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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル書目 - CHECKLIST of B. R. Materials, comp. by S. MIZUKUCHI(4)

 出典:『ラッセル協会会報』n.1(1965年5月)p.8-14 掲載.
 * 間違いや不適切な表記が多数ありますが、最小限の訂正にとどめておきます。

German Social Democracy(a chapter by Alys Russell)1896
An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry1897
A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz1900
The Principles of Mathematics1903
Principia Mathematica,v.1(with A. N. Whitehead) 191O
Philosophical Essays191O
Principia Mathematica-v.2 (with A N. Whitehead) 1912
The Problems of Philosophy1912
Principia Mathematica-v.3 (with A N. Whitehead)1913
Our Knowledge of the External World as a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy1914
Scientific Method in Philosophy ←余分。上記と同じ1914
The Philosophy of Bergson (controversy with H.W. Carr)1914
War, the Offspring of Fear1915
Principles of Social Reconstruction(in America: Why Men Fight :A Method of Abolishing the International Duel)1916
Policy of the Entente, 1904-1914(part of :Justice in War-Time)1916
Justice in War-Time1916
Political Ideals (米国版)  *Harvardで公演するはずであったもの)1917
Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays1918
An Outline of Philosophy ← この本の出版は1927年のまちがい →1917
Roads to Freedom: Socialism,Anarchism and Syndicalism (in America: Proposed Roads to Freedom:Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism)1918
An Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
(John DeweyのEssays in Experimental Logicの批判) ← (松下注:まったく無関係のコメント)
The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism (in America: Bolshevism in Theory and Practice)1920