
ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

早稲田大学ラッセル関係資料コーナー_所蔵目録 n.1


1.原 著 目 次

1.1 著作集
1.2 単行書
1.3 小冊子
1.4 原著論文
* ↑ クリックすると該当の項目にジャンプします。



 The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell

 Vol.1:Cambridge Essays, 1888-1899, ed. by K. Blackwell, A. Brink, N. 
   Griffin, R. A. Rempel, & John G. Slater.  London, Allen & Unwin, 1983.
   xxxiv,554 p. 24 cm.

  Vol.2:Philosophical Papers 1896-1899, ed. by Nicholas Griffin and Albert C. 
   Lewis.  London, Unwin Hyman, 1990.  xxxix,647 p.  24 cm.

  Vol.3:Toward the "Principle of Mathematics" 1900-1902, ed. by Gregory H. Moore.
   London and New York, Routledge, 1993.  lviii,895 p.  24 cm.
  Vol.4:Foundations of Logic 1903-1905, ed. by Alsadair Urquhart with the assistance
   of Albert C. Lewis.  London and New York, 1994.  lii,743 p.  24 cm. 
  Vol.6:Logical and Philosophical Papers 1909-1913, ed. by John G. Slater with 
   the assistance of Bernd Frohmann.  London and New York, Routledge, 1992.
   lxix,562 p.  24 cm.

  Vol.7:Theory of Knowledge; the 1913 manuscript, ed. by Elizabeth R. Eames,
   in collaboration with K. Blackwell.  London, Allen & Unwin, 1984.
   lv,258 p. 24 cm.
  Vol.8:The Philosophy of Logical Atomism and Other Essays, 1914-1919, ed. by
   John G. Slater.  London, Allen & Unwin, 1986.  xl,418 p. 24 cm.

  Vol.9:Essays on Language, Mind and Matter 1919-1926, ed. by John G. Slator 
  with the assistance of Bernd Frohmann.  London, Unwin Hyman, 1988.  
  xl, 658 p. 24 cm

 Vol.10:A Fresh Look at Empiricism 1927-1942, ed. by John G. Slater with the 
    assistance of Peter Koellner.   London and New York, 1996.  xxxix,885 p.
    24 cm.
 Vol.11:Last Philosophical Testament 1943-1968, ed, by John G. Slater with the
    assistance of Peter Koellner.  London and New York, Routledge, 1997.
    xlvii,878 p.  24 cm.
 Vol.12:Contemplation and Action, 1902-1914, ed. by R. A. Rempel, A. Brink,
   & Margaret Moran.  London, Allen & Unwin, 1985.  lv,612 p. 24 cm.

 Vol.13:Prophecy and Dissent 1914-1916, ed. by Richard Rempel with the 
  assistance of B. Frohmann, M. Lippincott and M. Moran.  London, Unwin 
   Hyman, 1988.   xciii, 680 p.  24 cm.

 Vol.14:Pacifism and Revolution 1916-1918, ed. by Richard A. Rempel, Louis Greenspan,
   Beryl Haslam, Albert C. Lewis, Mark Lippincott.   London and New York, Routledge,
   1995.  lxxxii,630 p.  24 cm.


01-1.German Social Democracy.   Allen & Unwin, c1965,1965.

02-1.An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry.  Dover, c1956,1956.

03-1.A Critical Expositon of the Philosophy of Leibniz.  1st ed.
      Cambridge U. P., 1900.

  -2.    //.  2nd ed.  Allen & Unwin, c1937,1971.

04-1.The Principles of Mathematics.  2nd ed.  Allen & Unwin, c1937、1972.
  -2.    //.  2nd ed.  Norton, n.d.    *Paper ed.

05-1.Philosophical Essays.  Allen & Unwin, c1966,1966.
   *Repr. of the 1910 ed., with a new preface.
  -2.    //.  Simon & Schuster, c1966,1966.  *Paper ed.

06-1.Principia Mathematica,3 vols. 2nd ed.  Cambridge U. P., c1925-1927,1978.
  -2.Principia Mathematica to *56.  2nd ed.  Cambridge U. P., c1962,1976.

07-1.The Problems of Philosophy.  Holt, n.d.
  -2.   //.  Maruzen, 1959.
  -3.   //.  Oxford U. P., 1974.   *Paper ed.
  -4.   //.  Oxford U. P., 1978.  (Open Univ. set book)  *Paper ed.

08-1.Our Knowledge of the External World.  1st ed.  Open Court, 1914.
  -2.   //.  5th imp.  Allen & Unwin, 1969.
 -3. // .  2nd ed.  Norton, c1929.
     *Contains Russell's preface to the 2nd edition (Jan. 1928)

09-1.Justice in War Time.  1st ed.  Open Court, 1916.  
  -2.Justice in War Time.  2nd ed.  Open Court, 1917.
      *コピーを仮製本したもの。 *添付:Policy of the Ententeの標題紙等のコピー。
  ー3.   //.  2nd ed.  Garland, 1972.  
     *The Ethics of War の一部として収録されている。書誌学的にいって、最も複雑
  ー4. // . 2nd ed.  Haskell, 1974. 

10-1.Principles of Social Reconstruction.  1st ed.   Allen & Unwin, 1916.
  -2.  //.  Allen & Unwin, Jan. 1919.
  -3.  //.  Allen & Unwin, Feb. 1920.  *Cheaper ed.
  -4.  //.  12th imp.  Allen & Unwin, 1950.
  -5.  //.  14th imp.  Allen & Unwin, 1960.
  -6.  //.  Allen & Unwin, c1980,1980.    (Unwin paperbacks) 
 -7.Why Men Fight; a method of abolishing the international duel.  Century, 
   * American edition of: Principles of Social Reconstruction.

11-1.Political Ideals.  lst London ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1963.  (Unwin books)
  -2.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1980.   (Unwin paperbacks)

12-1.Mysticism and Logic.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1918.
  -2.  //.  Allen & Unwin, c1963,1963.   (Unwin books)
  -3.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1976.  (Unwin paperbacks?)
  -4.A Freeman's Worship and Other Essays.  Allen & Unwin, c1976,1976.
        (Unwin paperbacks)

13-1.Roads to Freedom.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1918.  
  -2.Proposed Roads to Freedom.  New York, Henry Holt, 1919.
      *Preface,Jan. 1919.  *米国版の初版。
  -3.Roads to Freedom.  2nd ed.  Allen & Unwin, Jan. 1921.  *Paper ed.
  -4.  //.  3rd ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1966.
  -5.  //.  3rd ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1966.  (Unwin books)

14-1.Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy.  1st ed.(?)  Macmillan,n.d.
  -2.  //.  13th imp.  Allen & Unwin, 1970.
  -3.  //.  Simon & Schuster, n.d.  *Paper ed.

15-1.The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1920.
 -2. //. 2nd imp.
      * 2nd imp. には、Errata 添付(16ケ所訂正)
  -3.  //.  2nd ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1969.   (Unwin books)

16-1.The Analysis of Mind.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1921.
  -2.  //.  10th imp.  Allen & Unwin, 1971.

17-1.The Problem of China.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1922.
  -2.  //.  Allen & Unwin, c1966,1966.
      * Repr. of the 1922 ed., with a new foreword.

18-1.The Prospects of Industrial Civilization.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1923.
  -2.  // .   Century,1923.
  -3.  // .  2nd ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1959.   
     * Contains a new preface.

19-1.The ABC of Atoms.  1st ed.  Kegan Paul, 1923.  

20-1.Icarus; or,the Future of Science.  Spokesman Books, 1973. 
      *Reprint of the 1st ed.

21-1.What I Believe.  1st ed.  Kegan Paul, 1925. (To-day and to-morrow ser.) 
  -2.  //.  5th imp.  Dutton, Nov.1926.

22-1.The ABC of Relativity.  1st ed.  Kegan Paul, 1925.
  -2.  //.  3rd ed.  Allen & Unwin, c1969,1969.
  -3.  //.  3rd ed.  New American Library, c1969,1969.  *Pbk.
  -4.  //.  3rd ed.  Allen & Unwin, c1969,1977.  *Paper ed.
  -5.  //.  4th rev. ed.  Ed. by F. Pirani.  Allen & Unwin, c1985,1985.  (Unwin 

23-1.On Education.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1926.
  -2.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1969.  (Unwin books)
  -3.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1974.  
  -4.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1976.  (Unwin paperbacks)

24-1.An Outline of Philosophy.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1927.
  -2.Philosophy.  1st ed.  Norton, 1927.
     *American ed. of 24-1.
  -3.An Outline of Philosophy.  Allen & Unwin, 1970.   (Unwin books)
  -4.  //.  Allen & Unwin,1979.  (Unwin Paperbacks)

25-1.The Analysis of Matter.  Allen & Unwin, c1954,1954.
     *Repr. of the 1927 ed., with a new introd. by L. E. Denonn.
  -2.  //.  Dover,c1954,1954.  *Paper ed.

x-01.Selected Papers of B. Russell.  1st ed.  Modern Library, 1927.

