dear Russell-Dear Jourdain, by I. Grattan-Guinness.  1st ed.   Duckworth, 

 40.Russell in Review; B. Russell Centenary Celebrations at ..., ed. by J. E. 
      Thomas.  1st ed.  Toronto, Samuel Stevens, Hakkert & Co., 1976.

 41.B. Russell; e l'eredit  idealista inglese, by R. Pujia.  1st ed.  Editrice 
      la Libra, 1977.

 42.Social Philosophy of B. Russell, by A. Jha.  1st ed.  Ajanta Publications,

 43.The Incompatible Prophecies, by L. Greenspan.  1st ed.  Mosaic Press, 1978.

 44.Bertrand Russell Memorial Volume, ed. by G. W. Roberts.  1st ed.    Allen & 
      Unwin, 1979.

 45-1.Russell, by R. M. Sainsbury.  1st ed.  Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979
   -2.  // .  Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985. *First paper ed.

 46.B. Russell and the Pacifists in the First World War, by Jo Vellacott.   1st 
      ed.  Harvester Press, 1980.

 47.B. Russell and His World, by R. Clark.  1st ed.  Thames and Hudson, 1981.

  48.B. Russell's Political Thought and its Relavance to Philosophical 
      Radicalism,by G. Radlo.  University Microfilms International, c1975, 1982.
      *PhD dissertation.

  49.Bertrad Russell, polymath, by John G. Slater.    Toronto, University of 
    Toronto, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, 1982.   30 p.  28 cm.
     * Introductory essay for an exhibition of books, pamphlets, and emphemera
      from the collection of Professor John G. Slater, Nov 1982 - Jan. 22, 1983,
      at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, on the occasion of the 17th annual
      conference of Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, Nov. 5-6, 1982.
     * Duplicated typescript, stapled, in pink wrappers with cover illustration
       by Tom Reid from an original caricature by David Levine.
  50.Style and Rhetoric in Bertrand Russell's Work, by Mary Louise Jackson.
      Frankfurt/M., Peter Lang, 1983.  

 51.Temporal Relations and Temporal Becoming; a defense of a Russellian theory 
      of time, by L. Nathan Oaklander.  Lanham, Univ. Press of America, c1984.

 52.The Spinozistic Ethics of Bertrand Russell, by K. Blackwell.  1st ed. 
      Allen & Unwin, c1985.
  53.Dewey, Russell, Whitehead; Philosophers as Educators, by Brian Patrick 
      Hendley.  Carbondale, Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1986. 

  54.Bretrand Russell, a political life, by Alan Ryan.  New York, Hill and 
        Wang, c1988.  xi,226 p.   *Index(p.223-226.)
        *First pub. by Penguin Books, London, 1988.
        *Pub. simultaneously in Canada by Collins, Toronto.
        *Alan Ryan is a professor of politics at Princeton University. 
  55.Bertrand Russell; a psychobiography of a moralist, by Andrew Brink. 
      1st ed.  Humanities Press International, c1989.

  56.Educational Philosophy of Bertrand Russell, by Ram Shakal Pandey and Uma 
      Rani Sharma.  Ambala Cantt., India, Associated Publishers, 1990.  211 p.

  57.Russell's Idealist Apprenticeship, by Nicholas Griffin.  Oxford, 
        Clarendon Press, 1991.  xii,410 p. 
        *Bibliography(=p.370-394): Index(=p.395-410.)    
        *Nicholas Griffin is a professor of philosophy at McMaster Unirvesity.

  58.Bertrand Russell; a life, by Caroline Moorehead.  London, Sinclair-Stevenson,
      1992.  [iiiv], 596 p.   *Paper ed.

  59.In Quest of Certainty; Bertrand Russell's search for certainty in religion
      and mathmatics up to The Principles of Mathematics(1903), by Stefan Andersson.
      Stockholm, Sweden, Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1994.  xiii, 192 p.
      (Studia Philosophiae Religionis, n. 18)   *Paper ed.

  60.Bertrand Russell, by John G. Slater.  With a preface by Ray Monk.
      Bristol, England, Thoemmes Press, 1994.   xii, 171 p. (Bristol Introductions)
      *Paper ed.

  61.Bertand Russell; Mathematics: Dreames and Nightmares, by Ray Monk.
      London, Phoenix, 1997.  58 p.  (The Great Philosophers ser. n.7) 
      *Paper ed

  62-1. Bertrand Russell, v.1: the spirit of solititude, 1872-1921, by Ray Monk. 
        New York and London; The Free Press(=A division of Simon and Shuster), 
        c1996. xx, illus., 695 p. 

  62-2. Bertrand Russell, v.2: the ghost of madness, 1921-1970, by Ray Monk. New York
        and London; The Free Press, 2000. xiv, illus., 574 p.

  63. Bertrand Russell, by Ray Monk. New York; Routledge, 1999. 58 p.
   (the great philosophers series)

  64. Bertrand Russell in 90 Minutes, by Paul Strathern. Chicago; Ivan R. Dee, 2001. 92 p.

  65. The ABC of Armageddon; B. Russell on science, religoin, and the next war, 1919-1938,
       by Peter H. Denton. New York; State University of New York Press, 2001. ix,169 p.

  66. Yours Faithfully, Bertrand Russell; a lifelong fight for peace, justice, and truth 
      in letters to the editor, ed. by Ray Perkins, jr. Chicago and La Salle, Illinois; 
      Open Court, 2002.xii, 433 p.

001.The meaning of identity, similarity, and nonentity; a criticism of Mr. 
     Russell's logical puzzles, by William P. Montague.
     Journal of Philosophy, v.3,n.5: Mar.1,1906,p.127-131.

002.Some philosophical implications of M. B. Russell's logical theory of mathe-
     matics, by S. Waterlow.
     Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, n.s.,v.10: 1910,p132-188.

003.La Philosophie des math matiques de MM. Russell et Whitehead, by Henri 
     Revue de M taphysique et de Morale, v.20: 1912,p.538-566.

004.Mr. Bertrand Russell's first work on the principles of mathematics, by 
      Philip E. B. Jourdain.
      Monist, v.12(Jan. 1912), p.149-158. 

005.Sur les nombres de M. Russell, par Alexandre Koyr .
      Revue de M taphysique et de Morale, v.20: 1912,p.722-724.

006.A Correction and some remarks, by Philip E. B. Jourdain.
     Monist, v.13(1913), p.145-148.  

007.Complexity and synthesis; a comparison of the data and philosophical 
     methods of Mr. Russell and M. Bergson, by Karin Costelloe.
     Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, v.15: 1915,p.271-303.

008.Mr. Russell's theory of judgement, by George F. Stout.
     Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, v.15: 1915,p.332-352.

009.The religious aspect of B. Russell's phlilosophy, by Reinhold F. A. Hoernl .
     Harvard Theological Review, v.9: 1916,p.157-189.

010.Mr. Russell and philosophical method, by B. H. Bode.
     Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Method, v.15,n.26: Dec.19,
     1918, p.701-710.

011.Meinong and Russell, by J. W. Scott.
     In: Syndicalism and Philosophical Realism; a study in the correlation of 
         contemporary social tendencies, by J. W. Scott(London, Black, 1919),

012.Mr. Russell on education, marriage and religion, by J. W. Scott.

