
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 f043 - fidelity

★ fidelity (n)【(約束・義務などの)厳守;忠誠;貞節;事実に即していること;(無線)忠実度】

* infidelity (n):不信心;背信;不貞(行為)


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It was this book chiefly which, in 1940, supplied material for the attack on me in New York. In it, I developed the view that complete fidelity was not to be expected in most marriages, but that a husband and wife ought to be able to remain good friends in spite of affairs.

Every man knows that he is liable to an occasional lapse from technical fidelity without on that account wishing his marriage to be broken up, but while everyone knows this concerning himself, few people can manage to believe it with regard to their partner.
* technical (adj.):法律上の

Acting, singing, and dancing seem to me the best methods of teaching aesthetic precision. Drawing is less good, because it is likely to be judged by its fidelity to the model, not by aesthetic standards.
 出典:ラッセル『教育論』第三部 知性の教育_第14章「一般的原理」]


fidelity to one's country / The speech was transcribed with great fidelity.
 出典:Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary, 1982 ed.]

Fidelity is loyalty to a person, organization, or set of beliefs. / Fidelity is being loyal to your husband, wife, or partner by not having a sexual relationship with anyone else.
[ 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, 3rd ed.]