26-1.Sceptical Essays.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1928.
  -2.  //.  7th imp.  Allen & Unwin, 1960.
  -3.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1970.  (Unwin books)
  -4.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1977.  (Unwin paperbacks)

27-1.Marriage and Morals.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1929.
  -2.  //.  Allen & Unwin,1970.  (Unwin books)
  -3.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1972.
  -4.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1976.  (Unwin paperbacks)

28-1.The Conquest of Happiness.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin,1930.
  -2.  //.  3rd imp.  Allen & Unwin, 1930.
  -3.  //.  3rd imp.  New American Library, 1955.  *Pbk.
  -4.  //.  Bantam Books, 1968.   *Paper ed.
  -5.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1978.  (Unwin paperbacks)

29-1.The Scientific Outlook.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1931.
  -2.  //.  2nd ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1949.
      * With a new preface.
  -3.  //.  Norton, c1959,1962.

30-1.Education and the Social Order.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1932.
  -2.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1971.  (Unwin books)
  -3.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1977.  (Unwin paperbacks)

31-1.Freedom and Organization.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1934.
  -2.Freedom versus Organization.  1st American ed.  Norton, 1934. 
  -3.  //.  Norton, 1962.  *Paper ed.
  -4-1.Legitimacy versus Industrialism.  Allen & Unwin, c1965,1965.
        (Unwin books)   *Freedom and Organizationの前半部分にあたるもの。
  -4-2.Freedom vs. Organization.  Allen & Unwin, c1965,1965.
        (Unwin books)  *Freedom and Organizationの後半部分にあたるもの。

32-1.In Praise of Idleness.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1935.
  -2.  //.  5th imp.  Allen & Unwin, 1958.
  -3.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1976.  (Unwin paperbacks)

33-1.Religion and Science.  1st ed.  Thornton Butterworth,1935.
  -2.  //.  Oxford Univ. Press, 1949.
  -3.  //.  Maruzen, 1956.
  -4.  //.  Oxford Univ. Press, 1975.  *Paper ed.

34-1.Which Way to Peace?  1st ed.  Michael Joseph, 1936.  

35-1.The Amberley Papers. 2 vols.  Allen & Unwin, 1966.
      * Repr. of the 1937 ed.

36-1.Power.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1938.
  -2.  //.  Basic Books, 1940.
  -3.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1963.  (Unwin books)
  -4.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1967.                     
  -5.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1975.  (Unwin paperbacks)

37-1.An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1940.
  -2.  //.  Penguin Books, 1963.  *Paper ed.
  -3.  //.  Penguin Books, 1973.  (Penguin University Books)
  -4.  //.  Allen & Unwin, c1980,1980.  (Unwin paperbacks)

x-02.Let the People Think.  1st ed.  Watts, 1941.

38-1.A History of Western Philosophy. lst London ed.  Allen & Unwin,1946.
  -2.  //.  5th imp.  Simon & Schuster, n.d.
  -3.  //.  Allen & Unwin, c1961,1969.  *Paper ed.
  -4.  //.  19th imp.  Simon & Schuster, n.d.  *Paper ed.
  -5.  //.  Allen & Unwin, c1979,1980.   (Unwin paperbacks)

39-1.Human Knowledge.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1948.
  -2.  //.  5th imp.  Allen & Unwin, 1966.
  -3.  //.  Simon & Schuster, c1976,1976?   *Paper ed.

40-1.Authority and the Individual.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1949.
  ー2.  //.  Boston, Beacon Press, 1963.
  -3.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1965.  (Unwin books)
  -4.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1977.  (Unwin paperbacks)

41-1.Unpopular Essays.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1950.
  -2.  //.  3rd imp.  Simon & Schuster, n.d.  *Paper ed.
  -3.  //.  Allen & Unwin, c1968,1970.  (Unwin books)
  -4.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1976.  (Unwin paperbacks)

42-1.New Hopes for a Changing World.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin,1951.
  -2.  //.  2nd imp.  Simon & Schuster, n.d.

x-03.The Wit and Wisdom of Bertrand Russell.  1st ed.  Beacon Press, 1951.

43-1.The Impact of Science on Society.  1st ed.  Columbia U. P., 1951.
43E-1.  //.  (Enlarged 1st ed.)  Allen & Unwin, 1952.
  E-2.  //.  1st imp. Simon & Schuster, 1953.  *Paper ed.
  E-3.  //.  AMS Press, 1968.  
       * Reprint of the 43E-2.
  E-4.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1968.  (Unwin books)
  E-5.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1976.  (Unwin paperbacks)

x-04.Bertrand Russell's Dictionary of Mind,Matter,and Morals.  1st ed.
      Philosophical Library, 1952.

44-1.The Good Citizen's Alphabet.  1st ed.  Gaberbocchus, 1953.
      ト大学の Slater 教授の好意によるもの。
  -2.The Good Citizen's Alphabet & History of the World in Epitome.
      Gaberbocchus, c1970,1970.

45-1.Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories.  lst ed.  Bodley Head, 1953.
  -2.  //.  Max Reinhardt, 1959.   *Paper ed.

46-1.Nightmares of Eminent Persons.  2nd imp.  Bodley Head, 1954.

47-1.Human Society in Ethics and Politics.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1954.

48-1.Portraits from Memory and Other Essays.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1956.

49-1.Logic and Knowledge.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1956.
  -2.  //.  3rd imp.  Putnam's Sons, 1971.  *Paper ed.

50-1.Understanding History and Other Essays.  1st ed.  Philosophical
      Library, 1957.

51-1.Why I am not a Christian, and Other Essays on ...  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 
  -2.  //.  Allen & Unwin,1970.  (Unwin books)
  -3.  //.  10th imp.  Simon & Schuster, n.d.  (Clarion books) 
  -4.  //.  Simon & Schuster, n.d.  (Touchstone books)  *Paper ed.
  -5.  //.  Allen & Unwin, c1975,1977.  (Unwin paperbacks)

52-1.The Vital Letters of Russell,Khrushchev,Dulles.   University Microfilms 
      International, 1980. 
      *Repr. of the 1st ed.

x-05-1.Bertrand Russell's Best.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1958.
    -2.  //.  Rev. & Enlarged ed.  New American Library, c1971,1971.  *Pbk. 
    -3.  //.  Rev. & Enlarged ed.  Allen & Unwin, c1975,1975.  (Unwin books)  

x-06.The Will to Doubt.  1st ed.  Philosophical Library, 1958. (Wisdom library)

53-1.Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1959.
  -2.  //.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1959.  *Paper ed.

54-1.My Philosophical Development.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1959.
  -2.  //.  3rd imp.  Allen & Unwin, 1969.
  -3.  //.  Allen & Unwin, 1975.  (Unwin books)  

55-1.Wisdom of the West.  1st ed.  Crescent Books, 1959.
  -2.  //.  2nd imp.  Macdonald, Nov.1960.
  -3.  //.  Fawcett World Library, 1966.

56-1.Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind.  1st ed.  World, c1960.       
      * 故・服部弁之助教育学部教授の蔵書を古書店にて入手。
 -2. //.  Greenwood, 1974. 
      * Repr. of the 1st ed.

57-1.The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell. 1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1961.
  -2.  //.  Simon & Schuster, n.d.  *Paper ed.

58-1.Fact and Fiction.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1961.

59-1.Has Man a Future?  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1961.
  -2.  //.  Penguin Books, 1964.  *Paper ed.
  -3.  //.  Penguin Books, 1971.  *Paper ed.
      *英潮社刊の注釈書(annotated with an introd. by T. Shibazaki. 昭和47年刊)

60-1.Unarmed Victory.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1963.

x-07.On the Philosophy of Science.  1st ed.  Bobbs-Merrill, 1965.

61-1.War Crimes in Vietnam.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1967.
  -2.  //.  3rd imp.  Allen & Unwin, 1967.  *Paper ed.

