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VI.-A3 ラッセル文書館報・総目次 - Index to russell; The Journal of the B. Russell Archives, New series, v.5,n.2-v.6.n.1

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V.5,n.2(Winter 1985/1986)
  1. Editor's notes, by K. Blackwell(p.98-100)
  2. Russell's logicism versus Oxbridge logics, 1890-1925: a contribution to the real history of twentieth-century English philsophy, by I. Grattan-Guinness(p.101-131)
  3. Wittgenstein's criticism of Russell's theory of judgment, by Nicholas Griffin(p.132-145)
  4. A. S. Neill on Bertrand Russekk, by Terry Philpot(p.146-149)
  5. Science as method: the conceptual link between Russell's philosophy and his ecucational thought, by Howard Woodhouse(p.150-161)
  6. B. Russell and John Cowper Powys, Is Modern Marriage a Failure?; a debate, by Marvin Koh.(p.162-168)
  7. Gunnar Fredriksson, Bertrand Russell; en intellektuell i politiken, by Stepfan Andersson(p.169-174)
  8. James Thomas Flexner, An American Saga; the Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield; Sean Hignett, Brett: from Bloomsbury to New Mexico, by Margaret Moran(p.175-183)
  9. L'Oeuvre de Louis Couturat(1878-1914)... de Leibniz a Russell, by Albert C. Lewis(p.184-185)
  10. Index Russell,n.s.1-5, comp. by Shelia Turcon(p.186-192)
V.6,n.1(Summer 1986)
  1. Editor's notes, by K. Blackwell(p.2-4)
  2. Bertrand Russell; from liberalism to socialism?, by Royden Harrison(p.5-38)
  3. Russell's dismissal from Trinity; a study in high table politics, by Paul Delany(p.39-61)
  4. To the master and fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge, by A. N. Whitehead(p.62-70)
  5. Russell sold up, by Sheila Turcon(p.71-78)
  6. A Victorian monument; a review of Francis West's Gilbert Murray; a life(London and Canberra; Croom Helm, 1984), by Louis Greenspan(p.79-84)
  7. Moral philosophy and nuclear deterrence; a review of Anthony Kenny's Logic of Deterrence(London; Firethorn Press, 1985), by Douglas P. Lackey(p.85-96)




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