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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


IV.-A2.ラッセル関係外国語文献 (逐次刊行物等に掲載されたもの)
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1979-13.Knowledge by description; Russell, by Gilead Bar-Elli(in Hebrew).
Lyyun, v.28: Oct. 1978/1979, p.268-283.

1979-14.Russell's paradox re-examined, by Arnold Gusmariu.
Erkenntnis, v.14: Nov. 1979, p.365-370.

1979-15.Russell on the notion of cause, by Donald Lipkind.
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, v.9,n.4: Dec. 1979, p.701-720.
* D. Lipkind died during the winter term of 1978, in his first at the University of Calgary and at the very beginning of his philosophical career(Born in Calgary on May 23, 1950)

1979-16.Russell's new riddle of induciton, by B. C. Johnsen.
Philosophy, v.54(n.207): 1979, p.87-97.

1979-17.Yetzirato ha-Sifrutit shel B. Russell, by Adir Cohen.
Carmelit, v.21/22(1977-1978): 1979, p.168-198.

1979-18.Time and the Russell definition of number, by Charles B. Cross.
Southwestern Journal of Philosophy, 1979, p.177-180.

1979-19.B Russell's response to environment, by Ronald Bordessa & Vykki J. Silzer.
Journal of Outdoor Education, v.13,n.2: 1979, p.7-14.
1979-20.Some remarks on the relationship between Russell's vicious-circle principle and Russell's paradox, by P. Vardy.
Dialectica, v.33: 1979, p.3-19.

1979-21.Is Russell's vicious circle principle false or meaningless?, by L. E. Fleischhacker.
ibid., p.23-30.

1979-22.A comparison between Ayer's views about the privileges of sense-datum statements and the views of Russell and Austin, by D. F. Pears.
In: Perception and Identity; essays presented to A. J. Ayer with his replies to them, ed. by G. F. Macdonald(London; Macmillan, 1979), p.61-83.


1980-01.Russell's proof of realism reproved, by Herbert Hochberg.
Philosophical Studies, v.37: Jan. 1980, p.37-44.

1980-02.B. Russell; the patrician rebel, by Anthony Howard.
Listener, 17 Jan. 1980, p.70-72.

1980-03.Russell's principle of acquaintance and its significance, by Gilead Bar-Elli(in Hebrew).
Lyuun, v.29: Jan./Apr. 1980, p.93-102.
* ibid., p.128-129 = English abstract of Hebrew text

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