62-1.The Autobiography of B. Russell.  3vols.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1967-1969.
  -2.  //.  vol.2.  1st ed. 
   *Book proof(校正刷)のため、目次の部分はページ付なし。巻末索引もなし。    
  -3.  //.  v.3.  1st ed.  Simon & Schuster, 1969.
  -4.  //.  v.2.  1st imp.  東南亜書店股 有限公司出版部、中華民国57年。
  -5.  //.  v.2-3.  1st imp.?  Bantam Books, May 1969 - Oct.1970.  *Paper ed.
  -6.  //.  One volume ed.  Allen & Unwin, c1975,1975.  (Unwin books)
  -7.  //.  One volume ed.  Allen & Unwin, c1978,1978.  (Unwin paperbacks)

X*3-2.The Wisdom of Bertrand RUssell; a selection.
         New York, Philosophical Library, 1968.   [118 p]
         * Abstracted from Dictionary of Mind, Matter, and Morals, ed. by Lester
          E. Dennon, c1952, published by Philosophical Library.

63-1.The Art of Philosophizing and Other Essays.  1st ed.  N. Y., Philosophical 
      Library, 1968.
      *本書は牧野教授がトロント大学の Slater教授にもらったもの。
 -2.  // .  Littlefield, Adams, 1974.  
      * Rer. of the 1968 ed. pub. by Philosophical Library.

64-1.Dear Bertrand Russell; a selection of his correspondence with the general 
      public 1950-1968.  1st ed.  Houghton Mifflin, c1969.
      * 故・服部弁之助教育学部教授の蔵書を古書店にて入手。
  -2.  //  .  2nd imp.  Allen & Unwin, 1970.

65-1.Collected Stories of B. Russell.  1st ed.  Simon & Schuster, 1972.
  -2.  // .  1st ed.?  Simon & Schuster, 1972 ?   *Paper ed.

x-08.The Life of B. Russell in Pictures and in His Own Words.  1st ed.
      Spokesman Books, 1972.  *ラッセル生誕百年記念出版。

x-09.Atheism; Collected Essays,1943-1949.  1st imp.  Arno Press & N. Y .Times,
      1972.   * 過去に発表されたものの寄せ集め。

66-1.Bertrand Russell's America. v.1.  lst ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1973.
  -2.  //.  v.2.  1st ed.  South End Press, 1983.     *Paper ed.
       *英国版初版は1年遅れて1984年にAllen & Unwinから出版。

67-1.Essays in Analysis.  1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1973.
  -2.  //.  1st ed.  Braziller, 1973.

68-1.Mortals and Others; B. Russell's American Essays,1931-1935,v.1.  1st ed. 
      Allen & Unwin,1975.

68-2.Mortals and Others; B. Russell's American Essays,1931-1935,v.2.  1st ed. 
      London & New York, Routledge, 1998.
x-10.Bertrand Russell on God and Religion,ed. by Al Seckel.   1st ed. Buffalo, 
      N.Y., Prometheus Books,1986.  *Paper ed.

69-1.The Selected letters of Bertrand Russell, v.1: the private years, 1884-
      1914, ed. by Nicholas Griffin.  Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1992.  
      xxi,553 p.
 -2.The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell, v.2: the public years, 1914-1970,
      ed. by Nicholas Griffin, assisted by Alison Roberts Miclan. London and 
      New York; Routledge, 2001. xix,660 p.

70.  Russell on Ethics; selections from the writings of B. Russell.  Ed. by 
      Charles Pigden.  London, Routledge, 1999.  xiv, 257 p.  *Paper ed.

 1.B. Russell, A. S. Neill, H. Lane. W. H. Kilpatrick; four progressive 
       educators.  1st ed.  Collier-Macmillan, 1967.
       * ラッセルのいろいろな著書からの抜粋を含む。

 0146-1.The Philosophy of Bergson.  1st ed.  Bowes & Bowes, 1914.
       * 初版本のコピー
    -2.  //.  Folcroft Library, 1971.  
         * Repr. of the 1st ed. 150部限定版

 0161.  The Philosophy of pacifism.  1st ed.  League of Peace and Freedom, 

 0293.  Free thought and official propaganda.  2nd imp.  London, Watts, 
       Apr.1922.    *コピー

 0363.b.Can the Soviet idea take hold of America, England and France?
       1st ed.  League for Public Discussion, 1924.  *コピー

 0393.  Why I am not a Christian.  8th imp.  Watts, June 1936.

 0460.  Has religion made useful contribution to civilization?  1st ed.
       Watts, Apr.1930.  *コピー

 0845.  Philosophy and politics.  1st ed.  National Book League, 1947.

 0850. My own philosophy.  1st ed.  McMaster Univ. Libr. Press, 1972.
         * Written in 1946. ラッセル生誕百年記念出版

 0968.What is Freedom?  London, Batchworth Press, 1952.  32 p. (Background book)

 1041.  History as an Art; Hermon Ould memorial lecture.  Aldington; Ashford, 
            Kent, Hand and Flower, 1954.  23 p.         

 1082.  John Stuart Mill.  1st ed.  Oxford Univ. Press, 1955.  *コピー

 1494.  An Atheist's B. Russell.  American Atheist Press, c1980,1980.

 ****.  Bertrand Russell an Introduction.  Edited selections from his writings,
         by Brian Carr.   1st ed.  Allen & Unwin, 1975.  *Pbk.


 0023.Review of G. Heymans' Die Gesetze und Elemente des wissenschaftlichen 
 0025.The a priori in geometry.
       Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,o.s.,v.3,n.2:1896,p97-112.

 0026.The logic of geometry.

 0028.Review of A. Hannequin's Essai Critique sur l'Hypoth se des Atomes
       dans la Science contemporaine.
       Mind,n.s.,v.5(n.19): July 1896,p410-417.

 0030.Review of L. Couturat's De l'Infini Mathematique.

 0032.On the relations of number and quantity.
       Mind,n.s.,v.6(n.23):July 1897,p.326-341.

 0034.Review of A. E. H. Love's Theoretical Mechanics; an introductory 
       treatise on the principles of dynamics.
       Mind,n.s.,v.7(n.27): July 1898,p.404-411.

 0035.Review of E. Goblot's Essai sur la Classification des Sciences.

 0036.Les axiomes propres   Euclide sont-ils empiriques?
       Revue de M taphysique et de Morale,v6:1898,p.759-776.

 0039.Sur les axiomes de la g om trie.
       Revue de M taphysique et de Morale,v.7:1899,p.684-707.

 0051.Letter to Frege.
       In: From Frege to G del; a source book in mathematical logic, 1879-
           1931, ed. by Jean van Heijenoort(Harvard U. P., c1967,1977), 
           p.124-125.  (p.126-128: Letter to Russell)         

 0052.On finite and infinite cardinal numbers.
       Ameircan Journal of Mathematics,v24:1902,p.378-383.
       * Section 3 of 'On cardinal numbers' by A. N. Whitehead.

 0058.Definitions of "cause","contenu", and "convergence".
       Bulletin de la Soci t  Fran aise de Philosophie,v3:1903,p.163,192-193 & 

 0062.The tariff controversy.
        Edinburgh Review,v.199(n.407):Jan.1904,p.169-196.
        * Published anonymously.

 0063.Mr.Charles Booth's Proposals for fiscal reform.
       Contemporary Review,v.85,Feb.1904,p.198-206.

 0066.The axiom of infinity.
       Hibbert Journal,v.2,n.4:July 1904,p.809-812.

 0069.Non-Euclidean geometry.
       Athenaeum,v.124(n.4018): 29 Oct.1904,p.592-593.

 0080.Definition of "evidence".
       Bulletin de la Soci t  Fran aise de Philosophie,v5:1905,p235.

 0096.The theory of implication.
       American Journal of Mathematics,v28,n.2:1906,p.159-202.

 0097.On the nature of truth.
       Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,v7:1906/07,p28-49.

 0099.Garibaldi's Defence of the Roman Republic.
       Edinburgh Review,v.205(n.420):Apr.1907,p.489-507.
       * Published anonymously.

 0109.Newton's philosophy;review of L. Bloch's La Philosophie de Newton.
       Nature,v.78,June 4,1908,p.99-100.
       * Unsigned,but verified as  Russell's.

 0110.Liberalism and women's suffrage.
       Contemporary Review,v94,July 1908,p.11-16.

 0111.Determinism and morals.
       Hibbert Journal,v.7,n.1:Oct.1908,p.113-121.

 0112.Review of Essays,Philosophical and Psychological; in honor of William 
       Hibbert Jounal,v.7,1908,p.203-207.

