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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


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Education and the Social Order.

1.London; Allen & Unwin, 1932. 254 p. 20 cm.
1.The individual versus the citizen. 2.The negative theory of education. 3.Education and heredity. 4.Emotion and discipline. 5.Home versus school. 6.Aristocrats, democrats, and bureaucrats. 7.The herd in education. 8.Religion in education. 9.Sex in education. 10.Patriotism in education. 11.Class-feeling in education. 12.Competition in education. 13.Education under communism. 14.Education and economics. 15.Propaganda in education. 16.The reconciliation of individuality and citizenship. Index.

2.American ed. pub. under the title: Education and the Modern World.
New York; Norton, 1932. 245 p. 21 cm.
* 原著の第2,3章及び、第4,5章がそれぞれ1章にまとめられている。

3.London; Allen & Unwin, 1967. 150 p. 19 cm. (Unwin books, 73)
New York; Norton, 1932. 245 p. 21 cm.


4.First pub. in Unwin Paperbacks, 1977. 158 p. 20 cm.

Feedom and Organization, 1814-1914.

1.London; Allen & Unwin, Oct. 1934. 528 p. 23 cm.
Preface(May 1934) Pt.1: The principles of legitimacy. 1.Napoleon's successors. 2.The Congress of Vienna. 3.The Holly Alliance. 4.The twilight of Metternich. Pt.2: The march of mind. Sect. A: The social background. 5.The aristocracy. 6.Country life. 7.Industrial life. Sect. B: The philosophical radicals. 8.Malthus. 9.Bentham. 10.James Mill. 11.Ricardo. 12.The Benthamite doctrine. 13.Democracy in England. 14.Free trade. 15.Owen and early British socialism. 16.Early trade unionism. 17.Marx and Engels. 18.Dialectical materialism. 19.The theory of surplus value. 20.The politics of Marxism. Pt.3: Democracy and plutocracy in America. Sect. A: Democracy in America. 21.Jefersonian democracy. 22.The settlement of the West. 23.Jacksonian democracy. 24.Slavery and disunion. 25.Lincoln and national unity. Sect. B: Competition and monopoly in America. 26.Competitive capitalism. 27.The approach to monopoly. Pt. 4: Nationalism and imperialism. 28.The principle of nationality. 29.Bismarck and German unity. 30.Econimic development of the German empire. 31.Imperialism. 32.The arbiters of Europe. Conclusion. Bibliography. Index.
(Freedom versus Organization.)

2.American edition has title: Freedom Versus Organization, 1814-1914.
New York; Norton, 1934. viii,471 p. 24 cm.

3.New York; Norton, 1962. viii,471 p. 20 cm. (Norton Library, 136)

4.London; Allen & Unwin, 1965. 2 vols. (Unwin books, 57 & 58)
● 2 vols.: 一橋/東北大/早
●Vol.1: 東大社研/一橋/阪大
●Vol.2: RC/東大教養

In Praise of Idleness, and Other Essays.

1.London; Allen & Unwin, 1935. 231 p. 20 cm.
Preface. 1.In praise of idleness. 2."Useless" knowledge. 3.Architecture and social questions. 4.The modern Midas. 5.The ancestry of fascism. 6.Scylla and Charybdis; or, communism and fascism. 7.The case for socialism. 8.Western civilization. 9.On youthful cynicism. 10.Modern homogeneity. 11.Men versus insects. 12.Education and discipline. 13.Stoicism and mental health. 14.On comets. 15.What is the soul? No index.

2.New York; Norton, 1935. 270 p. 22 cm.

3.London; Allen & Unwin, 1960. 144 p. 19 cm. (Unwin books, 8)

4.New York; Barnes & Noble, 1960. 144 p.

5.New York; Simon & Schuster, 1972. 231 p. (Touchstone books, 21380)

6.First pub. in Unwin Paperbacks, 1976. 174 p. 20 cm.

7.London & New York; Routledge, 1994. 174 p. 20 cm.
* Repr. with introduction 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001 & 2003.



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