
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 l033 - lump

★ lump (n)【塊(かたまり);こぶ,腫れ物;(口語)ずんぐりした人;(俗)たくさん】

* in a (one) lump ひとまとめに,一括して
* lump in the (one's) throat ぐっと胸につかえるもの


あるいは アマゾンで購入
Is man what he seems to the astronomer, a tiny lump of impure carbon and water impotently crawling on a small and unimportant planet?

Then there was a French cook named Michaud, who was rather terrifying, but in spite of her awe-inspiring qualities I could not resist going to the kitchen to see the roast meat turning on the old-fashioned spit, and to steal lumps of salt, which I liked better than sugar, out of the salt box.
* spit (n):焼串;岬


a lump of gold.
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.414]

There are lumps in the sauce. / The scene where the lovers say goodbye really brought a lump to my throat.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]