       Edinburgh Review,v.209(n.428): Apr.1909,p.363-388.

 0116.La theorie des types logiques.
       Revue de M taphysique et de Morale,v18,May 1910,p.263-301.

 0123.Knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description.
       Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,n.s.,v.11:1910/11,p108-128.
 0124.The basis of realism.
       Journal of Philosophy,Psychology, and Scientific Methods,v.8,no.6:Mar.16,
       1911, p.158-161.

 0125.L'importance philosophique de la logistique.
       Revue de M taphysique et de Morale,v19,n.3:;1911,p281-291.

 0125.b.The philosophical importance of mathematical logic.
         * English translation of 30.

 0127.Le realisme analytique; discussion.
       Bulletin de la Soci t  Fran aise de Philosophie,v.11: 1911, p.53-82.  
       * (Russell=p.55-61,71, & 76-82)

 0132.The philosophy of Bergson.
       Monist,v.22,n.3: July 1912,p.321-347.

 0134.When should marriage be dissolved?
       English Review,v.12,Aug. 1912,p.133-141.

 0138.Response a M. Koyr@.
       Revue de M taphysique et de Morale,v20:1912,p725-726.
       * In response to M. Koyre's "Sur les nombres de M. Russell".

 0141.The nature of sense-data; a reply to Dr. Dawes Hicks.
       Mind,v.22(n.85): Jan.1913,p.76-81.

 0151.The rights of the war;to the editor of the Nation.
       Nation(London),15 Aug. 1914,p.737-738.

 0152.Definitions and methodological principles in theory of knowledge.
       Monist,v.24, Oct. 1914,p.582-p.593.

 0157.Sensation and imagination.
       Monist,v.25, Jan. 1915,p.28-44.

 0160.On the experience of time.
       Monist,v.25, Apr. 1915,p.212-233.

 0165.Letter from B. Russell.
       Journal of Philosophy,Psychology and Scientific Methodos,v.12,n.14: 
        July 8,1915,p.391-392.

 0167.Symposium:The nature of the state in view of its external relations.
       Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, v.16;1915/1916,p.290-325.
       (Russell = p.301-310)    

 0175.Rex vs. Bertrand Russell.
       Living Age, v300(n3893): Feb. 1919, p.385-394. 
       * First pub. as a pamphlet in 1916 by No Conscription Fellowship, 

 0181.Personal statement.
       Open Court, v.30:Dec.1916: p.766-767. 
 0183.For conscience sake.
       Independent, v.89,Jan.15,1917,p.101-103. 
 0221.Is nationalism moribund?
       Seven Arts(N.Y.), Oct.1917, p.673-687.                                 

 0238.Pure reason at K nigsberg; review of Norman Kemp Smith's A Commentary 
       to Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'. 
       Nation(London), v.23,n.16;20 July 1918,p426 & 428.

 0243.Review of C. D. Broad's Perception, Physics, and Reality.
       Mind,n.s.,v.27: 1918, p.492-498.                                         

 0244.Review of Professor Dewey's "Essays in Experimental Logic".
       Journal of Philosohy, v.16,n.1; 2 Jan.1918,p.5-26.
       * Written in prison. 
 0252.Note on C. D. Broad's article in the mind(July 1919). 
       Mind,n.s., v.28,;Jan.1919; p.124.         

 0253.Democracy and efficiency.
       Athenaeum, Apr. 18,1919,p.204.               

 0254.Democracy and direct action.
       English Review, v.28;May 1919, p.396-403.

 0255.Philosophy and virtue.
       Athenaeum,  2 MAy 1919;p.270.

 0256.The mystic vision. 
       Athenaeum, 20 June 1919,p487-488.
       * Review of A. Clutton-Brock's What is the Kingdom of Heaven.            

 0257.The possibility of knowledge.
       Athenaeum, 27 June 1919,p.524-525.
       * Review of N. O. Lossky's the Intuitive Basis of knowledge.            

 0258.Economic unity and political division.
       Dial, v,66; 28 June 1919,p.629-631       
 0259.Philosophy without paradox.
       Athenaeum, July 25,1919; p.652-653.
       * Review of C. E. M. Joad's Essays in Common Sense Philosophy.  

 0262.A microcosm of British philosophy. 
       Athenaeum, v19(n4671):7 Nov. 1919,p1149-1150. 
       * Rreview of Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1918/1919.
 0263.The anatomy of desire (1).
       Athenaeum, Dec.12,1919,p1340-1341.
       * Pt.1 & 2 repr. as (xxx3)The why and wherefore of wishing for things 
         in: Living Age,Feb.1920.                       

 xxx3.The why and wherefore of wishing for things.
       Athenaeum, v304: 28 Feb. 192,p.528-533.

 0266.Relativity theory of gravitation. 
       English Review, v.30; Jan. 1920; p.11-18.                               

 0267.The wisdom of our ancestors.
       Athenaeum, 9 Jan. 1920,p.43.  
       * Review of H. H. Joachim's Immediate Experience and Mediation.          

 0268.Dreams and facts.    
       Dial,v68,n2; Feb. 1920, p.214-220.

 0269.Is logic deductive?: Review of B. Bosanquet's Implication and Linear 
       Nation(London), v.26; 27 Mar. 1920,p.898 &900. 
 0271.Religious evolution: Review of E. Carpenter's Pagan and Christian Creeds.
       Nation(London), v.27; 24 Apr. 1920,p116 & 118.
 0272.1.Socialism and liberal ideals (1). 
         English Review, v30: May 1920, p.449-455.
 0272.2.Socialism and liberal ideals (2).
         English Review, v.30; June 1920,p.499-508. 
 0274.1.Impressions of Bolshevik Russia (1). 
         Nation(London), v.27; 10 July 1920,p.460-462.
         * p.462 コピー漏れ(=早稲田大学図書館所蔵)

 0274.2.Impressions of Bolshevik Russia (2): Lenin Trotsky and Gorky.
         Nation(London), v.27; 17 July 1920,p.493-494. 
 0274.3.Impressions of Bolshevik Russia (3): Communism and the Soviet consti-
         Nation(London), v.27; 24 July 1920,p.520-521. 
 0274.4.Impressions of Bolshevik Russia (4): Town and country. 
         Nation(London), v.27; 31 July 1920,p.547-548. 
 0274.5.Impressions of Bolshevik Russia (5): Bolshevism and the international 
         Nation(London), v.27; 7 Aug. 1920,p.576-577.
 0275.1.Soviet Russia, 1920 (1).
         Nation(New York), v111, July 31, 1920,p.121-126.
 0275.2.Soviet Russia, 1920 (2).  
         Nation(New York), v111(n2875), Aug. 7, 1920,p.153-154.

 xxx4.Bertrand Russell prophecies the speedy triumph of socialism.    
       Current Opinion, July 1920, p.813-815.                                  

 0276.1.Bolshevik theory (1): The materialistic theory of history.
         New Republic, v.24; 15 Sep. 1920,p.67-69.

 0276.2.Bolshevik theory (2): Revolution and dictatorship.   
         New Republic, v.24; 3 Nov. 1920,p.239-241.     

 0276.3.Bolshevik theory (3): Mechanism and individual. 
         New Republic, v.24; 17 Nov. 1920,p.296-298.      

 0277.The meaning of "meaning"; a symposium.    
       Mind,n.s., v.29; Oct.1920, p.398-404. 
       * F. C. S. Schiller, B. Russell, & H. H. Joachim.  

 0280.The happiness of China.   
       Nation(London), v.28; 8 Jan. 1921,p.505-506.       

 0284.Industry in undeveloped countries.
       Atlantic Monthly, v.127; June 1921,p.787-795.
 0285.Inherent tendencies of industrialism. 
       Kaizo, v.3,no.9; Aug.1921, 後p.1-15.

 0286.Industrialism and private property. 
       Kaizo, v.3,no.10; Sept. 1921,p.119-109.(逆ページ付)

 0287.Interactions of industrialism and nationalism.
       Kaizo, v.3,no.11; Oct. 1921,p.137-123.(逆ページ付)

 0288.Sketches of modern China. 
       Nation and Athenaeum, v.30; 3 Dec. 1921,p.375-376.
       * Also as "Modern China" in; v.113;14-28 Dec.1921,p.701-702;726-727 & 
 0289.Higher education in China.
       Dial, v.71; Dec.1921, p.693-698.   

 0290.Some traits in the Chinese character.  
       Atlantic Monthly, v.128; Dec.1921,p.771-777.