013.B. Russell on socialism, by G. A. Kleene.
     Quarterly Journal of Economics, v.34: 1920,p.756-762.

014.Mr. Russell's theory of the external world, by Charles A. Strong.
     Mind,n.s.,v.31(n.123):July 1922,p.307-320.

015.Les Tendances philosophiques de M. B. Russell, par Jean Nicod.
     Revue de M taphysique et de Morale, v.29:1922,p.77-84.

016.B. Russell; religious atheist, by E. Ingram Watkin.
     Catholic World, v.116: Mar.1923, p.731-742.

017.The Pluralists; 1.Laski and Russell, by Lewis Rockow.
     In: Contemporary Political Thought in England, by Lewis Rockow(Allen & 
         Unwin, 1925)p.130-149.

018.The theory of types, by Paul Weiss.
     MInd,n.s.,v.37,July 1928,p.338-348.

019.Realism and logic; an investigation of Russell's metaphysics, by Kurt Grelling.
     Monist, v.39: 1929, p.501-520.
      *Prepared for the Monist in German and translated by A. Schaub.

020.Mr. Russell's theory of perception, by J. H. Woodger.
     Monist, v.40: 1930, p.621-636.

021.Mr. B. Russell and the unification of mind and matter,by A. O. Lovejoy.   
     In: The Revolt against Dualism, by Arthur O. Lovejoy (Chicago, Open Court, 
        1930; New York, Norton, 1930),p.190-256.

022.B. Russell on perception, by Helen M. Smith.
     Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, v.32: 1932, p.207-226.

023.L'Avenir de la logique Russellienne, par Thomas Greenwood.
     Revue de M taphysique et de Morale, v.40: 1933,p.363-378.

024.The Origin and consequences of the theory of description, by J. W. Reeves.
     Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, v.34: 1934,p.211-230.

025.Russell and McTaggart, by Margaret Macdonald.
     Philosophy, v.11(n.43): July 1936, p.322-335.

026.Russell's doctrine of the logical proposition, by Hugh J. Tallon.
     New Scholasticism, v.13: 1939,p.31-48.

027.Naturally immaterial; reply to article in Kenyon Review by B. Russell, by 
     Medford Evans.
     Sewanee Review, v.51: 1943,p.131-147.

028.Cassirer versus Russell, by Harold R. Smart.
     Philosophy of Science, v.10,n.3: July 1943,p.167-175.

029.Logicians' underlying postulations; [Russell's approach],by A. F. Bentley.
     Philosophy of Science, v.13,n.1: Jan.1946,p.13-16.
     * ラッセルに言及しているのは、表記論文の一部

030.Mr. Demos and the dogmatism of Mr. Russell, by H. D. Aiken.
     Journal of Philosophy, v.43,n.8: Apr.11,1946,p.214-217.

031.Russell on particulars, by Gustav Bergmann.
     Philosophical Review, v.56, Jan. 1947,p.59-72.
     * Repr. in: The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, by G. Bergmann( Univ. of 
       Wisconsin Press,1954),p.197-209.  *2nd ed.,p.197-214.

032.B. Russell and scientific philosophy, by Matlla Ghyka.
     Personalist, v.28: Apr./Spr.1947,p.129-139.

033.Two theories of truth; the relation between the theories of John Dewey and 
     B. Russell, by H. S. Thayer.
     Journal of Philosophy, v.44,n.19:Sept. 11,1947,p.516-527.

034.Truth and knowledge; some comments on Russell, by Karl Britton.
     Analysis, v.8, Jan. 1948, p.39-43.

035.Russell's doubts about induction, by Paul Edwards.
     Mind,n.s.,v.58(n.230): Apr. 1949,p.141-163.

036.The Logics of Hegel and Russell, by A. Ushenko.
      Phiosophy and Phenomenological Research, v.10, Summer 1949, p.107-114.

037.Scientific inference according to B. Russell, K. R. Popper and Felix 
     Hausdorff,by Robert Eisler.
     Hibbert Journal, v.47: 1949, p.375-381.

038.Russell's philosophy of language, by Max Black.
     In: Language and Philosophy; studies in method, by Max Black (Ithaca and 
        London, Cornell U. P., 1949),p.111-138.

039.L'Analyse de l'antinomie russellienne par Lesniewski (1)-(4), par Boleslaw 
     Methodos, v.1,n.1-3: 1949,p.94-107,220-229,308-316. &
       :     , v.2,n.6/7: 1950, p.237-257.

040.Whitehead and Russell's theory of types, by J. J. C. Smart.
     Analysis, v.10, Mar. 1950, p.93-96.

041.Russell's thoery of descriptions, by P. T. Geach.
     Analysis, v.10,n.4: Mar. 1950, p.84-88.

042.B. Russell on the justification of induction, by William H. Hay.
     Philosophy of Science,v.17,n.3: July 1950,p.266-277.

043.B. Russell on probability, by Harold Jeffreys.
     Mind, v.59(n.235): July 1950, p.313-319. 

044.On referring, by P. F. Strawson.
     Mind, v.59(n.235), p.320-344.

045.Whitehead and Russell's theory of types; a reply, by M. Shearn.
     Analysis, v.11,n.2: Dec.1950, p.45-48.

046.Russell's analysis of exsistence, by M. Shearn.
     Analysis, v.11, June 1951, p.124-131.

047.The thoery of types, again, by J. J. C. Smart.
     Analysis, v.11, June 1951, p.131-133.

048.The logical positivism of B. Russell, by Joergen Joergensen.
     In: The Development of Logical Empiricism( =International Encyclopedia of 
        Unified Science,v.2,n.9: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1951)p.11-17.

049.Has Russell answered Hume?, by Hiram J. McLendon.
     Jounal of Philosophy, v.49,n.5: Feb.28,1952,p.145-159.

050.Recent criticisms of Russell's analysis of existence, by A. Donagan.
     Analysis, v.12, June 1952,p.132-137.

051.On the Berkeley-Russell theory of proper names, by Richard M. Martin.
     Philosphy and Phenomenological Research, v.13, Dec.1952, p.221-231.

052.Logic, existence, and the theory of descriptions, by Arthur Pap.
     Analysis, v.13,n.5: Apr.1953,p.97-111.

053.Note on a formula in my "B. Russell's theories of causation", by  E. G tlind.
     Theoria, v.19: 1953, p.177-178.

054.Elementare Untersuchungen der Antinomien von Russell, Grelling-Nelson und 
     Eubuildes, von Veli Valpola.
     Theoria, v.19: 1953, p.183-188.

055.In defense of proper names against descriptions, by Neil L. Wilson.
     Philosophical Studies, v.4: 1953, p.72-78.

056.Basic propositions in Ayer and Russell, by Donald A. Wells.
     Journal of Philosophy, v.51, Feb. 1954, p.124-127.

057.Notes on a remark by Lord Russell, by F. E. Binet.
     British Journal for the Philosophy of Science,v.5,May 1954,p.67-70.

058.Berkeley and Russell on space, by C. M. Turbayne.
     Dialectica, v.8,n.3: Sept. 1954, p.210-227.

