
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 o030 - obstruct

★ obstruct (v)【(入り口・道路などを)ふさぐ;(光・眺めなどを)さえぎる;妨害する】

* obstruction (n):妨害;障害;議事妨害
* obstructive (adj.):妨害する


At every moment of life the civilised man is hedged about by restrictions of impulse: if he happens to feel cheerful he must not sing or dance in the street, while if he happens to feel sad he must not sit on the pavement and weep, for fear of obstructing pedestrian traffic. In youth his liberty is restricted at school, in adult life it is restricted throughout his working hours.

The conclusion to be drawn from such facts is that the governments of the world, while not positively desiring war, are just as determined as they were before 1914 to obstruct every measure that is likely to prevent war.

Great trunks of fir trees were piled up across the road. We stopped, wondering how to turn or to pass it. Suddenly, men and women appeared, as if sprung from the ground, from the nearby farms and set to work, laughing and joking, to move the obstruction.


There was something obstructing his vision.

The broken-down truck obstructed the road (the traffic). / The opposition tried to stop the law being passed by deliberate obstruction.
* obstruction (n):議事妨害
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

You can't park here, you're obstructing my driveway.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 8th ed.]