 0292.How Washington could help China. 
       New Republic, v.29; 4 Jan. 1922,p.154-155. 
 0301.Analytic and synthetic philosophers.
       Nation & Athenaeum, v.31; 15 July 1922,p.538-539.
       * Review of G. E. Moore's Philosophical Studies, and of K. Stephen's 
         Misuse of Mind.                                                                 
 0302.Philosophic idealism at bay:
       Nation & Athenaeum, v.31; Aug. 1922,p.625-626.       

 0303.The Christian warrior; review of A. A. Luce's Bergson's Doctrine of 
       Nation & the Athenaeum, v.31; 9 Sep. 1922,p.770.     

 0304.Relativity, scientific and metaphysical.   
       Nation & Athenaeum, v.31; 16 Sep. 1922,p.796-797. 
       * Review of Haldane's Philosophy of Humanism and of Other Subjects.
 0305.Toward an understanding of China. 
       Century, v.104, Oct. 1922, p.912-916.              
 0306.Physics and perception. 
       Mind,n.s., v.31,no.124: Oct.1922, p.478-485. 
       * A reply to C. A. Strong. 

 0310.[Science and life]: instinct and the unconscious. 
        New Leader(London), v.1,no.5; 3 Nov.1922,p.12. 

 0311.What is morality? 
       Nation & the Athenaeum, v.32; 11 Nov. 1922,p.254-255.
       * Review of B. M. Laing's A Study in moral problems.

 0312.Dr. Schiller's analysis of The Analysis of Mind. 
       Journal of Philosophy, v.19,no.24: 23 Nov. 1922,p.645-651. 
 0313.From Comte to Bergson; review of J. A. Gunn's Modern French Philosophy.
       Nation & the Athenaeum, v.32; 9 Dec. 1922,p.426.   

 0315.The Aroma of evanescence; G. Santayana's Solilouies in England.
       Dial, v7; 1922,p.559-562.   

 0317.Review of J. M. Keynes's A Treatise on Probability.
       Mathematical Gazette, v.11(n159): July 1922, p.119-125.

 0318.Lord Balfour on methodological doubt. 
       Nation & Athenaeum, v.32; 6 Jan. 1923,p.542-544.
 0319.1.The case of Margaret Sanger (1).
         Nation & Athenaeum, v.32; 27 Jan. 1923,p.645. 
         * Letter to the editor.                       

 0319.2.The case of Margatet Sanger (2).  
         Nation & Athenaeum, v.32; 10 Feb. 1923,p.719.
         * Letter to the editor. 

 0320.Tolstoy's domestic problems.
       Freeman(N. Y.),v.6; 31 Jan. 1923,p.501-502.
 0321.Freedom in education; a protest against mechanism. 
       Dial, v.74; Feb. 1923, p.153-164.
       * Also in: Kaizo,v.5,n.2; Feb.1923,p.86-77. コピーあり.
 0322.China and Chinese influence.   
       Freeman, v.6; 28 Feb. 1923,p.585-587. 
 0323.The mastery of words. 
       Nation & the Athenaeum, v.33; 21 Apr. 1923,p.87-89.
       * Review of C. K. Ogden's & I. A. Richards' The Meaning of Meaning.     

 0324.1.Sources of power (1). 
         Freeman, v.7; 2 May 1923, p.176-179.

 0324.2.Sources of power (2). 
         Freeman, v.7; 9 May 1923, p.200-202.
 0324.3.Sources of power (3). 
         Freeman, v.7; 16 May 1923, p.224-226.

 0326.What constitutes intelligence? 
       Nation & the Athenaeum, v.35; 9 June 1923,p.330-331.                    

 0327.Mephistopheles and the brute.  
       Nation & Athenaeum, v.33; 7 July 1923,p.457. 
       * Review of G. Santayana's Scepticism and Animal Faith; introduction 
         to a system. 
 0328.Slavery or self-extermination; a forecast of Europe's future.
       Nation(New York), v117(n3027): 11 July 1923,p.32-34.                

 0329.Leisure and mechanism. 
       Dial, v.75: Aug. 1923, p.105-122.

 0330.Science and metaphysics.
       Nation & the Athenaeum, v.33; 8 Sept. 1923, p.716.
       * Review of E. W. Hobson's The Domain of Natural Science.     

 0332.Early Chinese philosophy. 
       Nation & Athenaeum, v.33; 22 Sep. 1923,p.778-779.
       * Review of Hu Shih's(=Suh Hu) The Development of the Logical Method in 
         Ancient China.     

 0334.Biology and religion.
       Nation & the Athenaeum, v.34; 10 Nov. 1923,p.223-224.
       * Review of J. Huxley's Essays of a Biologist.              

 0336.The revival of Puritanism. 
       Freeman, v.8; 17 Oct. 1923, p.128-130.                   

 0339.Where is industrialism going?  
       Century, v.107; Nov. 1923, p.141-149.

 0340.On vagueness.
       Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy, v1: 1923,p.84-92.
       * Read before the Jowett Society, Oxford.                               

 0344.The politics of oil; the threatened combine of combines. 
       New Leader, 11 Jan. 1924,p.4.
       * Review of The Oil Trusts and Anglo-American Relations(by E. H. 
         Davenport & Sidney Russell Cooke. 

 0345.a.Does ethics influence life? 
         Nation & Athenaeum, v.34; 2 Feb. 1924,p.635-636.
         * Review of A. Schweitzer's Civilization and Ethics(=The Philosohy 
           of Civilization, pt. II.)
 0345.b.Does ethics influence life? 
         Dial, v.76; 1924, p.353-356.                  

 0346.A motley Pantheon.
       Dial, v76, Mar. 1924, p.243-245.
 0349.The effect of science on social institutions.
       Survey, v.52,n.1; 1 Apr. 1924, p.5-11.              
 0351.Styles in ethics.
       Nation, v.118; 30 Apr.1924, p497-499.             
 0352.If we are to prevent the next war.
       Century, v.108; May 1924, p.3-12.

 0353.b.How to be free and happy. 
        [Summarized in:] Playground, v.18; 1924, p.486.       

       Dial, v.77,n.2; Aug. 1924, p.158-160.
       * Review of H. M. Kallen's Culture and Democracy in the United States.  

 0357.Impressions of America; Labour and a third party.    
       New Leader(London), 22 Aug. 1924, p.4.

 0359.The American intelligentsia.
       Nation & the Athenaeum, v.36; 11 Oct. 1924,p.50-51.

 0360.a.British imperialism in China; brigands and British banks.
         New Leader, Sept. 19, 1924, p.3.
         * Repr. as "British labour and Chinese brigands" in Nation, 5 Nov. 1924.

 0360.b.British labour and Chinese brigands.
         Nation(New York), v.119; 5 Nov. 1924, p.503-504 & 506.                 
 0361.Freedom or authority in education.   
       Century, v.109; Dec. 1924, p.172-180.
 0370.The dogmas of naturalism. 
       Nation & the Athenaeum, v.37; June 1, 1925, p.326.  
       * Review of E. A. Burtt's Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical 
         Science; a historical and critical essay. 

 0371.British policy in China.
       Nation & the Athenaeum, v.37; 18 July 1925,p.480-482.

 0372.Socialism and education.  
       Harper's Monthly Magazine, v.151; Sept. 1925, p.413-417.

 0373.Mind and matter.  
       Nation & the Athenaeum, v.38; 28 Nov. 1925,p.323. 
       * Review of C. D. Broad's The Mind and Its Place in Nature.

 0378.Review of C. D. Broad's The Mind and Its Place in Nature. 
      Mind,n.s., v35(n137); Jan. 1926, p.72-80. 
 0379.Perception; lecture to British Institute of Philosophy. 
       Journal of Philosophical Studies, v.1,n.1; Jan. 1926, p.72-80. 
 0381.What shall we educate for?; an inquiry into fundamentals. 
       Harper's Monthly Magazine, v.152; Apr. 1926, p.586-597.

 0382.Capitalism, or what?  
       Banker's Magazine, v.112,n.5; May 1926, p.679-680,725 & 727. 
 0383.Relativity and religion.
       Nation & the Athenaeum, v.39; 29 May 1926,p.206-207.  
       * Review of Whitehead's Science and the Modern World.   

 0387.The harm that good men do.    
       Harper's Monthly Magazine, v153; Oct. 1926, p.529-534.

 0389.Behaviourism; its effect on ordinary mortals should it become a craze.
       Century, v113; Dec. 1926, p.148-153.

