

* 出典:バートランド・ラッセル(著),牧野力(訳)『中国の問題』(理想社,1970年9月。276+ii pp.)
* 原著:The Problem of China, 1922.


chap. 1: Questions, n.1

* 写真は,北京大学におけるラッセル(本書出版の前年1921年に撮影)/出典:R. Clark's The Life of B. Russell, 1975

 たとえ中国問題が中国以外の外国に何の影響を与えないとしても,中国国民が全人類の約1/4を占めると見積もられているから,中国問題は極めて重要な問題であろう。(けれども),事実(実際は),全世界が中国問題の発展に致命的な影響を受けるであろう。そして,良きにつけ悪しきにつけ,それが(中国問題が),今から2世紀にわたって決定的要因となることを証明するのも当然である(→ おそらく決定的要因であることが明らかになるかもしれない)。

A European lately arrived in China, if he is of a receptive and reflective disposition, finds himself confronted with a number of very puzzling questions, for many of which the problems of Western Europe will not have prepared him. Russian problems, it is true, have important affinities with those of China, but they have also important differences; moreover they are decidedly less complex. Chinese problems, even if they affected no one outside China, would be of vast importance, since the Chinese are estimated to constitute about a quarter of the human race. In fact, however, all the world will be vitally affected by the development of Chinese affairs, which may well prove a decisive factor, for good or evil, during the next two centuries. This makes it important, to Europe and America almost as much as to Asia, that there should be an intelligent understanding of the questions raised by China, even if, as yet, definite answers are difficult to give.