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1956-06.Logical atomism; Russell and Wittgenstein, by D. F. Pears.
In: Revolution in Philosophy(London; Macmillan, & New York; St. Martin's Press, 1956), p.41-55.

1957-01.B. Russell on war and peace, by Irving L. Horowitz.
Science and Society; a Marxian quarterly, v.21,n.1: Winter 1957, p.30-51.
* Repr. as "B. Russell; man against man", in: The Idea of War and Peace in Contemporary Philosophy(New York; Paine-Whitman Pub., 1957), p.107-123.

1957-02.B. Russell o conradzie(=B. Russell on Conrad), by Teresa Pfabe.
Kultura i spoleczenstwo, Oct./Dec. 1957, p.46-47.

1957-02.The revolt against logical atomism (1), by Gustav Bergmann.
Philosophical Quarterly, v.7: 1957, p.323-339.
* Repr. in: Meaning and Existence, by G. Bergmann(Univ. of Wisconsin Press, c1959)

1957-03.Russell and the great mystery, by E. F. D'Ooherty.
Studies(Dublin), v.46: 1957, p.27-33 & 162-172.

1957-04.How B. Russell was prevented from teaching at the College of the City of New York.
In: Russell's (51)Why I am not a Christian, and Other ..., 1957, p.207-259.

1957-05.Moore and Russell, by John Passmore.
In: A Hundred Years of Philosophy, by J. Passmore(Duckworth, 1957, 574p.) chap.9.
* 2nd ed. in 1966 (chap.9 = pp.203-241)
1958-01.The revolt against logical atomism (2), by Gustav Bergmann.
Philosophical Quarterly, v.8(n.30): Jan. 1958, p.1-13.
* Repr. in: Meaning and Existence, 1959, p.39-72.

1958-02.Concerning Russell's analysis of value judgements, by John L. McKenney.
Journal of Philosophy, v.55,n.9: Apr. 24, 1958, p.382-389.

1958-03.Descriptions, scope, and identity, by Herbert Hochberg.
Analysis, v.18: June 1958, p.20-22.

1958-04.Russell's objections to Frege's theory of sense and reference, by John R. Searle.
Analysis, v.18: June 1958, p.137-143.
* Repr. in: Frege, n.19, p.337-345.

1958-05.An investigation on the logical sturucture of mathematics(5): contradictions of Russell's type, by Shigekazu Kuroda.
Journal of Symbolic Logic, v.23: Dec. 1958, p.393-407.

1958-06.Reduction of arithmetic to logic based on the theory of types without the axiom of infinity and the typical ambiguity of arithmetical constants, by Ludwik Borkowski.
Studia Logica, v.8: 1958, p.283-295.

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