 0390.On non-Euclidean geometries, with A. N. Whitehead.     
       In: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 13th ed., v.30(London & New York, Encyclo-
           paedia Britannica, 1926),p.724-730.

 0391.Knowledge, theory of.
       In: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 13th ed., v.30(London & New York, Encyclo-
           paedia Britannica, 1926),p.642-645.
 0392.British folly in China. 
       Nation, v.124; 2 Mar. 1927,p.227-228. 
 0395.The new philosophy of America.
       Fortnightly Review(London),v.129(n.s.v.123); 1 May 1928, p.618-623.
       * First pub. as "The new life that is America's" in 1927.   

 0397.The trainning of young children.  
       Harper's Monthly Magazine, v.155; Aug. 1927, p.313-319.

 0398.Things that have moulded me. 
       Dial, v.83; Sep. 1927, p.181-186.                 

 0400.Education without sex-taboos. 
       New Republic, v52(n676);16 Nov. 1927,p.346-348.    
       * J.Park says: "This is perhaps Russell's first article on the Beacon
     Hill School,which opened on Sept. 21,1927"(From:Park's B. Russell 
     on Education, p138.)

 0402.Effective intolerance; nothing more encouraging than the eminence of 
       Mr. Bernard Shaw.   
       Century, v115; Jan. 1928, p.316-325.
       * v.115 = n.s.v.93     
 0403.Bertrand Russell catches the tortoise. 
       Forum, v.79; Feb. 1928, p.262-263.    

 0404.Is America giving a chance to individuality?
       Nation's Business, Mar. 1928, p.23-24,121-123.

 0405.My own view of marriage.    
       Outlook, v.148; 7 Mar. 1928, p.376-377.    

 0410.Physics and metaphysics.  
       Saturday Review of Literature, v.4; 26 May 1928, p.910-911.  

 0412.The ostrich code of morals. 
       Forum, v.80; July 1928, p.7-10. 
       * Part of a debate: "Is companionate marriage moral?". 

 0413.School and the very young child.   
       Outlook, v.149; 11 July 1928, p.418-420, & 433.   

 0425.On Catholic and Protestant Sceptics.
       Life and Letters, v.1,n.6: Nov. 1928,p.468-476.
       * 雑誌現物

 0426.Democracy and emotion. 
       Nation(New York),v128(n3316): 23 Jan.1929,p.108.  
       * Review of J. H. Denison's Emotion as the Basis of Civilization. 

 0427.Physics and theology. 
       Nation(New York),v128(n3320):20 Feb.1929,p.232. 
       * Review of A. S. Edington's The Nature of the Physical World. 

       Nation(New York), v.128; 10 Apr. 1929,p.428.
       * Review of Joseph Wood Krutch's The Modern Temper.  

 0434.The twilight of science; is the universe running down?
       Century, v118; July 1929.p.311-315.

 0435.What is Western civilization?    
       Scientia, v.46; July 1929, p.35-41. 
       * Translated in French by H. De Varigny in: Scientia,Supplement,
         v.46; July 1929,p.21-26.    

 0436.What I believe. 
      Forum(New York), v.82,no.3; Sept.1929,p.129-134.
       * Repr. in: Living Philosophies (N.Y.,Simon & Schuster,1931),p.9-19. 

 0439.Mr. Russell replies.                      
       Nation(New York), v.129; 11 Dec.1929,p.720.    
       * Letter in reply to Miss Dudderidge.             

 0440.Idealism for children. 
       Saturday Review of Literature, v.6; 14 Dec. 1929,p.575.    

 0449.Politics and theology.   
       Political Quarterly, v1: Apr. 1930, p.179-185. 

 0450.Why is modern youth cynical? 
       Harper's Monthly Magazine, v.160; May 1930, p.720-724.

 0452.Religion and happiness. 
       Spectator(London), v.145; 15 Nov. 1930,p.714-715.
 0453.Heads or tails.
       Atlantic Monthly, v.146; Aug. 1930, p.163-170.  
       * Original title: Probability and fact.  

 0454.Thirty years from now. 
       Virginia Quarterly Review; a national journal of literature and 
       discussion, v.6; Oct. 1930, p.575-585.

 0456.What I believe.
       Nation, v.12; 29 Apr. 191, p.469-471. 

 0466.Don't tell the children.
       Child Study, v8; Feb. 1931,p.161-162.

 0467.Modern tendencies in education.
       Spectator, v146; 1 June 1931, p.926-927.
0468.Free speech in childhood. 
        New Statesman and Nation, v.1; 30 May 1931,p.486-488.

 0468.b.Free speech in childhood.
        Nation(N.Y.),v.133; 1 July 1931,p.12-13.   
        * Nation に掲載されたものは30行ほど削られている.  

 0468.1.Free speech in childhood;letter (1).             
        New Statesman and Nation, v.1; 13 June 1931,p.575. 
         * An answer to letters of readers.  
 0468.2.Free speech in childhood; letter (2).  
         New Statesman and Nation, v.1; 27 June 1931,p.643.  
         *a letter as answers to letters of readers.   

 0474.In our school. 
       New Republic, v.68(n875): 9 Sept. 1931,p.92-94. 

 0477.Review of F. P. Ramsey's The Foundations of Mathematics and Other 
       Logical Essays.   
       Mind,n.s., v40(n160); Oct.1931, p.476-482.  

 xxx5.Shall the home be abolished?; Bertrand Russell-Sherwood Anderson 
       Literary Digest, v.111; 28 Nov. 1931,p.25-26.

 0491.Review of F. P. Ramsey's The Foundations of Mathematics and Other Logical 
       Philosophy, v.7,no.25; Jan. 1932, p.84-86.  

 0704.Why radicals are unpopular.
       Common Sense, v.5; Mar. 1936,p.13-15. 

 0706.Philosophy and grammar.       
       London Mercury, v33(n197); Mar. 1936, p.541-543.

 0707.The limits of empiricism.
       Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,n.s.,v6: 1936,p.131-150.

 0709.On order in time.
       Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, v.32,pt.2;
       May 1936, p.216-228.                    

 0721.On being modern-minded.   
       Nation(New York), v.144; 9 Jan. 1937,p.47-48. 

 0724.Power, ancient and modern.
       Political Quarterly, v8,n.2; Apr.-June 1937, p.155-164.

 0726.The future of democracy.
       New Republic, 5 May 197, p.381-382.

 0731.War in the heavens.   
       London Mercury, v.36(n213): July 1937, p.297-298. 
       * Review of Olaf Stapledon's Star Maker.        

 0732.On verification; presidental address. 
       Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, v.38; 1937, p.1-20. 
       * Meeting of the Aristotelian Society at 55, Russell Square, London,
         W.C. 1,on Nov. 8th,1937, at 8 p.m.   

 0734.Aristocratic rebels; Byron and the modern world. 
       Saturday Review of Literature, v.17; 12 Feb. 1938,p.3-4. 
       * Repr. as part of (0788)Byron and the modern world., 1940.  

 0740.The relevance of psychology to logic; a symposium.  
       Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supl.v.17;1938, p.42-53.
 0749.The role of the intellectual in the modern; an address delivered to the 
       Sociology Club of the University of Chicago.   
       American Journal of Sociology, v44,n.4; Jan.1939, p.491-498.

 0752.Must democracy use force?; Munich rather than war. 
       Nation(New York), v148; 11 Feb. 1939, p173-175.

 0754.b.Bertrand Russell on education for democracy; an address.  
         Elementary School Journal,v.39; Apr. 1939,p.564-657.  
 0755.Can power be humanized?     
       Forum, v.102; Oct. 1939, p184-185. 

 0758.Byron and the modern world.     
       Journal of the History of Ideas, v.1,no.1; Jan. 1940, p.24-37. 

 0759.Toward world federation; too optimistic.   
       Asia, v.40; Mar. 1940, p.126-127.    
       * Comment of articles by Dr. Hans Kohn.     

 0765.The philosophy of Santayana. 
       In: The Philosophy of Santayana,ed. by P. A. Schilpp(Evanston 
           & Chicago, Northwestern Univ.,1940),p.453-474.

 0773.A philosophy for you in these times. 
       Reader's Digest, v39(n234); Oct.1941, p.5-7.

 0780.Bertrand Russell on India.
       Nation, v1554; 5 Sept. 1942, p.200.

 0783.Non-materialistic naturalism.                
       Kenyon Review, v.4; Aug. 1942, p.361-365.

 0794.[What shall we do with Germany?]  
        Saturday Review of Literature, vo.26,n.22: 29 May 1942,p.8-9.  