059.B. Russell; the pilgrimage of scientific philosophy, by Lewis S. Feuer.
     University of Toronto Quarterly, v.24,n.3: Apr. 1955, p.217-233.

060.B. Russell; an impression, by Vincent Buranelli.
     Prairie Schooner, v.29: 1955, p.44-48.

061.Operations and events in Russell's empiricism, by J. H. Kultgen.
     Journal of Philosophy, v.53,n.4: Feb. 16, 1956, p.157-167.

062.Peano, Russell, and logicism, by Herbert Hochberg.
     Analysis, v.16,no.5: Apr. 1956, p.118-120.

063.Has Russell proved naive realism self-contradictory?, by Hiram J. McLendon.
     Journal of Philosophy, v.53,n.9: Apr. 26, 1956, p.289-302.

064.Russell's examination of Leibniz examined, by Gustav Bergmann.
     Philosophy of Science, v.23,n.3: July 1956, p.175-203.

065.A note on Russell and naive realism, by A. P. Ushenko.
     Journal of Philosophy, v.53,n.25: Dec. 6,1956,p.819-820.

066.B. Russell on war and peace, by I. L. Horowitz.
     Science and Society; a Marxian Quarterly, v.21,n.1: Winter 1957, p.30-51.

067.The revolt against logical atomism (1), by Gustav Bergmann.
     Philosophical Quarterly, v.7: 1957,p.323-339.

068.The revolt against logical atomism (2), by Gustav Bergmann.
     Philosophical Quarterly, v.8(n.30): Jan. 1958, p.1-13.

069.Concerning Russell's analysis of value judgement, by J. L. McKenney.  
     Journal of Philosophy, v.55,n.9: Apr.24,1958, p.382-389.

070.Russell's objections to Frege's theory of sense and reference, by John R. 
     Analysis, v.18, June 1958, p.137-143.

071.Descriptions, scope, and identity, by Herbert Hochberg.
     Analysis, v.18: 1958, p.20-22.

072.Reduction of arithmetic to logic based on the theory of types without the 
     axiom of infinity and the typical ambiguity of arithmetical constants, by 
     Ludwik Borkowski.
     Studia Logica, v.8: 1958, p.283-295.

073.B. Russell, by Geoffrey J. Warnock.
     In: English Philosohy since 1900, by G. J. Warnock(London & New York, 
         Oxford U. P., 1958)chap.3.   *2nd ed. in 1969,p.25-33.

074.B. Russell on values, with allusions to Lord Byron, by Haver C. Currie.
     Personalist, v.40, Winter/Jan. 1959,p.13-21.

075.Russell on meaning and denoting, by P. T. Geach.
     Analysis, v.19, Jan. 1959, p.69-72.

076.Dewey and Russell; fraternal twins in philosophy, by J. L. McKenney.   
     Educational Theory, v.9, Jan. 1959, p.24-30.

077.Russell's drill sergent and bricklayer and Dewey's logic, by Richard M. Gale.
     Journal of Philosophy, v.56,n.9: Apr. 23, 1959,p.401-406.

078.St. Anselm's ontological argument and Russell's theory of descriptions, by 
     Herbert Hochberg.
     New Scholasticism, v.33, July 1959,p.319-330.

079.The 'Meaning' of Russell's theory of descriptions, by Alan R. White. 
     Analysis, v.20, Oct. 1959, p.8-9.

080.A Philosophy for rhetoric from B. Russell, by D. L. Torrence.
     Quarterly Journal of Speech, v.45: 1959,p.153-165.

081.Russell's denoting complex, by Ronald Jager.
     Analysis, v.20, Jan. 1960, p.53-62.

082.Russell's philosophical development, by Anthony Quinton.
     Philosophy, v.35(n.132): Jan. 1960, p.1-13.

083.A Re-examination of the Russellian theory of descriptions, by Czeslaw Lejewski.
     Philosophy, no.132, p.14-29.

084.Russell's moral theories, by D. H. Monro.
     Philosophy, v.35, Jan. 1960, p.30-50.
     * Munroと目次には書いてある。

085.Are logic and mathematics identical?;an old thesis of Russell's is re-
     examined in the light of subsequent developments in mathematical logic, 
     by Leon Henkin.
     Science, v.138, 16 Nov. 1962, p.788-794.

086.Russell's theory of logical types, by William & Martha Kneale.
     In: The Development of Logic, by W. & M. Kneale(Oxford, Clarendon Press, 

087.Classes as abstract entities and the Russell paradox, by W. Sellars.
     Review of Metaphysics, v.17, Summer 1963, p.67-90.

088.Russell on class theory, by Franz Peters.
     Synthese, v.15, Summer 1963, p.327-335.

089.Russell and historical truth, by R. F. Beerling.
     Kant Studien, v.55: 1964, p.385-393.

090.L'Origine et le m canisme des antinomies dans la premi re philosophie de 
     Russell, par Jules Vuillemin.
     Logique et Analyse, n.s.,n.25/26: 1964,p.59-95.

091.Some reflections on B. Russell's philosophy, by James Van Patten.
     Educational Theory, v.15, Jan. 1965, p.58-65.

092.Russell and his logic, by Hao Wang.
     Ratio, v.7,n.1: June 1965, p.1-34.

093.The Politcal thought of B. Russell, by H. Parris.
     Durham University Journal, v.58: 1966, p.86-94.

094-95: Symposium: the philosophy of B. Russell.
          Journal of Philosophy, v.63,n.21: Nov. 10,1966, p.657-673.
          *To be presented in an APA symposium, Dec. 29, 1966.

 094.Russell's ontological development, by Willard Van Orman Quine.
      Journal of Philosophy,v63,n.21, p.657-667.

 095.On Russell's phenomenological constructionism, by Carl G. Hempel.
      Journal of Philosophy,v.63,n.21, p.668-670.

096.Russell and philosophy, by Hao Wang.
     Journal of Philosophy, v.63,n.21, p.670-672.

097.Substitutivity and descriptions, by Leonard Linsky.
     Journal of Philosophy, v.63,n.21, p.673-683.

098.The Consistency of Russell's realism, by Elizabeth R. Eames.
     Philosophy and Phenomenological Research,v.27, June 1967,p502-511.

099.Russell's "refutation" of Meinong in "On denoting", by R. Suter.
     ibd., p.512-516.

100.B. Russell and Polish analytical philosophy, by Henryk Skolimowski.
     In: Polish Analytical Philosophy; a survey and a comparison with British 
        analytical philosophy, by H. Skolimowski (London, Routledge & Kegan 
        Paul, 1967)p.245-247.

101.Principles of polemic in Russell, by Harry Ruja.
     Inquiry, v.11, Fall 1968, p.282-294.

102.Russell and the philosopher's fallacy, by Gilbert Fischer.
     Personalist, v.49, Fall 1968, p.549-562.

103.Russell's reduction, by F. Cowley.
     In: A Critique of British Empiricism, by Fraser Cowley (London, Macmillan, 

104.Russell's view of space and time, by F. Cowley.
     In: A Critique of British Empiricism, p.117-121.

