[回答]The No-Conscription Fellowship)発行の週刊の機関紙 The Tribunal
(ラッセルが一時期編集長をつとめた)The Tribunal という徴兵反対協会(or 徴兵反対同盟:The No-Conscription Fellowship)発行の週刊の機関紙にすべて収録されています。この新聞は'復刻版'がだされており、国立市にある一橋大学の図書館が所蔵しています。私も一橋大学図書館で昔かなりコピーして所蔵していますが、一度一橋で現物(=復刻版)を見られたほうがよいと思われます。
At the time, however, of the crime for which I went to prison, I had finally decided that there was nothing furthur to be done, and my brother had casused the Government to know my decision. There was a little weekly newspaper called The Tribunal, issued by the No Conscription Fellowship, and I used to write weekly articles for it. After I had ceased to be editor, the new editor, being ill one week, asked me at the last moment to write the weekly article. I did so, and in it I said that American soldiers would be employed as strike-breakers in England, an occupation to which they were accustomed when in their own country. ... I was sentenced fot this to six months' imprisonment.