 0827.How to avoid the atomic war. 
       Common Sense(New York), v.14,n.9; Oct.1945, p.3-5.   

 0844.The atomic bomb and the prevention of war.  
       Bulletin of the Atomic Bomb, v.2,no.7/8; 1 Oct. 1946, p.19-21. 

 0847.Mind and matter in modern science.  
       Rationalist Annual,  1946, p.13-23.

 0861.Review of A. J. Ayer's Language, Truth and Logic, 2nd ed.        
       Horizon, v.15; 1947, p.71-72.    

 0869.The outlook for mankind. 
       Horizon, v17(n100);Apr.1948, p.238-246.    
 0870.Whitehead and Principia Mathematica.
       Mind,n.s., v57(n226); Apr. 1948, p.137-138.  
 0876.Famous British scientist and philosopher Bertrand Russell foresees
       boredom or doom in a scientific world. 
       United Nations World, v.2; Sept.1948,p.14-16.  
 0878.b.The way of the world.
         World Review(London), v26,n9; Sept. 1948,p11-15.
         * Also pub. as "World government, by force or consent ?" 
           in New Leader(N. Y.),v.31; 4 Sept. 1948,p.8.

 0882.European culture.  
       Listener, v40(n1028): 7 Oct. 1948,p.537. 
       * Review of John Bowle's The Unity of European History.     

 0883.Atomic energy and the problems of Europe.  
       19th Century and After, v.145; Jan. 1949, p.39-43.
       * Address given at the Westminster School, 20 Nov. 1948. 
         Includes questions and answers.  

 0892.Einstein and the theory of relativity.
       Listenre, 17 Mar. 1949, p.452-453.  

 0894.Unity of Western culture.
      World Review,n.s., no.2; Apr.1949, p.5-8.   

 0895.Reply to inquiry; should U.N. meetings open with prayer or meditation?
       U. N. World, v.3; Aug. 1949, p.13.

 08**.Good and bad.
       Polemic, n.6: Nov./Dec. 1946,p.2-8.
       *後に、(47)の第1部第4章として収録 *雑誌現物

 0900.A Guide for living in the atomic age.   
       U.N.World, v.3,n.11; Nov.1949, p.33-36.  

 xxx8.Exceptional man.
       Atlantic Monthly, v.184; Nov. 1949, p.52-56.
       From: (40)Authority and the Individual,1949.    

 0901.William of Occam; empiricist and democrat.   
       Listener, v42(1088);1 Dec. 1949,p.949-951.     
 0902.Political and cultural influence of U.S.A.    
       Listener, v42(n1089): 8 Dec. 1949,p.991-993.
       * Repr. in: (66)B. Russell's America,v.2,p.319-326. 
       * The first of a group talks on 'The impact of America upon European 

 0907.L'individu et l'etat moderne.                   
       Bulletin de la Societe Fran aise de Philosophie(Paris), Apr./June
       1949, p.81-100.

 0910.Logical positivism.
       Revue Internatinale de Philosophie, v4(n.11); Jan. 1950, p.3-19. 
       * Repr.in: (49)Logic and Knowledge, 1956. 
       * Not identical with (0880)
       * Portions of this paper are contained in:(39)Human Knowledge,1948. 

 0911.Le principe d'individuation.     
       Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale(Paris), v55,n.1; Jan./Mar 1950.p1-15.
 0912.What went wrong; review of The God that Failed(ed. by Richard H. S. 
       Obserber, 29 Jan. 1950, p.4.
 0915.Is a third world war inevitable?    
       U. N. World, v.4,no.3; Mar.1950, p.11-13.     
 0917.Came the revolution. 
       Saturday Review of Literature, v33: 25 Mar. 1950 p.9-10,36-37.
       * Review of The God that Failed(ed. by R. H. S. Crossman.  N.Y.,Harper) 
       * Not identical with (0957) 
 0927.Reflections on the past half-century; light and shade of fifty years. 
       London Calling, 9 Nov. 1950, p.12.  
       * Original title: '1900-1950'; Broadcast in the BBC's Overseas Services.

 0929.Loquacious man and his mind.      
       Observer, 24 Dec. 1950,p.4.   
       * Comments on J. Z. Young's Doubt and Certainty in Science.  
 0930.To replace our fears with hope. 
       New York Times Magazine, 31 Dec. 1950,p5,23 & 25.  

 0936.To face danger without hysteria.   
       New York Times Magazine, 21 Jan. 1951,p.7,42,44-45.
       * Original title: On mass hysteria.  
 0937.George Bernard Shaw.
       Virginia Quarterly Review, v.27,no.1: Winter 1951,p.1-7.  
       * Not identical with the essay contained in (48)Portraits from Memories

 0946.No funk, no frivolity, no fanaticism.   
       New York Times Magazine, 6 May 1951; p7,22-23.

 0949.Ludwig Wittgenstein, 1889.4.26-1951.4.29 
       Mind,n.s., v60(n239); July 1951, p.297-298.

 0950.China and history. 
       Saturday Review of Literature, v.34,n.31; 4 Aug. 1951,p.39. 

 0956.The best answer to fanaticism; liberalism. 
       New York Times Magazine, 16 Dec. 1951,p9,40-42.
        * With 'a liberal decalogue'.   

 0967.How fanatics are made. 
       Obserber, 23 Mar. 1952,p.4.  
       * Review of E. Hoffer's The True Believer, & J. L. Talmon's The Origins
         of Totaltarian Democracy.                                             

 0970.Advice to those who want to attain 80.
       New York Times Magazine, 18 May 1952,p.13.       

 0971.Reflections on my eightieth birthday.   
       Listener, v47(n1212); 22 May 1952,p.823-824.
       * Repr. in:(49)Portraits from Memory, and ...
       * Also repr.,with additions, in:(62)The Autobiography of B. Russell,
         v.3, postscript.                                           
 0974.The next eighty years. 
       Observer, 18 May 1952,p.4.
       * Repr. in: Saturday Review, 9 Aug. 1952. 
       * Original title: Meanderings of an octogenarian. 

 0977.The American way (a Briton says) is dour.
       New York Times Magazine, 15 June 1952,p.12 & 30.
       * Repr. in:(66-2)B. Russell's America, v.2,p.335-337.   
       * Original title: Why Americans are unhappy.    

 0979.As school opens; the educators examined.  
       New York Times Magazine, 7 Sept. 1952,p9,44-45. 
       * Original title: Progressive education.  
       * Not identical with (0847)
 0981.On J. Maynard Keynes and Lytton Strachey(=Portraits from memory 2)
       Listener, v48(n1220): 17 July 1952,p.97-98. 
       * Repr.in:(62)The Autobiography of B. Russell,v.1,chap.3.  
       * Not included in (49)Portraits from Memory, ...

 0982.Reason and passion. 
       Listener, v48(n1230): 25 Sep. 1952,p.495-496.
       * Repr. in: (47)Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, preface.    

 0984.Three essentials for a stable world.     
       New York Times Magazine, 3 Aug. 1952,p.11 & 53.
       * Repr. in: (58)Fact and Fiction.   
       * Original title: The road to stability.  
 0985."The faultless Max" at 80.  
        New York Times Magazine, 24 Aug. 1952,p18-19 & 41.
        * Original title: Max Beerbohm.           

 0986.The cult of "common usage".
       British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, v3,n12; Feb. 1953,p303-307.
 0990.b.How to be happy in 1953.
         Uited Nations World, Jan. 1952, p.12-15, & 63.

 0995.Mahatma Gandhi.          
       Atlantic Monthly, v190,n.6; Dec.1952, p.35-39. 

 1010.A philosophy for our time. 
       London Calling, 17 Dec. 1953, p.3 & 18.
       * Repr. in: (48)Portraits from Memory, and ...              
       * Original title: The tasks of philosophy in our time.          

 1011.Benefit of clergy.
       Harper's Bazaar, June 1953, p86-87.
       * Repr. in: (45)Satan in the Suburbs, 1953.  

 1013.Albert Einstein.              
       Observer, 24 Apr. 1955, p.502.
       * Not identical with (1094)     

 1014.Are the world troubles due to decay of faith? 
       Rationalist Annual, 1954, p.7-13.  

 1026.What would help mankind most? 
       New York Times Magazine, 27 Sept. 1953,p10,47-49.
       * Repr. in: (57)The Basic Writings of B. Russell.    
       * Original title: The greatest service to mankind.
       * Condensed under titlle: To turn us from madness in: Readers Digest, 
         v.63: Dec.1953.   