105.On the theory of descriptions, by Ted Honderich.
     Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,n.s.,v69: 1969,p.87-100.

106.B. Russell in retrospect, by Brand Blanshard.
     Dialogue, v.7,n.4: Mar. 1969, p.584-607.

107.The Importance to philosophers of the Bertrand Russell Archive, by Kenneth 
     ibid., p.608-615.

108.Suter on Russell on Meinong, by Jerome I. Gellman.
     Philosophy and Phenomenological Research,v.29, Mar. 1969, p441-445.

109.The Picture theory of meaning in the Tractatus as a development of Moore's 
     and Russell's theories of judgment, by V. Hope.
     Philosophy, v.44(n.168): Apr. 1969, p.140-148.

110.Russell and Tractatus 3.1432, by Jack Norman.
     Analysis, v.29,n.3: June 1969, p.190-192.

111.Philosophy of despair.   Unsigned.
     Christianity Today, v.14, Nov.21, 1969, p.25.

112.Two paradoxes of Russell's, by P. T. Geach.
     Journal of Philosophy,v.67,n.4: Feb. 26,1970, p.89-97.

113.B. Russell as philosopher of science, by R. B. Braithwaite.
     British Journal for the Philosophy of Science,v.21, May 1970, p.129-132.

114.B. Russell, 1872-1970, by Francesco Barone.
     Filosofia, v.21,n.3: July 1970, p.297-308.
     *Written in Italian.

115.Transformational grammar and the Russell-Strawson dispute, by William G. Lycan.
     Metaphilosophy, v.1,n.4: Oct.1970.,p.335-337.

116.B. Russell,1872-1970, by G. H. R. Parkinson.
     Studia Leibnitiana, v.2,n.3: 1970, p.161-170.

117.B. Russell, 1872-1970, by Gilbert Ryle.
     Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,n.s.,v.92: 1970/71,p.77-84

118.On interpreting the world, by Noam Chomsky.
     Cambridge Review, v.92(n.2200): 29 Jan. 1971,p.77-93.

119.On changing the world, by Noam Chomsky.
     Cambridge Review, v.92(n.2201): 19 Feb. 1971,p.117-136.
    *118-119 reprinted in: Problems of Knowledge and Freedom; the Russell lectures
   (Vintage Books, 1972)

120.Kant or Cantor?: that the universe, if real, must be finite in both space 
     and time, by Pamela M. Huby.
     Philosophy, v.46(n.176): Apr. 1971,p.121-132.

121.Presupposition, entailment, and Russell's theory of descriptions, by Marc L. 
     Foundations of Language; international journal of language and philosophy, 
     v.7, May 1971, p.297-299.

122.Russell's theory of society: "the scientific society", by U. Dhand.
     Revista International de Sociologia, v.29(n.116): May/Aug. 1971, p.5-27.

123.A Critical examination of Russell's view of facts, by Keith Halbasch.   
     Nous, v.5, Nov. 1971,p.395-409.

124.Russell's paradox and some others, by William C. Kneale.
     British Journal for the Philosophy of Science,v.22, Nov. 1971, p.321-338.

125.On Russell's alleged confusion of sense and reference, by R. K. Perkins, Jr.
     Analysis, v.32, Dec.1971, p.45-51.

126.Frege's (conception of) sense and reference related to Russell's theory of 
     definite descriptions, by S. O. Welding.
     Revue Internationale de Philosophie, v.25,n.3(=n.97): 1971,p.389-402.

127.Platone e Russell nella definizione della matematica, with an English trans-
     lation, by S. Maracchia.
     Scientia(Milano),v.106: 1971, p.207-223.

128.'ЭX'(= Existential quantification) in Russell's analysis of definite descrip-
      tions, by Christine E. Cassin.
     Dialogue(Canada), v.10: 1971,p.553-557.    

129.Russell on negative facts, by Jay F. Rosenberg.
     Nous, v.6, Mar. 1972, p.27-40.

130.Russell's paradox and complex properties, by R. Grossmann.
     Nous, v.6, May 1972, p.153-164.

131.B. Russell on his paradox and the multiplicative axiom; an unpublished 
     letter to Philip Jourdain, by Ivor Grattan-Guinness.
     Journal of Philosophical Logic, v.1,n.2: May 1972, p.103-110.

132.Urmson on Russell's incomplete symbols, by R. K. Perkins,jr.
     Analysis, v.32, June 1972, p.200-203.

133.Russell's Influence in China and Japan, by Tsutomu Makino.
     General Studies (School of Political Science and Ecnomics, Waseda Univ.)
     n41(Oct. 1972),p.55-63.

134.The Pacifist turn; an episode of mystic illumination in Autobiography of B. 
     Russell, by B. & N. Simon.
     Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, v.20,n.1,1972, p.109-121.

135.B. Russell as a philosopher, by A. J. Ayer.
     Proceedings of the British Academy, v.58; 1972, p.127-151.

136.B. Russell; philosoher and humanist, by I. S. Narskii & E. F. Pomogaeva.
     Soviet Studies in Philosophy, v.12,n.1: Summer 1973,p.33-53.
     *First pub. in: Voprosy Filosofii, 1972,n.6.

137.Russell's incomplete symbols, by J. O. Urmson.
     Analysis, v.33, Jan. 1973, p.111-112.

138.Sobre la ontologia del atomismo logico de Russell, by Javier Muguerza.
     Pensamiento, v.29, Apr. 1973, p.287-312.

139.Russell on classes as logical fictions, by Steven E. Boer.
    Analysis, v.33, June 1973, p.206-208.

140.What Russell learned from Peano, by H. C. Kennedy.
     Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic,v.14,n.3: July 1973,p367-371.

141.S. Freud & B. Russell, by H. Guntrip.
     Contemporary Psychoanalysis,v.9,n.3: 1973, p.263-281.

142.Is Russell's paradox genuine?, by James Moulder.
     Philosophy, v.49(n.189): July 1974,p.295-302.

143.The Russell Archives; some new light on Russell's logicism, by I. Grattan-
     Annals of Science,v.31,n.5: Sep. 1974, p.387-406.

144.Teoria de relaciones y universales en B. Russell, by Jos  A. Robles.   
     Dianoia, v.20: 1974, p.86-97.

145.B. Russell on the aims of education, by P. Stander.    
     Educational Forum, v.38,n.4: 1974, p.447-456.

146.B. Russell's rhetoric and the dogmas of doubt, by Wayne C. Booth.
    In: Modern Dogma and Rhetoric of Assent, by W. C. Booth (U. of Notre Dame 
       Press, 1974),p.43-85.

147.Wittgenstein on Russell's theory of types, by James B. Davant.
     Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, v.16,n.1: Jan. 1975,p102-108.

148.Solipsistic politics; Russell's empirist liberalism, by Benjamin R. Barber.
     Political Studies, v.23,n.1: Mar. 1975, p.12-28.

149.Wiener on the logics of Russell and Schroeder; an account of his doctoral 
     thesis and of his discussion of it with Russell, by I. Grattan-Guinness.
     Annals of Science, v.32,n.2: Mar. 1975, p.103-132.

150.Russell on religion, by Jack Pitt.
     International Journal of Philosophy of Religion,v.6, Spr. 1975, p.40-53.

