The Bertrand Russell Society(米国ラッセル協会)概要
The Bertrand Russell Society はラッセル思想のより良き理解と普及のために、1974年に設立された国際的な団体であり、協会は、ラッセルの次の言葉をモットーとしています。(From What I Believe, 1925)
"The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge", by Bertrand Russell
The Bertrand Russell Society(2006年1月現在)は以下の通り。
- 所在地など
(Rosalind Carey)
Philosophy Dept., Lehman College-CUNY, 250 Bedforf Park Blvd. West, Bronx, NY 10468.
- 創設年月日
- 機関誌
The Bertrand Russell Quarterly: official organ of the BRS
* Published Quarterley (February, May, August and November).
* Editors: Rosalind Carey and John Ongley
* The BRS Quarterly is free to members of the Bertand Russell Society. Membership also includes a subscription to Russell: the Journal of the Bertrand Russell Research Centre at MacMaster University.
- 役員等
Officers of the BRS
・Chairman of the Board:David White, Dep't of Philosophy, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY
・President: Alan Schwerin, Dept. of Philosophy, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ., USA.
・Secretary: Steve Bayne, ??.
・Treasurer: Dennis J. Darland,
1406 26th St., Rock Island, IL61201-283, USA.
・Web Master: John Lenz