
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 j006 - jury

★ jury (n)[陪審;陪審員団]


あるいは アマゾンで購入
Imagine the district attorney, a rabbit selected for his powers of eloquent invective, addressing the jury of rabbits. 'This degraded creature', he would thunder, 'who, incredible as it may appear, has been regarded with respect by his own abominable species, solemnly maintains that there is no wickedness in the wanton destruction of our noblest citizens to satisfy the gross appetites of so-called human beings.
* invective (n):毒舌,非難;(通例複数形で)ののしり言葉
* district attorney : (米)州検察官
* solemn (adj.):まじめな;厳粛な;まじめくさった;宗教上の
* wanton (adj.):理由のない,むちゃくちゃな


Suppose you are unjustly accused of murder, and there is a good prima facie case against you. The whole of the resources of the State are set in motion to seek out possible witnesses against you, and the ablest lawyers are employed by the State to create prejudice against you in the minds of the jury.
* prima facie 見たところでの 【 a prima facie case (申し立てとおりの)一応の証拠のある事件】


Some countries have adopted the system of trial by jury.

The jury has reached a verdict.
 出典:Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary, 1982]

I've been called up to do jury service.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]