151.Russell and Schlick; a remarkable agreement on a monistic solution of the 
     mind-body problem, by Herbert Feigl.
     Erkenntnis, v.9, May 1975, p.11-34.

152.How to Russell a Frege-Church, by D. Kaplan.
     Journal of Philosophy, v.72,n.19: Nov. 1975, p.716-729.

153.Russell's maxim and reduction as replacement, by Marshall Spector.
     Synthese, v.32,n.1/2: Nov./Dec. 1975, p.135-176.

154.Russell's logical progress; some new light from manuscript sources,
     by I. Grattan-Guinness.
     Historia Mathematica,v.2,n.4: 1975,p.489-493.

155.The Royal Society's financial support of the publication of Whitehead and 
     Russell's Principia Mathematica, by I. Grattan-Guinness.
     Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London,v.30,n.1:1975/76, p.89-104.

156.Lesniewski's analysis of Russell's antinomy, by Vito F. Sinisi.
     Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic,v.17,n.1: Jan. 1976,p.19-34.

157.Russell's unknown theory of classes; the substitutional system of 1906, by 
     Douglas P. Lackey.
     Journal of History of Philosophy,v.14,Jan. 1976,p.69-78.

158.Russell's theory of meaning and descriptions(1905-1920), by Aloysius P. 
     Journal of History of Philosophy, v.14, Apr. 1976, p.183-201.

159.B. Russell; towards a complete portrait, by Maurice Cranston.
     Encounter, v.46, Apr. 1976, p.65-66,68,70-79.

160.Russell on the meaning of descriptions, by W. S. Croddy.
     Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic,v.17,n.3: July 1976,p424-428.

161.Russell's realist theory of remote memory, by R. K. Perkins,Jr.
     Journal of History of Philosophy,v.14,July 1976,p.358-360.

162.B. Russell the man, by Sidney Hook.
     Commentary, v62,n.1: July 1976, p.52-54.

163.Russell's denoting relation, by M. Brian McMahon.
     Personalist,v.57,Autumn 1976, p.345-350.

164.Ontology and grammar 1; Russell's paradox and the general theory of 
     properties in natural language, by Hector-Neri Castaneda.

165.Significato,forma logica e conoscenza nell'atomismo logico di Russell, by 
     Raffaella Simili(in Italian)
     Lingua e Stile,v.11: 1976,p457-477.

166.Russell's theory of description as a vehicle for a translation from "ought" 
     to "is" and vice versa, by E. Morscher.
     Logique Analyse,v.20,Mar./June 1977, p.129-133.

167.The relation between Wittgenstein's picture theory of propositions and Rus-
     sell's theories of judgment, by David Pears.
     Philosophical Review,v.86,n.2: Apr. 1977,p.177-196.

168.Uses of definite descriptions and Russell's theory, by Alan Brinton.
     Philosophical Studies,v.31,n.4:Apr.1977,p.261-267.

169.A Russellian approach to truth, by Ronald Scales.
     Nous,v.11,n.2: May 1977, p.169-174.

170.A difficulty with the Frege-Russell definition of number, by Robert Hambourger.
     Journal of Philosophy,v.74,n.7: July 1977,p.409-414.     

171.The development of Russell's structural postulates, by Michael P. Bradie.
      Philosophy of Science,v.44,n.3: Sept. 1977,p.441-463.

172.Descriptions in Russell's theory and in ontology, by H. Hiz.
     Studia Logica,v.36: 1977,p.271-283.

173.Four comments on Russell's theory of descriptions, by Avrum Stroll.
     Canadian Journal of Philosophy,v.8,n.1: Mar. 1978,p.147-155.

174.The power of Russell's criticism of Frege; 'On denoting' p.48-50, by S. Black-
     burn & A. Code.
     Analysis,v38,n.2: Mar. 1978,p.65-77.

175.Russell's indebtedness to Reid, by R. Beanblossom.
     Monist,v.61,n.2: Apr. 1978,p.192-204.
     *Reid= Thomas Reid, 1710-1796.

176.Russell's cryptic response to Strawson, by James W. Austin.
     Philosophy and Phenomenological Research,v.38,n.4:June 1978, p.531-537.

177.Russell on denoting, by P. T. Geach.
     Analysis,v38,Oct. 1978,p204-205.

178.Reply to Geach's "Russell on denoting", by Simon Blackburn & Alan Code.
    Analysis,v.38, Oct. 1978, p.206-207.

179.B. Russell on causality, by Geoffrey R. Dolby.
     Biometrics,v.34,n.4: Dec. 1978, p.716-717.

180.B. Russell and causality; a reply, by Oscar Kempthorne.
     ibd., p.717-718.

181.How B. Russell discovered his paradox, by I. Grattan-Guinness.
     Historica Mathematica,v.5,n.2: 1978, p.127-137.

182.Russell's apriorism of 1897, by Robert Torretti.
     In: Philosophy of Geometry from Riemann to Poincar , by R. Torretti
         (Dordrecht, Holland, Reidel, 1978: Episteme,v.7),p.301-320.

183.Moore and Russell on philosophy and science, by William E. Morris.
     Metaphilosophy,v.10,n.2: Apr. 1979, p.111-138.

184.Love and conflict in B. Russell's letters, by Andrew Brink.
     Queen's Quarterly; a Canadian review, Spring 1979, p1-15.

185.Russell, Poincar , and  Whitehead's "relational theory of space" by P. J. 
     Process Studies,v.9,n.1/2: Spr./Sum. 1979,p.14-21.

186.From imperialism to free trade; Couturat, Falevy and Russell's first 
     crusade, by Richard Rempel.
     Journal of the History of Ideas,v.40,n.3: July/Sept. 1979, p.423-443.

187.Socialization and personal freedom; the debate between Boyd H. Bode and B. 
     Russell, by P. L. Smith.
     Educational Theory, v.29,n.3: Summer 1979, p.187-193.

188.Dewey, Russell, and the integration of "the social", by Joe L. Green.
     Educational Theory,v.29,n.4: Fall 1979,p.285-296.

189.Russell's paradox re-examined, by Arnold Cusmariu.
     Erkenntnis,v.14, Nov. 1979,p.365-370.

190.Russell on the notion of cause, by Donald Lipkind.
     Canadian Journal of Philosophy,v.9,n.4: Dec. 1979,p.701-720.

191.A Comparison between Ayer's views about the privileges of sense-datum state-
     ments and the views of Russell and Austin, by D. F. Pears.
     In: Perception and Identity; essays presented to A. J. Ayer with  his 
         replies to them, ed. by G. F. Macdonald(London,Macmillan, 1979),

192.Russell's proof of realism reproved, by Herbert Hochberg.
     Philosophical Studies,v.37, Jan.1980, p.37-44.

193.B. Russell; the patrician rebel, by Anthony Howard.
     Listener, 17 Jan. 1980, p.70-72.

194.Incomplete symbols and Russell's proof, by W. Kent Wilson.
     Canadian Journal of Philosophy, v.10,n.2: June 1980,p233-250.

195.La Th orie des descriptions d finies de Russell ou le probl me de la 
     r f rence,par Denis Vernant.
     Revue de M taphisique et de Morale, Ann e 85,n.4: Oct./Dec.1980, p.489-502.

