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1971-02.On changing the world, by Noam Chomsky.
Cambridge Review, v.92(n.2201): 19 Feb. 1971, p.117-136.
* The second of two Trinity College B. Russell Memorial Lecture, given at Cambridge on 28 Jan. 1971.
* Repr. in: Problems of Knowledge and Freedom; the Russell Lectures(Vintage Books, 1972)

1971-03.Kant or Cantor?; that the universe, if real, must be finite in both space and time, by Pamela M. Huby.
Philosophy, v.46(n.176): Apr. 1971, p.121-132.
* Huby tries to show that Russell's arguments against the thesis of Kant's first antinomy are unsatisfactory.

1971-04.Some recollections of B. Russell, by Paul A. Schilpp.
Journal of Thought, v.6: Apr. 1971, p.68-79.

1971-05.Presupposition, entailment, and Russell's theory of descriptions, by Marc L. Schnitzer.
Foundations of Language; international journal of language and philosophy, v.7: May 1971, p.297-299.

1971-06.Russell's theory of society; "the scientific society", by U. Dhand.
Revista International de Sociologia, v.29(n.116): May/Aug. 1971, p.5-27.

1971-07.Russell's distinction between the primary and secondary occurrence of definite descriptions, by Chrystine E. Cassin.
Mind, n.s., v.80: Oct. 1971, p.620-622.
1971-08.A critical examination of Russell's view of facts, by Keith Halbasch.
Nous, v.5: Nov. 1971, p.395-409.

1971-09.Russell's paradox and some others, by William C. Kneale.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, v.22: Nov. 1971, p.321-338.

1971-10.On Russell's alleged confusion of sense and reference, by R. K. Perkins, jr.
Analysis, v.32: Dec. 1971, p.45-51.

1971-11.Frege's (conception of) sense and reference related to Russell's theory of definite descriptions, by S. O. Welding.
Revue Internationale de Philosophie, v.25,n.3(n.97), 1971, p.389-402.

1971-12.Platone e Russell nella definizione della matematica, with an English taranslation, by Silvio Maracchia.
Scientia(Milano), v.106: 1971, p.207-223.
* p.207-215: Italian, p.216-223: English translation(=Plato and Russell on the definition of mathematics) Translator: J. E. Holmstrom-Folkestone.

1971-13.'∃X'(=Existential quantification) in Russell's analysis of deninete descriptions, by Chrystine E. Cassin.
Dialogue(Canada), v.10: 1971, p.553-557.

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