
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 n027 -nourish

★ nourish (v)【滋養物を与える;(子供・植物などを)育てる;(・・・を)心に抱く】

* nourishment (n):栄養
* nourishing (adj.):栄養になる


Whatever we may wish to think, we are creatures of Earth; our life is part of the life of the Earth, and we draw our nourishment from it just as the plants and animals do.

Those of us whose work is not manual are apt to have far less physical exercise than the health of the body demands; or diet also tends to be rich without being nourishing.

I have lived in the pursuit of a vision, both personal and social. Personal: to care for what is noble, for what is beautiful, for what is gentle: to allow moments of insight to give wisdom at more mundane times. Social: to see in imagination the society that is to be created, where individuals grow freely, and where hate and greed and envy die because there is nothing to nourish them.


Fall leaves and decayed trees are stored in the soil as organic matter to nourish plants.

Milk is a nourishing drink. / The child took no nourishment all day.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

All the children were well nourished and in good physical condition.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]