196.Russell's substitutional theory, by Peter Hylton.
     Synthese, v.45,n.1: Sept. 1980, p.1-31.

197.Russell as a Platonic dialogue; the matter of denoting, by J. Alberto Coffa.
     ibid., p.43-70.

198.The development of the theory of logical types and the notion of a logical 
     subject in Russell's early philosophy, by N. Cocchiarella.   

199.Russell on the nature of logic(1903-1913), by N. Griffin.
     ibid., p.117-188.
200.Bertrand Russell and crimes against humanity, by Sidney Hook.
     In: Philosophy and Public Policy, by Sidney Hook (Southern Illinois U. P., 

201.B. Russell and Ireland, by Richard Davis.
     Australian Journal of Politics and History,v26,n.2: 1980,p279-283.

202.Wittgenstein to Russell(July 1913)
     In: Language, Logic, and Philosophy; proceedings of the 4th international
        Wittgenstein symposium, edited by R. Haller & W. Grassl(Vienna, Holder-
        Pichler-Temsky, 1980),p.182-188.

203-206: B. Russell's early philosophy.
          Synthese, v46,n.2: 1981, p.149-284.

 203.The function of acquaintance in Russell's philosophy, by David F. Pears.
      ibid., p.149-166.

 204.Russell's philosophical development, by James Cappio.
      ibid., p.185-205.

 205.Russell and Kant, by J. Alberto Coffa.
      ibid., p.247-263.

 206.Russell, Kant, and Coffa, by J. Hintikka.
      ibid., p.265-270.

207.Russell's 1913 map of the mind, by D. Lackey.
     In: The Foundations of Analytic Philosphy(= Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 
        v.6.  Univ. of Minnesota Press, c1981),p.125-142.

208.What was Russell's neutral monism?, by M. Lockwood.
     ibd., p.143-158.
209.Knowledge, acquaintance, and awareness, by A. R. White.
     ibd., p.159-172.

210.Estructura de lo real sensible; apostillas a Russell y Husserl, by Francisco 
     Poyatos Su rez.
     Pensamiento,v.37: 1981, p.313-333.

211.Some philosophical remarks on the theory of types in international logic, by 
     Daniel Vanderveken.
     Erkenntnis,v.17,n.1: Jan. 1982,p.85-112.

212.La Correspondance in dite entre B. Russell et Louis Couturat, by Anne-
     Fran oise Schmid.
     Dialectica,v.37,n.2: 1983, p.75-109.

213.B. Russell,1872-1970, by Terrence N. Tice.
      In: Research Guide to Philosophy, by T. N. Tice and T. P. Slavence
          (Chicago, ALA, 1983),p.172-181.

214.B. Russell; a portrait from memory, by Sidney Hook.
      Encounter,v62,n.3: Mar. 1984,p.9-20.

215.Bertrand Ruusell's Library, by C. Spadoni & D. Harley.
     In: Journal of Library History, v.20,n.1: Winter 1985, p.25-45.

216.Russell's multiple relation theory of judgment, by N. Griffin.
     Philosphical Studies,v47,n.2: Mar.1985,p.213-247.書評・紹介

 ラッセルの著作の書評: (02),(0053)...等の原著番号は、松下編「ラッセル書誌」による。

(02)An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry, 1896.

  01. tudes critique; Essai sur les Fondements de la G om trie par B. Russell, 
    par Louis Couturat(in French)
      Revue de M taphysique et de Morale,v.6: 1898, p.354-380.

(03)A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz, 1900.

  01.Review of A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz, by George M. 
      Philosophical Review, v.10: 1901,p288-297.
  02.Review of A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz, by Bernard 
      Archiv f r sytematische Philosophie u. Soziologie,N. F.,Bd.8: 1902,p.123-128.
      *Systematic philosophy in the United Kingdom for 1900(by B. Bosanquet)の一節

  03.B. Russell e il problema delle relazioni in Leibniz, by Massimo Mugnai.
      Rivista di Filosofia,v.64, Oct./Dec. 1973,p356-362.
  04.Russell on Leibniz, by Walter H. O'Briant.
      Studia Leibnitiana,v.11,n.2: 1979,p.159-222.

(0053)The free man's worship, 1903(written in 1902)

  01."The free man's worship"; a consideration of Mr. B. Russell's views on 
      religion, by A. S. Pringle-Pattison.
      Hibbert Journal,v.12: 1913,p.47-63.

(04)The Principles of Mathematics, 1903.

  01.Review of The Principles of Mathematics, [and] Essai sur les Fondements de 
      la Geometrie, by Edwin B. Wilson.
      Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society,v.11:1904,p.74-93.

  02.Review of The Principles of Mathematics, by Louis Couturat.
      Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques,v.28,pt.1:1904,p.129-147.

  03.La Notion de proposition dans les Principles de Russell; un exemple de 
      conception r aliste du language, by Fran ois Lepage.
      Dialogue(Canada),v.18: Dec. 1979,p.538-555.

(0077)On some difficulties in the theory of transfinite numbers and order types.

  01.Review of On some difficulties in the theory of transfinite numbers and 
      order types, by Harold C. Brown.
      Journal of Philosophy,Psychology and Scientific Methods,v.3,n.14: July 5,

(0079)Sur la relation des math matiques   la logistique.

  01.Review of Russell's Sur la relation des math@matiques @ la logistique, avec 
      une note de M. Whitehead, by W. H. Sheldon.
      Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods, v.3,n.9: 
      Apr. 26, 1906,p.246-248.

(06)Principia Mathematica, 1910-1913.  2nd ed.=1925-1927.

  01.Review of Principia Mathematica(2nd ed.),v.1, by H. M. Sheffer.
      Isis,v.8,n.1(=n.25):Feb. 1926,p.226-231.

  02.The metaphysics and logic of classes, by Paul Weiss.
      Monist,v.42: Jan. 1932,p.112-154.

  03.Certain problems connected with the definitions of identity and of definite 
      descriptions given in Principia Mathematica, by S ren Halld n.
      Analysis,v.9: 1949,p.29-33.

  04.The inconsistency or redundancy of Principia Mathematica,by Irving M.  Copi.
      Philosophy and Phenomenological Research,v.11:1950,p190-199.

  05.Note on ' ' and '・' in Whitehead's and Russell's Principia Mathematica by 
      H. N. Lee.
      Mind,n.s.,v.67(n.266): Apr. 1958,p.250-253.

  06.Proper definitions in Principia Mathematica, by Charles G. Morgan.
      International Logical Review,v.4(n.7): 1973,p80-85.

  07.Assumptions of Whitehead's and Russell's Principia Mathematica, by James K. 
      International Logical Review,v.4(n.8): Dec. 1973,p201-218.

  08.Whitehead's and Russell's Principia Mathematica and Formalization of 
      abstractions, by Amitabha Ghose.
      International Logical Review,v.8, June 1977,p.105-106.

(0132)The Philosophy of Bergson, July 1914.

  01.An Answer to Mr. B. Russell's article on the philosophy of Bergson, by 
      Karin Costelloe.

