バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )


In the conflicts between Christianity and Islam, it was war that decided which countries should be Christian and which Mohammedan. In the conflicts between Protestants and Catholics, it was again military success and failure that decided the issue. America, North and South, is Christian because European arms were more effective than those of Red Indians. This long history has become so deeply embedded in the outlook of both statesmen and ordinary men that it is extremely hard to think in the new terms required in the modern world. Prominent authorities in America, Britain, Russia and China have in quite recent times expressed their belief that the ideology which they favour could be rendered world-wide by a nuclear war. It is impossible to know whether such pronouncements are wholly sincere or whether they are only part of a game of bluff. Whichever they may be, they are exceedingly dangerous. If they are only bluff, there is a danger that bluff may be called.
 出典: Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare, 1959, pp. 41-42.
 詳細情報:Not available

 同様に, 日本の仏教徒のなかでどの宗派を信じるかは、たまたま先祖がたまための事情で特定の宗派を信じるようになったためにすぎない。それぞれが各宗教を比較検討して特定の宗派を信じることに決め、それが子孫に伝わってきているにすぎない。