さて、第1章(何が人々を不幸にさせるのか?)の「不幸の心理的な原因は、明らかに、多種多様である/The psychological causes of unhappiness, it is clear, are many and various という部分以降(岩波文庫のP.17以降→p.22以降の間違い?)の訳が安藤訳と松下訳とではかなり異なっているので、ベースにしたテキストが異なっているのではないか」、とのご質問です。 https://russell-j.com/beginner/HA11-040.HTM
ラッセルの著書(原著)の英米を中心にした出版状況(版・刷の違い)については、マクマスター大学のラッセル文書館の館長であったK.ブラックウェル博士のラッセル書誌(A Bibliography of Bertrand Russell, 3vols., Routledge, 1994)に詳しく書かれています。それによりますと、The Conquest of Happpiness, 1930 については、異なる版(テキスト)があるとは書かれていません。(ちなみに、Marriage and Morals, 1929 は1ケ所、テキストに違いがあり、Education and the Social Order, 1932 は米国版と英国版とで章立てが少し異なっています。)
The psychological causes of unhappiness, it is clear, are many and various. But all have something in common. The typical unhappy man is one who, having been deprived in youth of some normal satisfaction, has come to value this one kind of satisfaction more than any other, and has therefore given to his life a one-sided direction, together with a quite undue emphasis upon the achievement as opposed to the activities connected with it. There is, however, a further development which is very common in the present day. A man may feel so completely thwarted that he seeks no form of satisfaction, but only distraction and oblivion. He then becomes a devotee of 'pleasure'. That is to say he seeks to make life bearable by becoming less alive. Drunkenness, for example, is temporary suicide; the happiness that it brings is merely negative, a momentary cessation of unhappiuess. The narcissist and the megalomaniac believe that happiness is possible, though they may adopt mistaken means of achieving it; but the man who seeks intoxication, in whatever form, has given up hope except in oblivion.