(09)Justice in War Time, 1916.

  01.A Superior view of the war; review of Russell's Justice in War Time. 
      Times Literary Supplement,n.742: Apr. 7,1916,p.158.

(10)Principles of Social Reconstruction, 1916.

  01.A Philosophy of pacifism; a review of Principles of Social Reconstruction, 
      by Thomas G. Masaryk.
      New Europe(London),v.2: 1917,p.342-350.

(12)Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays, 1918.

  01.The Philosophy of Mr. B. Russell; a review of Mysticism and Logic.
      Times Literary Supplement,n.838, Feb. 1918,p.64.

  02.Logic and pessimism; a review of Mysticism and Logic, by H. G. Wood.  
      Expositor(London),8th ser.,v.18: 1919,p.42-63.

(16)The Analysis of Mind, 1921.

  01.Review of the Analysis of Mind, by James L. Mursell.
      Journal of Philosophy,v.19,n.6: Mar. 16,1922, p.163-166.

  02.Mr. Russell's psychology; a review of the Analysis of Mind, by  F. C. S. 
      Journal of Philosophy,v.19,n.11: Mar. 25, 1922,p.281-292.

  03.The Analysis of Mind, by John B. Watson.
      Dial,v.72: 1922,p97-102.

(18)The Prospects of Industrial Civilization, 1923.

  01.Industrialism and civilization; review of B. Russell's The Prospects of 
      Industrial Civilization.  Unsigned.
      Times Literary Supplement, Oct. 11,1923, p.660.

(19)The ABC of Atoms, 1923.

  01.B. Russell and modern physics, by Max Levien.
      Labour Monthly,v.9,n.4: Apr.1927, p.241-249; 
                     v.9,n.5: May 1927, p.303-313.

(21)What I Believe, 1925.

  01.Mr. B. Russell's ethical beliefs; a review of What I Believe, by Olaf 
      International Journal of Ethics,v37: 1927,p.390-402.

(23)On Education, 1926.

  01.A Key to the new world; a review of Education and the Good Life (i.e., On 
      Education), by John Dewey.
      New Republic,v.46(n.598): May 19, 1926, p.410-411.

(0393)Why I am not a Christian, 1927.

  01.Review of Russell's Why I am not a Christian, by T. S  Eliot.
      Criterion,v.6: 1927, p.177-179.

(24)An Outline of Philosophy, 1927.

  01.Review of An Outline of Philosophy, by L. J. Russell.
      Journal of Philosophical Studies,v.3,n.10: Apr. 1928,p231-235.
  02.Mr. B. Russell's Outline of Philosophy, by H. A. Prichard.
      Mind,n.s.,v37(n.147): July 1928,p265-282.

(25)The Analysis of Matter, 1927.

  01.Review of The Analysis of Matter, by C. D. Broad.
      Mind,n.s.,v.37(n.145): Jan. 1928,p.88-95.

  02.Review of The Analysis of Matter, by A. S. Eddington.
      Journal of Philosophical Studies,v.3,n.9: Jan. 1928,p93-95.

  03.Mr. Russell's "Causal theory of perception", by M. H. A. Newman.
      Mind,n.s.,v.37(n.146): Apr. 1928, p.137-148.

(26)Sceptical Essays, 1928.

  01.Scepticism and illusion; a review of Sceptical Essays.  Unsigned.
      Times Literary Supplement, Oct. 18, 1928, p.748.

(27)Marriage and Morals, 1929.

  01.Marriage and Morals.  Unsigned.
      Times Literary Supplement, Oct. 31, 1929, p.860.

(28)The Conquest of Happiness, 1930.

  01.Review of The Conquest of Happiness, by F. C. S. Schiller.
      Mind,n.s.,v40(n.158): Apr. 1931, p.238-241.

(29)The Scientific Outlook, 1931.

  01.The outlook of B. Russell; a review of the Scientific Outlook, by D. S.
      Labour Monthly,v.14,n.2: Feb. 1932,p113-119.                      

  02.Review of the Scientific Outlook, by A. C. Ewing.
      Philosophy; the journal of the British Institute of Philosophy, v.7,n.26:
      Apr. 1932,p233-235.

  03.B. Russell; Speculation on the Scientific Outlook, by S. E. Kennedy. 
      Journal of College Science Teaching,v.7,n.1: Sept. 1977,p21-22.

(33)Religion and Science, 1935.

  01.Religion, science, and philosophy; a review of Religion and Science, by John
      Southern Review,v.2: 1936,p.53-62.

(35)The Amberley Papers, 1937.

  01.Lord Russell and Lord Amberley; a review of The Amberley Papers, by Philip 
      New Republic,v.156,Jan. 1967,p32-33, & 35.

(36)Power, 1938.

  01.B. Russell on power; a review of Power, by Frank H. Knight.
      Ethics; an international journal of social, political, and legal 
      philosophy,v49,n.3: Apr. 1939,p253-285.

(37)An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, 1940.

  01.Mr. Russell on meaning and truth; a review of An Inquiry into Meaning and 
      Truth, by E. Nagel.
      Journal of Philosophy, v38,n.10: May 8,1941,p253-270.

  02.Comments on Russell's An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, by Andrew Ushenko.
      Philosophy and Phenomenological Research,v.2: Sept. 1941, p.98-101.

  03.Russell's quest for objectivity, by A. E. Avey.
      Philsophy and Phenomenological Research,v.2:Mar. 1942,p376-393.

  04.B. Russell and basic propositions; a review of An Inquiry into Meaning and 
      Truth, by G. Watson.
      Personalist, v.28: 1947, p.140-146.

(38)A History of Western Philosophy, 1945.

  01.B. Russell among the sages; a review of A History of Western Philosophy, by
      Sidney Hook.
      Nation(N.Y.),v161: Dec. 1,1945,p586,588 & 590.

  02.An open letter to B. Russell; On Russell's History of Western Philosophy, 
      by J. Somerville.
      Philosophy of Science,v.13,n.1: Jan. 1946,p.67-70.

  03.B. Russell's History of Western Philosophy, by R. N. Cross.
      Hibbert Journal,v.45,n.3: 1946,p193-201. 
  04.Review of A History of Western Philosophy, by G. Boas.
      Journal of the History of Ideas,v.8,n.1: Jan. 1947,p117-123. 

  05.Review of A History of Western Philosophy, by J. Ratner.
      Journal of Philosophy ,v.44,n.2: Jan. 16, 1947,p39-49. 

  06.Commentaries; a symposium on B. Russell's History of Western Philosophy; 
      introduction, by L. J. A. Mercier.
      Franciscan Studies,v.7: Mar. 1947,p72-78. 

  07.Review of A History of Western Philosophy; ancient philosophy, by W. R. 
      Franciscan Studies,v.7: Mar. 1947,p78-89. 

  08.Review of History of Western Philosophy, by I. Berlin.
      Mind,n.s.v.56(n.222): Apr. 1947,p151-166. 

  09.Review of Russell's History of Western Philosophy; Catholic philosohy, by J.
      Franciscan Studies,v.7: June 1947,p193-219. 

  10.B. Russell's History of Western Philosophy [III]; modern philosophy, by R. 
      Franciscan Studies,v.7: June 1947,p219-242. 

