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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


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(39)Human Knowledge; its scope and limits, 1948(続き)

02.Review of Human Knowledge, by William C. Kneale.
Mind, n.s., v.58(n.231): July 1949, p.369-378.

03.Russell and Human Knowledge, by Edward A. Maziarz.
New Scholasticism, v.23: July 1949, p.318-325.

04.A conversation between B. Russell and David Hume; on Human Knowledge, by Hans Reichenbach.
Journal of Philosophy, v.46,n.17: Aug. 18, 1949, p.545-549.

05.Review of Human Knowledge, by Norman Malcolm.
Philosophical Review, v.59: Jan. 1950, p.94-106.

(40)Authority and the Individual, 1949.

01.B. Russell and the illusion of freedom; a review of Authority and the Individual, by John Lewis.
Modern Quarterley(London), v.4: 1949, p.341-365.

(41)Unpopular Essays, 1950.

01.Review of B. Russell's Unpopular Essays, and of Russell's The Impact of Science on Society, by V. J. McGill.
Journal of Philosophy, v.49,n.3: Jan. 31, 1952, p.79-81.

02.Sense and prejudice; a review of B. Russell's Unpopular Essays. Unsigned.
Times Literary Supplement, n.2542: 20 Oct. 1950, p.663.

(43)The Impact of Science on Society, 1952.

01.Review of B. Russell's Unpopular Essays, and of Russell's The Impact of Science on Society, by V. J. McGill.
Journal of Philosophy, v.49,n.3: Jan. 31, 1952, p.79-81.

(47)Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954.

01.Review of Human Society in Ethics and Politics, by Brand Blanshard.
Saturday Review of Literature, Jan. 29, 1955, p.13?

02.Review of Human Society in Ethics and Politics, by Morris Ginsberg.
British Journal of Sociology, v.6: 1955, p.210-212.

03.Critical notice of Human Society in Ethics and Politics, by R. Edgley.
Mind, v.65: Oct. 1956, p.551-557.

04.B. Russell's new ethic; a review of Human Society in Ethics and Politics, by Kai Nielsen.
Methodos, v.10(n.39): 1958, p.151-179.

05.Discussion of Nielsen's B. Russell's new ethic, by Silvio Ceccato and Kai Nielsen.
Methodos, v.10(n.39): 1958, p.179-182.

06.A review of Human Society in Ethics and Politics, by A. C. Ewing.
Philosophy, v.19: July 1955, p.283 - ?.

07.A review of Human Society in Ethics and Politics, by Gwynne Nettler.
American Sociological Review, v.20: 1955, p.504-505.

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