 1027.Technics and totalitarianism.
       Encounter, v1,n.2; Nov. 1953, p.75-77.
       * Review of Leonard Woolf's Principia Politica.
       * Original title: Can totalitarian regimes be stable?    

 1029.A world I'd like. 
       Nation(New York), v177,n19; 7 Nov. 1953,p.367-369.

 1030.The danger to mankind.   
       Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, v10,n.1: Jan.1954, p.8-9. 

 1033.Do science and religion conflict?     
       Journal of the British Astronomical Association,v.64: Jan.1954, 
 1034.The greatness of Albert Einstein.    
       Listener, v53(n1365): 28 Apr. 1953,p.745-746.
       * First written in 13 Nov.1953,revised in 1953, and used in 1955.
       * See also (1072)Albert Einstein.
       * Original title: BBC Einstein obituary revision.  

 1035.Virtue and the censor.     
       Encounter, v.3,n.1; July 1954, p.8-11.
       * Original title: Can the censor prompte virtue? 

 1036.The corroading effects of suspicion.   
       New York Times Magazine, 14 Feb.1954,p7 & 55-56.
       * Original title: Suspicion.   

 1037.Trotsky's tragedy.    
       Observer, 21 Mar. 1954,p.498.
       * Original title: Trotsky in the ascendant.    
 1039.The saint of rationalism.  
       Observer, 4 Apr. 1954,p.499. 
       * Review of Michael St. John Packe's The Life of John Stuart Mill. 

 1043.Why I oppose communism.
       In: Why I Oppose Communism; a symposium, with and indrod. by Trevor-Roper
          (London, Phoenix House, 1956)
 1050.The hydrogen bomb and world government.      
       Listener, v52(n1325): 22 July 1954,p.133-134.

 1055.Light versus heat.
       Observer, 8 Aug. 1954,p.7.          
       * Review of A. J. Ayer's Philosophical Essays.   
 1060.What neutrals can do to save the world.  
       Britain Today, Nov. 1954, p.6-10.   
       * Repr. in: (58)Fact and Fiction, 1961. 
 1060.b.What neutrals can do to save the world.  
         Nation, 18 Dec.1954,p531-532.

 1078.Man's peril from the hydrogen bomb; broadcast on BBC, Dec.23, 1954.
       Listener, v52(n1348): 30 Dec. 1954,p1135-1136.
       * Slightly revised, and pub. as 'Man's peril' in: (48)Portraits from
       * Original title: The hydrogen bomb and the peril to mankind.   

 1085.Philosophers and idiots.       
       Listener, v53(n1354): 10 Feb. 1955,p247,&249.

 1087.Promoting virtuous conduct. 
       Observer, 20 Feb. 1955,p.6.  
       * Original title: Christianity and morals.    

 1094.Marxism and Russia. 
       Observer, 8 May 1955, p.16.
       * Review of Isaac Deutshcer's Heretics and renegades.
       * Original title: Soviet Russia in historical perspective.   

 1095.Introduction to Atoms for Peace: the choice is ours; coexistence or no 
       Nation, v180; 18 June 1955,p.515-517.
       * Atoms for Peace = special issue of the Nation.       

 1099.World conference on scientists.
       Bulleltin of the Atomic Conference, v12,n2; Feb. 1956, p.41-43.

 1104.The mind of Robert Oppenheimer.    
       New Republic, v133, 21 Nov. 1955,p.25-26.

 1111.Philosophical anaysis. 
       Hibbert Journal, v.54,no.4; July 1956, p.320-329.
       * Repr. in: (54)My Philosophical Development.  
       * Review of J. O. Urmson's Philosophical Analysis; its development 
         between the two world wars.       

 1117.Nuclear weapons must not be used.
       New Times, Sept. 1956, p.8-9.

 1130.Review of M. P. Sharp's Was Justice Done?; the Rosenberg-Sobell Case.
       University of Chicago Law Review, v.24,n.3; Spring 1957,p.588-592.
       * Original title: Justice or injustice?
 1133.Mr. Strawson on referring.
       Mind, v.66(n263): July 1957, p.385-389.
       * Review of P. F. Strawson's article "On referring".
       * Repr. in:(54)My Philosophical Development; (67)Essays in Analysis,1973.

 1136.Logic and ontology.  
       Journal of Philosophy, v.54,no.9; 25 Apr. 1957,p.225-230.
       * Repr. in:(54)My Philosophical Development, 1959. 
       * Review of G. F. Warnock's Metaphisics in Logic.    

 1140.Mathematical infinity.    
       Mind,n.s., v67(n.267): July 1958, p.385.

 1144.Three reasons why they dislike us. 
       New York Times Magazine, 8 Sept. 1957,p.20 & 115.
       * Original title: Anti-American feeling in Britain.   

 1149.1.Christian ethics (1).       
         Observer, 13 Oct. 1957, p8.  

 1149.2.Christian ethics (2). 
         Observer, 20 Oct. 1957, p.15. 

 1150.Review of G. Williams' The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law.
       Stanford Law Review, v.10; Mar.1958, p382-385.
       * Original title: Law and ethics. 

 1156.Sous l'influence de Voltaire.
       La Table Ronde, n122; Feb. 1958, p.159-163.
       * Traduit de l'anglais par Georges Chevassus. 
       * Original title: Voltaire's influence on me.  

 1157.What is mind?  
       Journal of Philosophy, v55,n1: 2 Jan. 1958,p.5-12.  
      * Repr. in: (54)My Philosophical Development. 
      * Review of Gilbert Ryle's The Concept of Mind.      
 1158.The world and the observer.     
       Listener,v59(n1506): 6 Feb. 1958,p.223-226.
       * Repr. in: (54)My Philosophical Development.
       * Chapter 2 of MPD plus an introductory paragraph. 
 1159.Reducing the perils of the nuclear age. 
       Observer, 5 Jan. 1958, p.8. 

 1165.a.The divorce of science and culture.
         Unesco Courier,v11,n2: Feb 1958, p.4. 
         * With minor deletions.
 1165.b.The divorce of science and culture.
         School and Society, v86; 21 June 1958, p.282-283.

 1167.An answer to Mr. Marseille.           
       Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, v.14; Apr. 1958, p.144-146.
       * Original title: Mr. Marseille on Pugwash.        

 1169.The role of science in society.  
       International Affairs(Moscow), Mar. 1958, p.42.

 1171.Mankind versus the H-Bomb.
       International Journal, v.13,n.3; Summer 1958,p.175-178.

 1188.Only world government can prevent the war nobody can win. 
       Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, v.14,no.7; Sept. 1958, p.259-261.

 1193.My philosophical development.       
       Hibbert Journal, v.57; 1959, p.2-8.  
       * Repr. in: (54)My Philosophical Development. 

 1194.My present view of the world.              
       Encounter, v12,n1: Jan.1959, p.3-10. 

 1196.A reply by B. Russell.   
       Encounter, v.12,no.3: Mar. 1959, p.84.
       * A reply to Mr. Charles Davy. 
 1201.Bertrand Russell reflects.  
       Listener, v61(n1564): 19 Mar. 1959, p.503-505.

 1235.Notes on Philosophy(Jan.1960). 
       Philosophy, v35(n133); Apr. 1960, p.146-147.

 1244.The case for neutralism, including answers to objectors.  
       New York Times Magazine, 24 July 1960,p10,35-36.
       * Repr. in: (58)Fact and Fiction, 1961.    
       * Original title: The case for British neutralism.     

 1270.B. Russell on "Unilateralism".
        New Republic, v144,n10; 6 Mar. 1961,p.13-14.
       * Original title: What British unilateralism want.   
 1292.The case for British nuclear disarmament.
       Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, v.18,n.3: Mar.1962, p.6-10. 
       * Original title: The movement for British nuclear disarmament.  

 1305.To avoid nuclear war. 
       Atlantic Monthly, v.210,no.5; Nov.1962,p.65-67.   
       * Original title: Can nuclear war be prevented?   


 02**.Bertrand Russell and the Japan Chronicle.(4篇ともラッセル執筆)

   1.Magdeleine Marx's Book on Woman.
      Japan Chronicle(Daily ed.), May 19, 1921, 第5面

   2.Capitalism in South China.
      Japan Chronicle(Daily ed.), July 26, 1921, 第5面

   3.Mr.Bertrand Russell and the Japanese Press.
      Japan Chronicle(Daily ed.), Aug. 31, 1921, 第5面

      Japan Chronicle(Daily ed.), Feb. 1, 1923, 第5面