
バートランド・ラッセル「政治的自由, 経済的自由, 精神的自由」

* 出典:バートランド・ラッセル(著),牧野力(訳)『民主主義とは何か,自由とは何か』(理想社,1962年5月 117pp.)<
* 原著:What is Democracy? (1953) + What is Freedom?(1952)

(2) 政治的自由, 経済的自由, 精神的自由
(2) Political Freedom, Economic Freedom, Mental Freedom

There appears to be in human nature an impulse to demand conformity even when it serves no social purpose. This is especially notable in schoolboys. In a school where everybody wears a hat, a boy will be kicked if he goes bare-headed; while, in a school where nobody weares a hat, he will be kicked if he does not go bare-headed.
[松下注: この講演が収録されている Fact and Fiction (George Allen & Unwin ed., 1961 = 1st ed.) では,以下のように途中の文章が脱落してしまっている。また, 現在一番ラッセルの著書を出版している Routledge 版の2009年刊行のものも,アレン版をそのまま引き継いでおり,要注意。因みに, Google eBooks で 'schoolboys' をキーワードにして検索すると, オリジナル版である Batchworth Press ed. (1952) - 32pp. によって,脱落がないもとの文章を確認できる。] ... notable in schoolboys. In a school where ★nobody wears a hat, a boy will be kicked if he ★does not go bare-headed. Not one bpy ...]
Not one boy in a thousand would think that an eccentric in the matter of hats is harmless.
Civilized people gradually grow out of this blind impulse towards enforced uniformity; but many never become civilized, and retain through life the crude, persecuting instincts of the schoolboy. If there is to be political liberty, this feeling must not be embodied in legislation. It was only this feeling which caused hostility to the Mormons. It was not a belief in the conventional moral code, since no one objected to polygamy in Asia and Africa.
I should not like it to be thought that I favour polygamy, but the true test of a lover of freedom comes only in relation to things that he dislikes. To tolerate what you like is easy. It is toleration of what you dislike that characterizes the liberal attitude.