人間の魂の孤独 the loneliness of the human soul

【 バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の言葉 r366-c171】


「人間の魂の孤独は耐えられないものであり,また,’宗教的導師’が説いた ような種類の愛が最高度になくしては,いかなるものも人間の魂に浸透することはできない。この愛の泉からわき出でたものでなければいかなるものも有害か,よくても無用である。その当然の結果として,戦争は間違っており,(英国の)パブリック・スクール式の教育は忌まわしいものであり,暴力の行使は非難されるべきである,また,人間関係において,人は,一人一人の人間の内なる孤独の核心にふれあうべきであり,語りかけるべきである。」

When we came home, we found Mrs. Whitehead undergoing an unusually severe bout of pain. She seemed cut off from everyone and everything by walls of agony, and the sense of the solitude of each human soul suddenly overwhelmed me. Ever since my marriage, my emotional life had been calm and superficial. I had forgotten all the deeper issues, and had been content with flippant cleverness. Suddenly the ground seemed to give way beneath me, and I found myself in quite another region. Within five minutes I went through some such reflections as the following:

the loneliness of the human soul is unendurable; nothing can penetrate it except the highest intensity of the sort of love that religious teachers have preached; whatever does not spring from this motive is harmful, or at best useless; it follows that war is wrong, that a public school education is abominable, that the use of force is to be deprecated, and that in human relations one should penetrate to the core of loneliness in each person and speak to that.
出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 6, Principia Mathematica, 1967]
詳細情報: http://russell-j.com/beginner/AB16-030.HTM#r366-c171