Bertrand Russell : Portal Site for Russellian in Japan

バートランド・ラッセルに関する Q&A - ドーラ(ラッセルの再婚相手)と選挙


 ラッセルの二番目の妻ドーラ(Dora Russell, 旧姓 Dora Black)は二度,下院選に出馬していますが,1度目の結果はどのようになったのでしょうか?


 ドラ・ラッセルは1975年に自叙伝The Tamarisk Treeを出しています。原著は2巻本ですが,1984年に,リブロポートから『タマリスクの木 - ドラ・ラッセル自叙伝』というタイトルで邦訳(1巻本,487p.,3,500円)も出版されています。

 フェリス 山手開架 289.3||R89  愛媛大 図 289.33/R1  一橋 図・収蔵庫 218061286Y 一橋経研 Qc-612  横国大 図 289.3//RDT  慶大日 B@289.3@Ru2@1  四国院 289.3||R89  滋県大 看護 実践女 図 289.3||R96  上智大 書庫 289.3:R893  常磐大 289.3-R  神大国際教養 289-3-r  成蹊大 図 289.3||280  青学短 559137963 静大 図 289.3||R89  跡見短大 289.3||R89  茶女大 女性文化 289.3||R89  追手門 図 00195495 帝塚大学園前 図 289//R//  同大 289.3;R39 B; 武蔵大図 367.028||7  明学大 図 289:R82:R82:6  立大 84-01960 立命館 0113450540

 この本を読みますと,確かにラッセルのかわりに労働党の候補として総選挙に立候補したと書いてありますが,明確に落選したと書いてはありません。しかし,Dora Black(Dora Russell)の Biography などをみても労働党候補として立候補したとは書いてあるものもありますが,当選したと書いてあるものは見つかりませんので,落選したものと思われます。

(同書 p.289 の最後のパラグラフ)
  Google (検索エンジン)を使い,「ドーラ(あるいはドラ) + ラッセル」及び「Dora Russell + biography」 といったキーワードで検索して見てください。検索エンジンをうまく使えるかどうかで情報収集能力は随分差がつきます。

 最後に Dora Black の biography を一つ引用しておきます。

Russell, Dora (1894 - 1986) British feminist
(From: The Penguin Biographical Dictionary of Women, c Market House Books Ltd 1998)

The second wife of the philosopher Bertrand Russell, Dora Russell was an influential feminist and peace campaigner. Born and educated near London, Dora Black gained a first-class degree at Girton College, Cambridge. She became a fellow of the college in 1918. Dora shared the left-wing pacifist views of the much older Cambridge academic Bertrand Russell, with whom she began an affair in 1919. She followed him on a trip to the Soviet Union and in 1921 lived with him while he lectured in China, where she became pregnant. The couple married as soon as Russell's divorce from his first wife came through and together wrote The Prospects of Industrial Civilization (1923). Frustrated at finding herself overshadowed by her famous husband, Dora Russell began to concentrate her intellectual efforts on women's rights. She campaigned for birth-control information to be made available to women, especially the working classes, and in 1924 cofounded the Workers' Birth Control Group. In her books Hypatia, or, Women and Knowledge (1925) and The Right to Be Happy (1927) she argued that women should be allowed sexual freedom. With her husband she founded an experimental school (1927-43), at which their two children were educated; she was also a cofounder of the National Council for Civil Liberties (1934). Although both Russells preached sexual freedom and Bertrand enjoyed numerous affairs, when Dora gave birth to two children by an American, Griffin Barry, the result was separation and divorce (1932-35). In 1940 Dora was married again, to Pat Grace, who died in 1949. After World War II Dora Russell became active in the campaigns against the build-up and testing of nuclear weapons during the Cold War. She travelled widely with the "Women's Peace Caravan" and continued to be involved in antinuclear demonstrations until weeks before her death. Her autobiography, The Tamarisk Tree, was published in two volumes (1974, 1980).