  11.B. Russell's History of Western Philosophy, by C. E. M. Joad.
      Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,v.47: 1947,p85-104. 

(0832)Physics and Experience; the Henry Sidgwick lecture delivered at Newham 
       College, Cambridge, 10 Nov. 1945.(pub. in 1946)

  01.Review of Physics and Experience, by J. Ratner.
      Journal of Philosophy, v.43,n.10: May 9, 1946, p.276-278.

(0845)Philosophy and Politics; 4th annual lecture of the National Book League, 
       Oct.       23, 1946.(pub. in 1947)

  01.Review of Philosophy and Politics, by R. Hamilton.
      Hibbert Journal, v.46: 1947, p.81-84.

(39)Human Knowledge; its scope and limits, 1948.

  01.Lord Russell's theory of knowledge, by A. D. Ritchie.
      Nature, v.163(n.4138): Feb. 19, 1949, p.267-268.

  02.Review of Human Knowledge, by W. C. Kneale.
      Mind, n.s., v.58(n.231): July 1949, p.369-378.

  03.Russell and Human Knowledge, by E. A. Maziarz.
      New Scholasticism, v.23, July 1949, p.318-325.

  04.A conversation between B. Russell and David Hume; [on Human Knowledge], by 
      Hans Reichenbach.
      Journal of Philosophy, v.46,n.17: Aug. 18, 1949, p.545-549.

(40)Authority and the Individual, 1949.

  01.B. Russell and the illusion of freedom; a review of Authority and the 
      Individual, by J. Lewis.
      Modern Quarterly(London), v.4: 1949, p.341-365.

(41)Unpopular Essays, 1950.

  01.Review of B. Russell's Unpopular Essays, and of Russell's The Impact of 
      Science on Society, by V. J. McGill.
      Journal of Philosophy, v.49,n.3: Jan. 31, 1952, p.79-81.

(47)Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954.

  01.Review of Human Society in Ethics and Politics, by M. Ginsberg.
      British Journal of Sociology, v.6: 1955, p.210-212.
  02.B. Russell's new ethics; a review of Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 
      by K. Nielsen.
      Methodos, v.10(n.39), 1958, p.151-178.

  03.Discussion of Nielsen's B. Russell's new ethic, by S. Ceccato & K. Nielsen.
      ibid., p.179-182. 

(1082)John Stuart Mill; lecture on a master mind of the British Academy, read 
       Jan. 19, 1955.  

  01.Review of Russell's John Stuart Mill, by K. Britton.
      Philosophy, v.35(n.132): Jan. 1960, p.62-65.

(48)Portraits from Memory and Other Essays, 1956.

  01.Russell's portraits and self-portraits from memory; a review of Portraits
      from Memory and Other Essays, by H. J. McLendon.
      Journal of Philosophy, v.54, n.10: Apr. 1957, p.264-280.

(49)Logic and Knowledge; Essays, 1901-1950,  ed. by R. C. Marsh, 1956.
  01.Review of Logic and Knowledge, by A. C. Danto.
      Journal of Philosophy, v.54, n.11: May 23. 1957, p.360-362.
  02.Review of Logic and Knowledge, by H. A. Bedau.
      Philosophy of Science, v.25, n.2: Apr. 1958, p.136-139.

(54)My Philosphical Development, 1959.
  01.Bertrand Russell, philosopher; review of My Philosophical Development, by 
      R. B. Braithwaite.
      Nature, n.4689: Sept. 12, 1959, p.749-750.

  02.A Philosophical letter to B. Russell; a review of My Philosophical Develop-
      ment, by D. Cory.
      Journal of Philosophy, v.57, n.18: Sept. 1, 1960, p.573-587.
(55)Wisdom of the West, 1959.

  01.Review of Wisdom of the West, by J. H. Randall, jr.
      Journal of Philosophy, v.57, n.11: May 26, 1960, p.365-368.

(59)Has Man a Future?, 1961.

  01.Faith in man's future; a review of Russell's Has Man a Future?, by J. D.
      Labour Monthly, v.44, Jan. 1962, p.16-18.

(60)Unarmed Victory, 1963.

  01.Bewitchment of B. Russell; a review of Unarmed Victory, by J. Mander.
      New Republic, v.149, Aug. 17, 1963, p.20-22.

(62)The Autobiography of B. Russell, 3 vols., 1967-1969.

  01.Lord Russell's youth; a review of the Autobiography of B. Russell, v.1, by 
      S. Kaufmann.
      New Republic, v.158, Apr. 22, 1967, p.18 & 30.

  02.Russell in his prime; a review of Russell's Autobiography, v.1, by R. 
      Sampson. Nation, v.204, May 1, 1967, p.566-568

  03.Reader's choice;a review of Russell's Autobiography, v.1, by O. Handlin.
      Atlantic Monthly, v.219, May 1967, p.128-129.

  04.Monumental lives; a review of B. Russell's Autobiography, v.2, by S.
      New Republic, v.158, June 22, 1968, p.22 & 33-34.

  05.From an attic trunk; a review of Russell's Autobiography, v.2.  Unsigned.
      Time(Asian ed.), v.91, June 28, 1968, p.50 & EA6(=広告のページ)

  06.Haunted by himself; a review of the Autobiography of B. Russell, v.2, by 
      M. Byrd. 
      Nation(N. Y.), v.207, July 8, 1968, p.25-26.

  07.Act II of a prodigious life; a review of the Autobiography of B. Russell,
       v.2, by A. Cooke. 
      Life, v.65, Aug. 9, 1968, p.4.

  08.Disillusioned puck; a review of the Autobiography of B. Russell, v.2, by 
      J. Kellogg. 
      Christian Century, v.85, Sept. 25, 1968, p.1218-1221.
  09.Review of the Autobiography of B. Russell, v.2, by W. Coffey.
      Commonweal; the official journal of the Socialist League(London), v.89, 
      Nov. 8, 1968, p221-222.

  10.The uses of autobiography; a review of the Autobiography of B. Russell, 
      v.1 & v.2, by P. Shaw.
      American Scholar, v.38,n.1: Winter, 1968/1869, p.144-150.

  11.Prime minister without portfolio; a review of the Autobiography of B. 
      Russell,v.3, by R. Sampson.
      Nation,(N. Y.), v.209, Nov. 10, 1969, p.509-510.

(66)B. Russell's America, v.1, 1973.
  01.Review of B. Russell's America, v.1, by J. Richardson.
      Harper Monthly Magazine, v.248, Mar. 1974, p.91.

(67)Essays in Analysis, 1973.

  01.Review of Essays in Analysis, by J. Leiber.
      Review of Metaphysics, v.27,n.4: 1974, p.813.

     Nine letters from Giuseppe Peano to Bertrand Russell, ed. with an 
      introd. by H. C. Kennedy.
      Journal of History of Philosophy, v13(Apr. 1975), p.205-220.   *コピー


      russell: The Journal of the Bertrand Russell Archives.
    o.s, n.1: Spring 1971(=創刊号)  ~ n40: 1980/1981
       n.s. v.1,n.1: Summer 1981 ~ (継続受入中)