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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


バートランド・ラッセル「島国根性について」(1932.09.21)(松下彰良 訳)

* 原著:On insularity, by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975)
* 改訳しました。(2011.2.20)


 シリー諸島の住民は,海洋民族(航海民族)であり,大部分の者が生涯の何年かをアジアやアフリカで過ごしている。(従って)彼らは日中間の問題, (南アフリカの)ケープ植民地における英蘭問題,その他の同様の(国際問題)を知的に議論することができる。また彼らは遠い地域ばかりでなく,遠い時代についても関心を持っている。彼らは自分たちの島が,古代,'錫'の交易のため,最初はフェニキア人,次にローマ人によって探検されたことを知っている。即ち,彼らは,中世を通じてその島は,今もその遺跡が残っているある寺院の修道士たちによって支配されていたこと,チャールズ一世処刑後にクロムウェルヘの最後の抵抗(蜂起)が試みられたこと,等々を知っている。彼らが支配する世界は狭い。しかし,彼らの思惟と想像の世界は非常に広大である。

Men who live on islands have been much maligned by those who live on continents, and as the latter are the majority they have made their case heard more effectually than has been possible for the minority. Having just returned from an excursion to the Scillies, which are among the smallest inhabited islands in the world, I feel impelled to take up the cause of islanders in general and to argue that, whatever else they may be, they are not 'insular' in the ordinarily accepted meaning of the term.
The traditional view of the people who live on an island is that they are much less aware than other people of the existence of the rest of the world and of its manners and customs. The term grew up, I fancy, during the wars against the French Revolution and Napoleon, when Englishmen were unable to travel on the continent. Isolation due to war may produce in any country the characteristic we call 'insularity' . But in time of peace, I maintain, or even in time of war if a country has allies, islanders, especially if they live on a very small island, are less likely than other people to be what is commonly meant by 'insular'.
The men of the Scilly Isles are seafaring folk, most of whom have spent years of their lives in Asia and Africa. They can discuss intelligently the Sino-Japanese question, the Anglo-Dutch problem at the Cape, or any such matter. They are as conscious of distant times as of distant places. They know that in antiquity their islands were explored, for the sake of the tin trade, first by Phoenicians and then by Romans; that throughout the Middle Ages the islands were governed by the monks of an abbey of which ruins remain ; that here the last stand against Cromwell was made after the execution of Charles I. Their territorial world is small, but the world of their thought and imagination is exceptionally large.
The man who lives in the middle of a large continent, unless he has enough money and leisure for long journeys, is brought much less in contact with alien customs and ways of living. In the great plains of Russia, a peasant hardly ever encounters anything non-Russian. Russian customs, Russian beliefs, Russian propaganda bound his horizon. It is this that makes it possible for Russia to build up a system different from that of the rest of the world.
In the centre of the American continent the same sort of thing happens. The bulk of the population feels that American ways are the only natural ways, American forms of government the natural forms of government, and American abuses only such as human nature makes inevitable. The same sort of thing would be found in the centre of China or of any large homogeneous continental area.
It would seem, therefore, that 'insularity', so far from being a characteristic of islanders, is, on the contrary, most often to be found among the inhabitants of vast inland countries. The further people live from the sea, the more 'insular' they become. Progress in civilisation has always come from seafaring nations: the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Arabs, the Italians, the Dutch, the British, and (until the Civil War) the Americans.
Perhaps the invention of the railway, which has diminished the importance of the sea, is the ultimate cause of the decline of civilisation in recent times. If so, perhaps recovery will come through the perfecting of the aeroplane.
