IV.4A2a.研究論文・評論等 1976-20.Significato, forma logica e conoscenza nell' atomismo logico di Russell, by Raffaella Simili(in Italian). Lingua e Stile, v.11: 1976, p.457-477. ![]() 1976-21.Frege und Russell über das "Paradox der Identität", by Ronald Suter. Problemata, n.43: 1976, p.? * First pub. in: Studien zu Frege, Bd. 2, p.257-268. 1976-21.Frege and Russell on vacuous singular terms, by Leonard Linsky. Studien zu Frege, Bd. 3, p.97-115. * Repr. in :Problemata, n.44: 1976, p.? 1977 1977-01.Lenguaje y realidad en la filosofia del atomismo logico de B. Russell, by Joyce M. Zurcher(in Spanish). Revista de filosofia(Costa Rica), v.15: Jan./June 1977, p.1-21. 1977 1977-02.Russell's theory of description as a vehicle for a translation from "ought" to "is" and vice versa, by E. Morscher. Logique et Analyse, v.20: Mar./June 1977, p.129-133. ![]() 1977-03.The relation between Wittgenstein's picture theory of propositions and Russell's theories of judgment, by David Pears. Philosophical Review, v.86,n.2: Apr. 1977, p.177-196. ![]() |
1977-04.Uses of definite descriptions and Russell's theory, by Alan Brinton. Philosophical Studies, v.31,n.4: Apr. 1977, p.261-267. ![]() 1977-05.A Russellian approach to truth, by Ronald Scales. Nous, v.11,n.2: May 1977, p.169-174. ![]() 1977-06.A difficulty with the Frege-Russell definition of number, by Robert Hambourger. Journal of Philosophy, v.74,n.7: May 1977, p.409-414. ![]() 1977-07.The development of Russell's structural postulates, by Michael P. Bradie. Philosophy of Science, v.44,n.3: Sept. 1977, p.441-463. ![]() 1977-08.Unmögliche Gegenstande; eine Untersuchung der Meiong-Russell-Kontroverse, by Karel Lambert. Conceptus, Bd. 11: 1977, p.92-100. 1977-09.In praise of folly; Jorge Luis Börges and B. Russell, by Leonard A. Cheever. Perspectives on Contemporary Literature(Louisville, Kentucky), v.3: 1977, p.50-59. |